spark-default.conf 配置css
spark.executor.instance 參數,向Yarn申請建立的資源池實例數html
spark.executor.cores 參數,每一個container中所包含的core數量java
spark.executor.memory 參數,每一個資源池所具備的內存數node
spark.dirver.memory 參數,driver端所佔用的資源數mysql
spark.storage.memoryFraction 參數,用於cache數據與計算數據集的內存使用比例linux
spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max 參數,序列化最大值,默認64Mnginx
spark.shuffle.consolidateFiles 參數,shuffle是否合併文件c++
spark.rdd.compress 參數,rdd是否進行壓縮
spark.sql.shuffle.partitions 參數,shuffle過程當中所建立的partition個數
spark.reducer.maxSizeInFlight 參數,設置shuffle read task的buffer緩衝大小,它將決定每次數據從遠程的executors中拉取大小。這個拉取過程是由5個並行的request,從不一樣的executor中拉取過來,從而提高了fetch的效率。
spark.shuffle.io.retryWait 參數,每次拉取數據的等待間隔
spark.shuffle.manage 參數,使用hash,同時與參數spark.shuffle.consolidateFiles true並用。由於不須要對中間結果進行排序,同時合併中間文件的個數,從而減小打開文件的性能消耗,在spark2.0.2中不可直接配置hash,會報錯,其餘優化參數包括:Sort Shuffle、Tungsten Sort,這裏咱們要根據數據量進行選擇,優缺點請參考本博客《Spark Shuffle詳細過程》
spark.executor.heartbeatInterval 參數,與driver的通信間隔,使driver知道executor有木有掛
spark.driver.maxResultSize 參數,全部分區的序列化結果的總大小限制
spark.yarn.am.cores 參數,在yarn-client模式下,申請Yarn App Master所用的CPU核數
spark.master 參數,選用的模式
spark.task.maxFailures 參數,task失敗多少次後丟棄job(防止由於網絡IO等問題失敗,從新拉取)
spark.shuffle.file.buffer 參數,會增大Map任務的寫磁盤前的cache緩存
spark-env.sh 配置
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR 參數,配置hadoop所在配置文件路徑
export HADOOP_HOME 參數,配置hadoop Client的所在路徑
export JAVA_HOME 參數,配置JAVA的環境變量地址
export SPARK_YARN_APP_NAME 參數,配置application的名稱
export SPARK_LOG_DIR 參數,配置Spark log的輸出路徑
export SPARK_PID_DIR 參數,配置spark的Pid輸出路徑
將hive-site.xml文件放入spark的conf下 修改spark thrift port,使其與hive的thrift的port分離開來,同時配置mysql的數據源,由於hive的meta信息存在mysql中,以及配置meta指定的hdfs路徑:
<description>Port number of HiveServer2 Thrift interface.
Can be overridden by setting $HIVE_SERVER2_THRIFT_PORT</description>
<description>Driver class name for a JDBC metastore</description>
<description>username to use against metastore database</description>
<description>password to use against metastore database</description>
spark.dynamicAllocation.cachedExecutorIdleTimeout 360000000 若是executor中有數據則不移除
spark.dynamicAllocation.executorIdleTimeout 60s executor空閒時間達到規定值,則將該executor移除
spark.dynamicAllocation.initialExecutors 3 若是全部的executor都移除了,從新請求時啓動的初始executor數
spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors 30 可以啓動的最大executor數目
spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors 1 可以啓動的最小executor數目
spark.dynamicAllocation.schedulerBacklogTimeout 1s task等待運行時間超過該值後開始啓動executor
spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled True 開啓動態參數配置
spark.dynamicAllocation.sustainedSchedulerBacklogTimeout 1s 啓動executor的時間間隔
/usr/local/spark-1.6.1/sbin/start-thriftserver.sh \
--conf spark.shuffle.service.enabled=true \
--conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=true \
--conf spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors=2 \
--conf spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors=30 \
--conf spark.dynamicAllocation.sustainedSchedulerBacklogTimeout = 5s \
--conf spark.dynamicAllocation.schedulerBacklogTimeout=1s \
--conf spark.dynamicAllocation.initialExecutors=2 \
--conf spark.dynamicAllocation.executorIdleTimeout=60s \
--conf spark.dynamicAllocation.cachedExecutorIdleTimeout=360000000s \
--conf spark.driver.memory=50g
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd"> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>sparkApp</groupId> <artifactId>sparkApp</artifactId> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> <inceptionYear>2008</inceptionYear> <properties> <scala.version>2.10.0</scala.version> <spring.version>4.0.2.RELEASE</spring.version> <hadoop.version>2.6.0</hadoop.version> <jedis.version>2.8.1</jedis.version> </properties> <repositories> <repository> <id>scala-tools.org</id> <name>Scala-Tools Maven2 Repository</name> <url>http://scala-tools.org/repo-releases</url> </repository> </repositories> <pluginRepositories> <pluginRepository> <id>scala-tools.org</id> <name>Scala-Tools Maven2 Repository</name> <url>http://scala-tools.org/repo-releases</url> </pluginRepository> </pluginRepositories> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.scala-lang</groupId> <artifactId>scala-library</artifactId> <version>${scala.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>junit</groupId> <artifactId>junit</artifactId> <version>4.4</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> <!-- SPARK START --> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.spark</groupId> <artifactId>spark-core_2.10</artifactId> <version>1.6.1</version> </dependency> <!--<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.spark</groupId> <artifactId>spark-streaming-kafka_2.10</artifactId> <version>1.6.1</version> </dependency>--> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.spark</groupId> <artifactId>spark-sql_2.10</artifactId> <version>1.6.1</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.spark</groupId> <artifactId>spark-mllib_2.10</artifactId> <version>1.6.1</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.spark</groupId> <artifactId>spark-hive_2.10</artifactId> <version>1.6.1</version> </dependency> <!-- SPARK END --> <!-- HADOOP START --> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.hadoop</groupId> <artifactId>hadoop-hdfs</artifactId> <version>${hadoop.version}</version> <exclusions> <exclusion> <groupId>commons-logging</groupId> <artifactId>commons-logging</artifactId> </exclusion> <exclusion> <groupId>log4j</groupId> <artifactId>log4j</artifactId> </exclusion> <exclusion> <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId> <artifactId>slf4j-log4j12</artifactId> </exclusion> <exclusion> <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId> <artifactId>slf4j-api</artifactId> </exclusion> <exclusion> <groupId>javax.servlet.jsp</groupId> <artifactId>jsp-api</artifactId> </exclusion> </exclusions> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.hadoop</groupId> <artifactId>hadoop-common</artifactId> <version>${hadoop.version}</version> </dependency> <!-- HADOOP END --> <!-- hbase START --> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.hbase</groupId> <artifactId>hbase-server</artifactId> <version>1.0.2</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.htrace</groupId> <artifactId>htrace-core</artifactId> <version>3.1.0-incubating</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.hbase</groupId> <artifactId>hbase-client</artifactId> <version>1.0.2</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.hbase</groupId> <artifactId>hbase-common</artifactId> <version>1.0.2</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.hbase</groupId> <artifactId>hbase-protocol</artifactId> <version>1.0.2</version> </dependency> <!-- hbase END --> <dependency> <groupId>com.google.guava</groupId> <artifactId>guava</artifactId> <version>11.0.2</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.slf4j</groupId> <artifactId>slf4j-api</artifactId> <version>1.7.12</version> </dependency> <!-- REDIS START --> <dependency> <groupId>redis.clients</groupId> <artifactId>jedis</artifactId> <version>${jedis.version}</version> </dependency> <!-- REDIS END --> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.commons</groupId> <artifactId>commons-lang3</artifactId> <version>3.1</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.commons</groupId> <artifactId>commons-pool2</artifactId> <version>2.3</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>mysql</groupId> <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId> <version>5.1.26</version> </dependency> <!--<dependency> <groupId>org.datanucleus</groupId> <artifactId>datanucleus-api-jdo</artifactId> <version>3.2.6</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.datanucleus</groupId> <artifactId>datanucleus-core</artifactId> <version>3.2.1</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.datanucleus</groupId> <artifactId>datanucleus-rdbms</artifactId> <version>3.2.9</version> </dependency>--> <dependency> <groupId>io.netty</groupId> <artifactId>netty-all</artifactId> <version>5.0.0.Alpha1</version> </dependency> <!-- <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.hive</groupId> <artifactId>hive-service</artifactId> <version>1.2.1</version> </dependency>--> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.hive</groupId> <artifactId>hive-jdbc</artifactId> <version>2.1.0</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.hive</groupId> <artifactId>hive-service</artifactId> <version>1.2.1</version> </dependency> </dependencies> <build> <!-- <sourceDirectory>src/main/scala</sourceDirectory> <testSourceDirectory>src/test/scala</testSourceDirectory>--> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.scala-tools</groupId> <artifactId>maven-scala-plugin</artifactId> <executions> <execution> <goals> <goal>compile</goal> <goal>testCompile</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> <configuration> <scalaVersion>${scala.version}</scalaVersion> <args> <arg>-target:jvm-1.5</arg> </args> </configuration> </plugin> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-eclipse-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <downloadSources>true</downloadSources> <buildcommands> <buildcommand>ch.epfl.lamp.sdt.core.scalabuilder</buildcommand> </buildcommands> <additionalProjectnatures> <projectnature>ch.epfl.lamp.sdt.core.scalanature</projectnature> </additionalProjectnatures> <classpathContainers> <classpathContainer>org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER</classpathContainer> <classpathContainer>ch.epfl.lamp.sdt.launching.SCALA_CONTAINER</classpathContainer> </classpathContainers> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build> <reporting> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.scala-tools</groupId> <artifactId>maven-scala-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <scalaVersion>${scala.version}</scalaVersion> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </reporting> </project>
1 package hbase 2 3 import java.util.{Calendar, Date} 4 5 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration 6 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.{Result, Scan} 7 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter._ 8 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.ImmutableBytesWritable 9 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.TableInputFormat 10 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.ProtobufUtil 11 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.{Base64, Bytes} 12 import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkContext} 13 import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD 14 import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} 15 16 /** 17 * Created by ysy on 2016/11/6. 18 */ 19 object HBaseTableHelper extends Serializable { 20 21 val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HBaseTableHelper.getClass) 22 23 //根據timestramp過濾加載Hbase數據 24 def tableInitByTime(sc : SparkContext,tablename:String,columns :String,fromdate: Date,todate:Date):RDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable,Result)] = { 25 val configuration = HBaseConfiguration.create() 26 configuration.set(TableInputFormat.INPUT_TABLE, tablename) 27 28 val scan = new Scan 29 scan.setTimeRange(fromdate.getTime,todate.getTime) 30 val column = columns.split(",") 31 for(columnName <- column){ 32 scan.addColumn("f1".getBytes, columnName.getBytes) 33 } 34 configuration.set(TableInputFormat.SCAN, convertScanToString(scan)) 35 val hbaseRDD = sc.newAPIHadoopRDD(configuration, classOf[TableInputFormat], classOf[org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.ImmutableBytesWritable], classOf[org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result]) 36 logger.info("-------count-------" + hbaseRDD.count() + "------------------") 37 hbaseRDD 38 } 39 40 def convertScanToString(scan : Scan) = { 41 val proto = ProtobufUtil.toScan(scan) 42 Base64.encodeBytes(proto.toByteArray) 43 } 44 45 //根據時間條件filter數據 46 def tableInitByFilter(sc : SparkContext,tablename : String,columns : String,time : String) : RDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable,Result)] = { 47 val configuration = HBaseConfiguration.create() 48 configuration.set(TableInputFormat.INPUT_TABLE,tablename) 49 val filter: Filter = new RowFilter(CompareFilter.CompareOp.GREATER_OR_EQUAL, new SubstringComparator(time)) 50 val scan = new Scan 51 scan.setFilter(filter) 52 val column = columns.split(",") 53 for(columnName <- column){ 54 scan.addColumn("f1".getBytes, columnName.getBytes) 55 } 56 val hbaseRDD = sc.newAPIHadoopRDD(configuration, classOf[TableInputFormat], classOf[org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.ImmutableBytesWritable], classOf[org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result]) 57 logger.info("-------count-------" + hbaseRDD.count() + "------------------") 58 hbaseRDD 59 } 60 61 def HBaseTableInit(): Unit ={ 62 63 } 64 65 def hbaseToHiveTable(): Unit ={ 66 67 } 68 69 //前N天的時間戳獲取 70 def getPassDays(beforeDay : Int): Date ={ 71 val calendar = Calendar.getInstance() 72 var year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) 73 var dayOfYear = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) 74 var j = 0 75 for(i <- 0 to beforeDay){ 76 calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, dayOfYear - j); 77 if (calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) < year) { 78 //跨年了 79 j = 1; 80 //更新 標記年 81 year = year + 1; 82 //重置日曆 83 calendar.set(year,Calendar.DECEMBER,31); 84 //從新獲取dayOfYear 85 dayOfYear = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); 86 }else{ 87 j = j + 1 88 } 89 } 90 calendar.getTime() 91 } 92 93 //根據startRow與endRow進行過濾 94 def scanHbaseByStartAndEndRow(sc : SparkContext,startRow : String,stopRow : String,tableName : String) : RDD[(ImmutableBytesWritable,Result)] ={ 95 val configuration = HBaseConfiguration.create() 96 val scan = new Scan() 97 scan.setCacheBlocks(false) 98 scan.setStartRow(Bytes.toBytes(startRow)) 99 scan.setStopRow(Bytes.toBytes(stopRow)) 100 val filterList = new FilterList() 101 filterList.addFilter(new KeyOnlyFilter()) 102 filterList.addFilter(new InclusiveStopFilter(Bytes.toBytes(stopRow))) 103 scan.setFilter(filterList) 104 configuration.set(TableInputFormat.INPUT_TABLE,tableName) 105 configuration.set(TableInputFormat.SCAN, convertScanToString(scan)) 106 val hbaseRDD = sc.newAPIHadoopRDD(configuration, classOf[TableInputFormat], classOf[org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.ImmutableBytesWritable], classOf[org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result]) 107 logger.info("-------ScanHbaseCount-------" + hbaseRDD.count() + "------------------") 108 hbaseRDD 109 } 110 111 }
1 package hive 2 3 import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkContext} 4 import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD 5 import org.apache.spark.sql.Row 6 import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext 7 import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType} 8 9 /** 10 * Created by uatcaiwy on 2016/11/6. 11 */ 12 object HiveTableHelper extends Logging { 13 14 def hiveTableInit(sc:SparkContext): HiveContext ={ 15 val sqlContext = new HiveContext(sc) 16 sqlContext 17 } 18 19 def writePartitionTable(HCtx:HiveContext,inputRdd:RDD[Row],tabName:String,colNames:String):Unit ={ 20 val schema = StructType( 21 colNames.split(" ").map(fieldName => StructField(fieldName,StringType,true)) 22 ) 23 val table = colNames.replace(" dt","").split(" ").map(name => name + " String").toList.toString().replace("List(","").replace(")","") 24 val df = HCtx.createDataFrame(inputRdd,schema) 25 df.show(20) 26 logInfo("----------------------------------begin write table-----------------------------------") 27 val temptb = "temp" + tabName 28 HCtx.sql("drop table if exists " + tabName) 29 df.registerTempTable(temptb) 30 HCtx.sql("CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE if not exists " + tabName +" ("+ table+ ") PARTITIONED BY (`dt` string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileIn putFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat'") 31 HCtx.sql("set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = nonstrict") 32 HCtx.sql("insert overwrite table " + tabName + " partition(`dt`)" + " select * from " + temptb) 33 } 34 }
1 package importSplitFiletoHive 2 3 import org.apache.hadoop.io.{LongWritable, Text} 4 import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat 5 import org.apache.spark.SparkContext 6 import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD 7 8 /** 9 * Created by ysy on 2016/12/7. 10 */ 11 object changeEncode { 12 13 def changeFileEncoding(sc:SparkContext,path:String,encode : String):RDD[String]={ 14 sc.hadoopFile(path,classOf[TextInputFormat],classOf[LongWritable],classOf[Text],1) 15 .map(p => new String(p._2.getBytes,0,p._2.getLength,encode)) 16 }
1 import hive.HiveTableHelper 2 import org.apache.spark.Logging 3 import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD 4 import org.apache.spark.sql.Row 5 import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext 6 import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType} 7 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory 8 9 import scala.xml._ 10 11 object xmlParse extends Logging{ 12 val schemaString = "column1,column2...." 13 def getPBOC_V1_F1(HCtx:HiveContext,rdd:RDD[String],outputTablename:String):Unit = { 14 val tbrdd = rdd.filter(_.split("\t").length == 9) 15 .filter(_.split("\t")(8) != "RESULTS") 16 .map(data => { 17 val sp = data.split("\t") 18 val dt = sp(5).substring(0, 10).replaceAll("-", "") 19 ((sp(0), sp(1), sp(2), sp(3), sp(4), sp(5), sp(6), "RN"), sp(8), dt) 20 }).filter(_._2 != "") 21 .filter(_._2.split("<").length > 2) 22 .filter(data => !(data._2.indexOf("SingleQueryResultMessage0009") == -1 || data._2.indexOf("ReportMessage") == -1)) 23 .map(data => { 24 val xml = if (XML.loadString(data._2) != null) XML.loadString(data._2) else null 25 logDebug("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%finding xml-1:" + xml + "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%") 26 val column1 = if ((xml \ "PBOC" \ "TYPE") != null) (xml \ "PBOC" \ "TYPE").text else "null" 27 val column2 = if ((xml \ "HEAD" \ "VER") != null) (xml \ "HEAD" \ "VER").text else "null" 28 val column3 = if ((xml \ "HEAD" \ "SRC") != null) (xml \ "HEAD" \ "SRC").text else "null" 29 val column4 = if ((xml \ "HEAD" \ "DES") != null) (xml \ "HEAD" \ "DES").text else "null" 30 .... 31 (data._1,column1,column2,column3...) 32 }) 33 ROW(....) 34 HiveTableHelper.writePartitionTable(HCtx, tbrdd, outputTablename, schemaString)
1 package redis 2 3 import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} 4 import redis.clients.jedis.{Jedis, JedisPool, JedisPoolConfig} 5 6 import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer 7 import scala.util.Random 8 9 /** 10 * Created by ysy on 2016/11/21. 11 */ 12 object RedisClient extends Serializable{ 13 val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisClient.getClass) 14 @transient private var jedisPool : JedisPool = null 15 private var jedisPoolList = new ArrayBuffer[JedisPool] 16 private val poolSize = 0 17 makePool 18 19 def makePool() ={ 20 val pc = new PropConfig("redis.properties"); 21 if(jedisPool == null){ 22 val poolConfig : JedisPoolConfig = new JedisPoolConfig 23 poolConfig.setMaxIdle(pc.getProperty("redis.pool.maxActive").toInt) 24 poolConfig.setMaxTotal(pc.getProperty("redis.pool.maxActive").toInt) 25 poolConfig.setMaxWaitMillis(pc.getProperty("redis.pool.maxWait").toInt) 26 poolConfig.setTestOnBorrow(pc.getProperty("redis.pool.testOnBorrow").toBoolean) 27 poolConfig.setTestOnReturn(pc.getProperty("redis.pool.testOnReturn").toBoolean) 28 val hosts = pc.getProperty("redis.pool.servers").split(",") 29 .map(data => data.split(":")) 30 for(host <- hosts){ 31 jedisPool = new JedisPool(poolConfig,host(0),host(1).toInt,pc.getProperty("redis.server.timeout").toInt) 32 jedisPoolList += jedisPool 33 } 34 } 35 36 } 37 38 39 def getForString(key : String) : String = { 40 var value = "" 41 if(key != null && !key.isEmpty()){ 42 val jedis = getJedis 43 value = jedis.get(key) 44 } 45 value 46 } 47 48 def setForString(key : String,value : String) ={ 49 if(key != null && !key.isEmpty){ 50 var jedis = getJedis 51 jedis.set(key,value) 52 }else{ 53 54 } 55 } 56 57 def zexsist(key : String) : Boolean ={ 58 var flag = false 59 if(key != null && !key.isEmpty){ 60 val jedis = getJedis 61 62 val resultNum = jedis.zcard(key) 63 if("0".equals(resultNum.toLong)){ 64 flag = true 65 } 66 } 67 flag 68 } 69 70 def getJedis() : Jedis ={ 71 var ramNub = 0 72 if(poolSize == 1){ 73 ramNub = 0 74 }else{ 75 val random = new Random 76 ramNub = Math.abs(random.nextInt % 1) 77 } 78 jedisPool = jedisPoolList(ramNub) 79 jedisPool.getResource 80 } 81 82 def returnJedisResource(redis : Jedis): Unit ={ 83 if(redis != null){ 84 redis.close() 85 } 86 } 87 88 def close: Unit = { 89 for(jedisPool <- jedisPoolList){ 90 jedisPool.close 91 } 92 if(jedisPool!=null && !jedisPool.isClosed()){ 93 jedisPool.close 94 }else{ 95 jedisPool=null 96 } 97 } 98 99 }
./spark-submit --conf spark.ui.port=5566 --name "sparkApp" --master yarn-client --num-executors 3 --executor-cores 2 --executor-memory 10g --class impl.spark /usr/local/spark1.6.1/sparkApp/sparkApp.jar
yum install gcc
yum install gcc-c++
yum install make
yum install autoconfautomake libtool cmake
yum install ncurses-devel
yum install openssl-devel
tar -xvf protobuf-2.5.0.tar.bz2
cd protobuf-2.5.0
./configure --prefix=/opt/protoc/
make && make install
mvn clean package -Pdist,native -DskipTests -Dtar
編譯完的hadoop在 /home/hadoop/ocdc/hadoop-2.6.0-src/hadoop-dist/target 路徑下
配置hosts文件 master slave1
命令行輸入 hostname master
執行命令生成密鑰: ssh-keygen -t rsa -P ""
進入文件夾cd .ssh (進入文件夾後能夠執行ls -a 查看文件)
將生成的公鑰id_rsa.pub 內容追加到authorized_keys(執行命令:cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys)
<description>Abasefor other temporary directories.</description>
<!-- ns1下面有兩個NameNode,分別是nn1,nn2 -->
<!-- Site specific YARN configuration properties -->
<!-- 指定nodemanager啓動時加載server的方式爲shuffle server -->
<!-- 指定resourcemanager地址 -->
關於MapReduce,1年多前你們都以爲很神祕,其實 就至關於在Map階段或者Reduce階段中,進行數據的處理,也能夠在Map中讀取寫入hbase、redis均可以~其實就至關於在MapReduce中寫業務處理邏輯,代碼以下:
1 public static class Map extends MapReduceBase implments Mapper<LongWritable,Text,Text,IntWritable>{ 2 //設置常量1,用來造成<word,1>形式的輸出 3 private fianll static IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1) 4 private Text word = new Text(); 5 6 public void map(LongWritable key,Text value,OutputCollector<Text,output,Reporter reporter) throws IOException{ 7 //hadoop執行map函數時爲是一行一行的讀取數據處理,有多少行,就會執行多少次map函數 8 String line = value.toString(); 9 //進行單詞的分割,能夠多傳入進行分割的參數 10 StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line); 11 //遍歷單詞 12 while(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()){ 13 //往Text中寫入<word,1> 14 word.set(tokenizer.nextToken()); 15 output.collect(word,one); 16 } 17 } 18 } 19 //須要注意的是,reduce將相同key值(這裏是word)的value值收集起來,造成<word,list of 1>的形式,再將這些1累加 20 public static class Reduce extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer<Text IntWritable,Text,IntWritable>{ 21 public void reduce(Text key,Iterator<IntWritable> values,OutputCollector<Text,IntWritable> output,Reporter reporter) throws IOException{ 22 //初始word個數設置 23 int sum = 0; 24 while(values,hasNext()){ 25 //單詞個數相加 26 sum += value.next().get(); 27 } 28 output.collect(key,new IntWritbale(sum)); 29 } 30 }
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/yangsy/jdk1.7.0_55
export HBASE_CLASSPATH=/usr/local/hbase-1.0.2/conf
export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=false
//HBase Master Web借鑑綁定的默認端口,默認爲0.0.0.0
1 package HbaseTest; 2 3 import akka.io.Tcp; 4 import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; 5 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.*; 6 import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.*; 7 8 import java.util.ArrayList; 9 import java.util.List; 10 11 /** 12 * Created by root on 5/30/16. 13 */ 14 public class HbaseTest { 15 private Configuration conf; 16 public void init(){ 17 conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(); 18 } 19 20 public void createTable(){ 21 Connection conn = null; 22 try{ 23 conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf); 24 HBaseAdmin hadmin = (HBaseAdmin)conn.getAdmin(); 25 HTableDescriptor desc = new HTableDescriptor("TableName".valueOf("yangsy")); 26 27 desc.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor("f1")); 28 if(hadmin.tableExists("yangsy")){ 29 System.out.println("table is exists!"); 30 System.exit(0); 31 }else{ 32 hadmin.createTable(desc); 33 System.out.println("create table success"); 34 } 35 }catch (Exception e){ 36 e.printStackTrace(); 37 }finally { 38 { 39 if(null != conn){ 40 try{ 41 conn.close(); 42 }catch(Exception e){ 43 e.printStackTrace(); 44 } 45 } 46 } 47 } 48 } 49 50 public void query(){ 51 Connection conn = null; 52 HTable table = null; 53 ResultScanner scan = null; 54 try{ 55 conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf); 56 table = (HTable)conn.getTable(TableName.valueOf("yangsy")); 57 58 scan = table.getScanner(new Scan()); 59 60 for(Result rs : scan){ 61 System.out.println("rowkey:" + new String(rs.getRow())); 62 63 for(Cell cell : rs.rawCells()){ 64 System.out.println("column:" + new String(CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell))); 65 66 System.out.println("columnQualifier:"+new String(CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cell))); 67 68 System.out.println("columnValue:" + new String(CellUtil.cloneValue(cell))); 69 70 System.out.println("----------------------------"); 71 } 72 } 73 }catch(Exception e){ 74 e.printStackTrace(); 75 }finally{ 76 try { 77 table.close(); 78 if(null != conn) { 79 conn.close(); 80 } 81 }catch (Exception e){ 82 e.printStackTrace(); 83 } 84 } 85 } 86 87 public void queryByRowKey(){ 88 Connection conn = null; 89 ResultScanner scann = null; 90 HTable table = null; 91 try { 92 conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf); 93 table = (HTable)conn.getTable(TableName.valueOf("yangsy")); 94 95 Result rs = table.get(new Get("1445320222118".getBytes())); 96 System.out.println("yangsy the value of rokey:1445320222118"); 97 for(Cell cell : rs.rawCells()){ 98 System.out.println("family" + new String(CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell))); 99 System.out.println("value:"+new String(CellUtil.cloneValue(cell))); 100 } 101 }catch (Exception e){ 102 e.printStackTrace(); 103 }finally{ 104 if(null != table){ 105 try{ 106 table.close(); 107 }catch (Exception e){ 108 e.printStackTrace(); 109 } 110 } 111 } 112 } 113 114 public void insertData(){ 115 Connection conn = null; 116 HTable hTable = null; 117 try{ 118 conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf); 119 hTable = (HTable)conn.getTable(TableName.valueOf("yangsy")); 120 121 Put put1 = new Put(String.valueOf("1445320222118").getBytes()); 122 123 put1.addColumn("f1".getBytes(),"Column_1".getBytes(),"123".getBytes()); 124 put1.addColumn("f1".getBytes(),"Column_2".getBytes(),"456".getBytes()); 125 put1.addColumn("f1".getBytes(),"Column_3".getBytes(),"789".getBytes()); 126 127 Put put2 = new Put(String.valueOf("1445320222119").getBytes()); 128 129 put2.addColumn("f1".getBytes(),"Column_1".getBytes(),"321".getBytes()); 130 put2.addColumn("f1".getBytes(),"Column_2".getBytes(),"654".getBytes()); 131 put2.addColumn("f1".getBytes(),"Column_3".getBytes(),"987".getBytes()); 132 133 List<Put> puts = new ArrayList<Put>(); 134 puts.add(put1); 135 puts.add(put2); 136 hTable.put(puts); 137 }catch(Exception e){ 138 e.printStackTrace(); 139 }finally{ 140 try { 141 if (null != hTable) { 142 hTable.close(); 143 } 144 }catch(Exception e){ 145 e.printStackTrace(); 146 } 147 } 148 } 149 150 public static void main(String args[]){ 151 HbaseTest test = new HbaseTest(); 152 test.init(); 153 test.createTable(); 154 test.insertData(); 155 test.query(); 156 } 157 158 159 }
kafka.brokerZkStr Kafka使用的zookeeper服務器地址
kafka.brokerZkPath 保存offset的zookeeper服務器地址
kafka.offset.zkPort 保存offset的zookeeper端口 默認2181
kafka.offset.zkRoot 保存offset的zookeeper路徑 /kafka-offset
stateUpdateIntervalMs 把offset信息寫入zookeeper的間隔時間 30000
dev.zookeeper.path : '/tmp/dev-storm-zookeeper' 以dev.zookeeper.path配置的值做爲本地目錄,以storm.zookeeper.port配置的值做爲端口,啓動一個新的zookeeper服務
drpc.childopts: '-Xms768m'
drpc.invocations.port 3773
drpc.port : 3772
drpc.queue.size : 128
drpc.request.timeout.secs : 600
drpc.worker.threads : 64
java.library.path : ''
logviewer.appender.name : 'A1'
logviewer.childopts : '-Xms128m'
logviewr.port : 8000
metrics.reporter.register : 'org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.storm.StormTimelineMetricsReporter'
nimbus.childopts : '-Xmx1024m -javaagent:/usr/hdp/current/storm-nimbus/contrib/storm-jmxetric/lib/jmxetric-1.0.4.jar=host=localhost,port=8649,wireformat31x-true...'
nimbus.cleanup.inbox.freq.secs : 600
nimbus.file.copy.exiration.secs : 600
nimbus.host nimbus的配置地址
nimbus.inbox.jar.expiration.secs 主要負責清理nimbus的inbox文件夾最後一次修改時間,默認3600秒
nimbus.monitor.freq.secs : 120
nimbus.reassign : true 當發現task失敗時nimbus是否從新分配執行。默認爲真,不建議修改
nimbus.supervisor.timeout.secs : 60
nimbus.task.launch.secs : 120
nimbus.task.timeout.secs : 30 心跳超時時間,超時後nimbus會認爲task死掉並重分配給另外一個地址
nimbus.thrift.max_buffer_size : 1048576
nimbus.thrift.port : 6627
nimbus.topology.validator : 'backtype.storm.nimbus.DefaultTopologyValidator'
storm.cluster.metrics.consumer.register : [{"class" : "org.apache.hadoop.metrics2.sink.storm.Strorm.StormTimeLineMetricsReporter"}]
storm.cluster.mode : 'distributed'
storm.local.dir : '/storage/disk1/hadoop/storm'
storm.local.mode.zmq : false
storm.log.dir : '/var/log/storm'
storm.messaging.netty.buffer_size : 5242880 爲每次批量發送的Tuple 序列化以後的Task Message 消息的大小
storm.messaging.netty.client_worker_threads : 10 指定netty服務器工做線程數量
storm.messaging.netty.max_retries : 60 指定最大重試次數
storm.messaging.netty.max_wait_ms : 2000 指定最大等待時間(毫秒)
storm.messaging.netty.min_wait_ms : 100 指定最小等待時間(毫秒)
storm.messaging.netty.server_worker_threads : 10 指定netty服務器工做線程數量
storm.messaging.transport : 'backtype.storm.messaging.netty.Context' 指定傳輸協議
storm.thrift.transport : 'backtype.storm.security.auth.SimpleTransportPlugin'
storm.zookeeper.connection.timeout : 15000
storm.zookeeper.port : 2181
storm.zookeeper.retry.interval : 1000
storm.zookeeper.retry.intervalceiling.millis : 30000
storm.zookeeper.retry.times : 5
storm.zookeeper.root : '/storm' ZooKeeper中Storm的根目錄位置
storm.zookeeper.servers : ['',''.....] zookeeper服務器列表
storm.zookeeper.session.timeout : 20000 客戶端鏈接ZooKeeper超時時間
supervisor.childopts : 在storm-deploy項目中使用,用來配置supervisor守護進程的jvm選項
supervisor.heartbeat.frequency.secs : 5 supervisor心跳發送頻率(多久發送一次)
supervisor.monitor.frequency.secs : 3 supervisor檢查worker心跳的頻率
supervisor.slots.ports : [6700,6701,....] supervisor上可以運行workers的端口列表.每一個worker佔用一個端口,且每一個端口只運行一個worker.經過這項配置能夠調整每臺機器上運行的worker數.(調整slot數/每機)
supervisor.worker.start.timeout.secs : 120
supervisor.worker.timeout.secs : 30 supervisor中的worker心跳超時時間,一旦超時supervisor會嘗試重啓worker進程.
task.heartbeat.frequency.secs : 3 task彙報狀態心跳時間間隔
task.refresh.poll.secs : 10 ask與其餘tasks之間連接同步的頻率.(若是task被重分配,其餘tasks向它發送消息須要刷新鏈接).通常來說,重分配發生時其餘tasks會理解獲得通知。該配置僅僅爲了防止未通知的狀況。
topology.acker.executors : null
topology.builtin.metrics.bucket.size.secs : 60
topology.debug : false
topology.disruptor.wait.strategy : 'com.lmax.disruptor.BlockingWaitStrategy'
topology.enable.message.timeouts : true
topology.error.throttle.interval.secs : 10
topology.executor.receive.buffer.size : 1024
topology.executor.send.buffer.size : 1024
topology.fall.back.on.java.serialization : true
topology.kryo.factory : 'backtype.storm.serialization.DefaultKryoFactory'
topology.max.error.report.per.interval : 5
topology.max.spout.pending : null 一個spout task中處於pending狀態的最大的tuples數量.該配置應用於單個task,而不是整個spouts或topology.
topology.max.task.parallelism : null 在一個topology中可以容許的最大組件並行度.該項配置主要用在本地模式中測試線程數限制.
topology.message.timeout.secs : 30 topology中spout發送消息的最大處理超時時間.若是一條消息在該時間窗口內未被成功ack,Storm會告知spout這條消息失敗。而部分spout實現了失敗消息重播功能。
topology.metrics.aggregate.metric.evict.secs : 5
topology.metrics.aggregate.per.worker : true
topology.metrics.consumer.register :
topology.metrics.expand.map.type : true
topology.metrics.metric.name.separator : ','
topology.optimize : true
topology.skip.missing.kryo.registrations : false Storm是否應該跳過它不能識別的kryo序列化方案.若是設置爲否task可能會裝載失敗或者在運行時拋出錯誤.
topology.sleep.spout.wait.strategy.time.ms : 1
topology.spoout.wait.strategy : 'backtype.storm.spout.SleeSpoutWaitStrategy'
topology.state.synchronization.timeout.secs : 60
topology.stats.sample.rate : 0.05
topology.tick.tuple.freq.secs : null
topology.transfer.buffer.size : 1024
topology.trident.batch.emit.interval.millis : 500
topology.tuple.serializer : 'backtype.storm.serialization.types.ListDelegateSerializer'
topology.worker.childopts : null
topology.worker.shared.thread.pool.size : 4
topology.workers : 40 執行該topology集羣中應當啓動的進程數量.每一個進程內部將以線程方式執行必定數目的tasks.topology的組件結合該參數和並行度提示來優化性能
transactional.zookeeper.port : null
transactional.zookeeper.root : '/transactional'
transactional.zookeeper.servers : null
ui.childopts : '-Xmx2048m'
ui.filter : null
ui.port : 8744 Storm UI的服務端口
worker.childopts :
worker.heartbeet.frequency.secs : 1
zmq.hwm : 0
zmq.linger.millis : 5000 當鏈接關閉時,連接嘗試從新發送消息到目標主機的持續時長.這是一個不經常使用的高級選項,基本上能夠忽略.
zmq.threads : 1 每一個worker進程內zeromq通信用到的線程數
1 import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; 2 import java.math.BigDecimal; 3 import java.util.Date; 4 import java.util.HashMap; 5 import java.util.List; 6 import java.util.Map; 7 8 import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; 9 import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; 10 import org.apache.commons.cli.DefaultParser; 11 import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; 12 import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; 13 import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; 14 import org.apache.storm.guava.base.Preconditions; 15 import org.edm.storm.topo.util.DelayKafkaSpout; 16 import org.edm.storm.topo.util.StormBeanFactory; 17 import org.joda.time.DateTime; 18 19 import storm.kafka.BrokerHosts; 20 import storm.kafka.KafkaSpout; 21 import storm.kafka.SpoutConfig; 22 import storm.kafka.ZkHosts; 23 import backtype.storm.Config; 24 import backtype.storm.LocalCluster; 25 import backtype.storm.StormSubmitter; 26 import backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder; 27 import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields; 28 29 public abstract class BasicTopology { 30 31 public static final String HASH_TAG = "hashTag"; 32 33 public static final Fields HASH_FIELDS = new Fields(HASH_TAG); 34 35 protected Options options = new Options(); 36 37 protected StormBeanFactory stormBeanFactory; 38 39 protected Config config = new Config(); 40 41 protected String configFile; 42 43 public BasicTopology(){ 44 config.setFallBackOnJavaSerialization(false); 45 46 config.setSkipMissingKryoRegistrations(false); 47 config.registerSerialization(Date.class); 48 config.registerSerialization(BigDecimal.class); 49 config.registerSerialization(HashMap.class); 50 config.registerSerialization(Map.class); 51 52 options.addOption("name", true, "拓撲運行時名稱"); 53 options.addOption("conf", false, "配置文件路徑"); 54 options.addOption("workers", true, "虛擬機數量"); 55 } 56 57 protected void setupConfig(CommandLine cmd) throws UnsupportedEncodingException{ 58 //配置文件名稱 59 String confLocation = cmd.getOptionValue("conf",getConfigName()); 60 //建立stormBeanFactory 61 stormBeanFactory = new StormBeanFactory(confLocation); 62 Map<String,Object> stormConfig = stormBeanFactory.getBean("stormConfig",Map.class); 63 Preconditions.checkNotNull(stormConfig); 64 config.putAll(stormConfig); 65 config.put(StormBeanFactory.SPRING_BEAN_FACTORY_XML, stormBeanFactory.getXml()); 66 //先默認加載,而後再加載命令行 67 String numWorkers = cmd.getOptionValue("workers"); 68 if(numWorkers != null){ 69 config.setNumWorkers(Integer.parseInt(numWorkers)); 70 }else{ 71 config.setNumWorkers(getNumWorkers()); 72 } 73 config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_SECS, 180); 74 config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING, 2000); 75 config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_EXECUTOR_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE, 16384); 76 config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_EXECUTOR_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE, 16384); 77 config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS, config.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS)); 78 } 79 80 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") 81 protected SpoutConfig getSpoutConfig(String topic){ 82 String brokerZkStr = (String)config.get("kafka.brokerZkStr"); 83 String brokerZkPath = (String)config.get("kafka.brokerZkPath"); 84 85 List<String> zkServers = (List<String>)config.get("kafka.offset.zkServers"); 86 Integer zkPort = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(config.get("kafka.offset.zkPort"))); 87 String zkRoot = (String)config.get("kafka.offset.zkRoot"); 88 String id = StringUtils.join(getTopoName(),"-",topic); 89 BrokerHosts kafkaBrokerZk = new ZkHosts(brokerZkStr, brokerZkPath); 90 SpoutConfig spoutConfig = new SpoutConfig(kafkaBrokerZk, topic, zkRoot, id); 91 spoutConfig.zkServers = zkServers; 92 spoutConfig.zkPort = zkPort; 93 spoutConfig.zkRoot = zkRoot; 94 spoutConfig.stateUpdateIntervalMs = 30000; 95 return spoutConfig; 96 } 97 98 //建立kafkaspout 99 public KafkaSpout getKafkaSpout(String topic){ 100 SpoutConfig spoutConfig = getSpoutConfig(topic); 101 return new DelayKafkaSpout(spoutConfig); 102 } 103 104 105 /** 106 * 拓撲可部署屢次,但從kafka獲取數據,作惟一次過濾等用的 107 * 108 * @return 109 */ 110 public abstract String getTopoName(); 111 112 public abstract String getConfigName(); 113 114 public abstract int getNumWorkers(); 115 116 public void registerKryo(Config config){ 117 118 } 119 120 public abstract void addOptions(Options options); 121 122 public abstract void setupOptionValue(CommandLine cmd); 123 124 public abstract void createTopology(TopologyBuilder builder); 125 126 public void runLocat(String[] args) throws Exception{ 127 CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); 128 CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); 129 HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); 130 formatter.printHelp("topology", options); 131 setupConfig(cmd); 132 133 config.setDebug(true); 134 config.setNumWorkers(1); 135 TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder(); 136 createTopology(builder); 137 LocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster(); 138 String topoName = cmd.getOptionValue("name", 139 StringUtils.join(getTopoName(), "-", new DateTime().toString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss"))); 140 cluster.submitTopology(topoName,config,builder.createTopology()); 141 142 } 143 144 public void run(String args[]) throws Exception{ 145 CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); 146 CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); 147 HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); 148 formatter.printHelp("topology", options); 149 setupConfig(cmd); 150 setupOptionValue(cmd); 151 152 TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder(); 153 createTopology(builder); 154 String topoName = cmd.getOptionValue("name",StringUtils.join(getTopoName(),new DateTime().toString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss"))); 155 StormSubmitter.submitTopologyWithProgressBar(topoName, config, builder.createTopology()); 156 } 157 }
1 import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; 2 import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; 3 4 import storm.kafka.KafkaSpout; 5 6 import backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder; 7 8 import com.practice.impl.BasicTopology; 9 10 public class LbsCalcTopology extends BasicTopology{ 11 12 private int spoutParallelism = 1; 13 14 private int onceParallelism = 1; 15 16 private int calculateParallelism = 1; 17 18 19 @Override 20 public void addOptions(Options options) { 21 options.addOption("spout",true,"spoutParallelism"); 22 options.addOption("once",true,"onceParallelism"); 23 options.addOption("calc",true,"calculateParallelism"); 24 } 25 26 @Override 27 public void setupOptionValue(CommandLine cmd) { 28 spoutParallelism = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("spout","1")); 29 onceParallelism = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("once","1")); 30 calculateParallelism = Integer.parseInt(cmd.getOptionValue("calc","1")); 31 } 32 33 @Override 34 public void createTopology(TopologyBuilder builder) { 35 KafkaSpout kafkaSpout = getKafkaSpout("lbs"); 36 LbsOnceBolt exactlyOnceBolt = new LbsOnceBolt(getTopoName(),"lbs","lbs"); 37 LbsCalcBolt calculateBolt = new LbsCalcBolt(); 38 39 builder.setSpout("kafkaSpout", kafkaSpout,spoutParallelism); 40 builder.setBolt("onceParallelism", exactlyOnceBolt,onceParallelism).shuffleGrouping("kafkaSpout"); 41 builder.setBolt("calculateBolt", calculateBolt, calculateParallelism).fieldsGrouping("onceParallelism", BasicTopology.HASH_FIELDS); 42 } 43 44 @Override 45 public String getTopoName() { 46 return "lbs"; 47 } 48 49 @Override 50 public String getConfigName() { 51 return "lbs-topology.xml"; 52 } 53 54 @Override 55 public int getNumWorkers() { 56 return 3; 57 } 58 59 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{ 60 LbsCalcTopology topo = new LbsCalcTopology(); 61 topo.run(args); 62 } 63 }
1 import java.util.Map; 2 3 import backtype.storm.task.OutputCollector; 4 import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext; 5 import backtype.storm.topology.OutputFieldsDeclarer; 6 import backtype.storm.topology.base.BaseRichBolt; 7 import backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple; 8 9 public class LbsCalcBolt extends BaseRichBolt{ 10 11 @Override 12 public void execute(Tuple input) { 13 try{ 14 String msg = input.getString(0); 15 if(msg != null){ 16 System.out.println(msg); 17 } 18 }catch(Exception e){ 19 e.printStackTrace(); 20 } 21 } 22 23 @Override 24 public void prepare(Map arg0, TopologyContext arg1, OutputCollector arg2) { 25 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 26 27 } 28 29 @Override 30 public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer arg0) { 31 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 32 33 } 34 35 }
-- 日誌數據存儲目錄
log.dirs = /storage/disk17/kafka-logs
-- Kafka server端口
port = 6667
-- 強制切分日誌文件的間隔時間(切分的文件大小由log.segment.bytes決定,默認1073741824 bytes)
log.roll.hours = 168
-- 日誌文件保留時間
log.retention.hours = 168
-- 每次flush到磁盤的最大消息數量,數量太大會讓寫磁盤時間過長(IO阻塞),致使客戶端發生延遲
-- 每次flush消息的間隔時間
-- zookeeper 鏈接超時時間
zookeeper.connection.timeout.ms = 20000
-- zookeeper 集羣的節點地址,多個以,號分隔
-- zooKeeper集羣中leader和follower之間的同步時間
-- 是否容許自動建立主題
-- 默認複製因子數量
-- 默認分區數量
kafka和JMS(Java Message Service)實現(activeMQ)不一樣的是:即便消息被消費,消息仍然不會被當即刪除,日誌文件將會根據broker中的配置要求,保留必定的時間以後刪除,好比log.retention.hours=168,那麼七天後,文件會被清除,不管其中的消息是否被消費。kafka經過這種簡單的手段,來釋放磁盤空間,以及減小消息消費以後對文件內容改動的磁盤IO開銷。
3.一、建立消息主題(kafka topic)
./kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper --topic topicName --partitions 2 --replication-factor 3 --create
--zookeeper zookeeper 服務端地址
--topic 消息主題名稱
--partitions 分區數量(若是不指定數量則由Kafka的配置決定)
--replication-factor 複製因子數量(副本數量,若是不指定數量則由Kafka的配置決定)
--create 建立主題
* 慎用,這條命令只是刪除zookeeper中主題的元數據,日誌文件並不會刪除,不建議直接刪除日誌文件。如需刪除,安全的措施是中止kafka集羣服務,而後執行這條命令再刪除日誌文件,最後恢復服務,恢復服務後執行--describe命令(3.3)檢查主題是否已經移除!
./kafka-run-class.sh kafka.admin.DeleteTopicCommand --zookeeper --topic topicName
./kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper --topic topicName --describe
--zookeeper zookeeper 服務端地址
--topic 消息主題名稱
----describe 主題信息
Topic:topicName PartitionCount:2 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:
Topic: topicName Partition: 0 Leader: 2 Replicas: 2,1,0 Isr: 2,1,0
Topic: topicName Partition: 1 Leader: 0 Replicas: 0,2,1 Isr: 0,2,1
-- 列出全部的主題
./kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper --list
-- 修改主題分區數量
./kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper --topic topicName --partitions 4 --alter
AbstractApplicationContext applicationContext = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(configXmlFile);
MBeanServer mbs = java.lang.management.ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
ObjectName mbeanName = getApplicationObjectName(); ApplicationServer applicationServer = new ApplicationServer(); .... mbs.registerMBean(applicationServer,mbeanNamer);
user www-data; #運行用戶
worker_processes 1; #啓動進程,一般設置成和cpu的數量相等
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; #全局錯誤日誌及PID文件
pid /var/run/nginx.pid;#PID文件
events {
use epoll; #epoll是多路複用IO(I/O Multiplexing)中的一種方式,可是僅用於linux2.6以上內核,能夠大大提升nginx的性能
worker_connections 1024;#單個後臺worker process進程的最大併發連接數
# multi_accept on;
http {
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
#sendfile 指令指定 nginx 是否調用 sendfile 函數(zero copy 方式)來輸出文件,對於普通應用,
#必須設爲 on,若是用來進行下載等應用磁盤IO重負載應用,可設置爲 off,以平衡磁盤與網絡I/O處理速度,下降系統的uptime.
sendfile on;
#tcp_nopush on;
#keepalive_timeout 0;
keepalive_timeout 65;
tcp_nodelay on;
gzip on;
gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\.(?!.*SV1)";
client_header_buffer_size 1k;
large_client_header_buffers 4 4k;
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;
upstream mysvr {
server weight=5;
server weight=1;
server weight=6;
server {
listen 80;
server_name www.xx.com;(虛擬主機ip)
access_log logs/www.xx.com.access.log main;
location / {
root /root; #定義服務器的默認網站根目錄位置
index index.php index.html index.htm; #定義首頁索引文件的名稱
fastcgi_pass www.xx.com;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/$fastcgi_script_name;
include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
# 定義錯誤提示頁面
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root /root;
location ~ ^/(images|javascript|js|css|flash|media|static)/ {
root /var/www/virtual/htdocs;
expires 30d;
#PHP 腳本請求所有轉發到 FastCGI處理. 使用FastCGI默認配置.
location ~ \.php$ {
root /root;
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /home/www/www$fastcgi_script_name;
include fastcgi_params;
location /NginxStatus {
stub_status on;
access_log on;
auth_basic "NginxStatus";
auth_basic_user_file conf/htpasswd;
#禁止訪問 .htxxx 文件
location ~ /\.ht {
deny all;
rpm -ivh hue-* --force --nodeps
rpm -ivh sentry-* --force --nodeps
hue 啓動
/usr/lib/hue/build/env/bin/hue runserver ip:port > /var/log/hue/hue-start.out 2> /var/log/hue/hue-error.out &
spark livy 集成
hue sqlited is locked
desktopdefault_hdfs_superuserhadoopHDFS管理用戶desktophttp_host10.10.4.125Hue Web Server所在主機/IPdesktophttp_port8000Hue Web Server服務端口desktopserver_userhadoop運行Hue Web Server的進程用戶desktopserver_grouphadoop運行Hue Web Server的進程用戶組desktopdefault_useryanjunHue管理員
1. 新建hue用戶
#usradd hue
#rpm -ivh hue-* --force --nodeps
2. 配置hue(/etc/hue/conf/hue.ini)
# Host where HiveServer2 is running.
# If Kerberos security is enabled, use fully-qualified domain name (FQDN).
# Port where HiveServer2 Thrift server runs on.
# Hive configuration directory, where hive-site.xml is located
# Timeout in seconds for thrift calls to Hive service
# Choose whether to use the old GetLog() thrift call from before Hive 0.14 to retrieve the logs.
# If false, use the FetchResults() thrift call from Hive 1.0 or more instead.
## use_get_log_api=false
# Limit the number of partitions that can be listed.
# The maximum number of partitions that will be included in the SELECT * LIMIT sample query for partitioned tables.
# A limit to the number of cells (rows * columns) that can be downloaded from a query
# (e.g. - 10K rows * 1K columns = 10M cells.)
# A value of -1 means there will be no limit.
# Hue will try to close the Hive query when the user leaves the editor page.
# This will free all the query resources in HiveServer2, but also make its results inaccessible.
# Thrift version to use when communicating with HiveServer2.
# New column format is from version 7.
# Enter the host on which you are running the ResourceManager
resourcemanager_host= (RM地址)
# The port where the ResourceManager IPC listens on
# Whether to submit jobs to this cluster
# Resource Manager logical name (required for HA)
# Change this if your YARN cluster is Kerberos-secured
## security_enabled=false
# URL of the ResourceManager API
resourcemanager_api_url=http://172.19.xxx.xx:8088(RM URL)
# URL of the ProxyServer API
## proxy_api_url=http://localhost:8088
# URL of the HistoryServer API
# URL of the Spark History Server
# In secure mode (HTTPS), if SSL certificates from YARN Rest APIs
# have to be verified against certificate authority
## ssl_cert_ca_verify=True
# HA support by specifying multiple clusters.
# Redefine different properties there.
# e.g.
# Resource Manager logical name (required for HA)
# Un-comment to enable
# URL of the ResourceManager API
# Configuration for HDFS NameNode
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# HA support by using HttpFs
# Enter the filesystem uri
# NameNode logical name.
logical_name=MasterNamenode(NN name)
# Use WebHdfs/HttpFs as the communication mechanism.
# Domain should be the NameNode or HttpFs host.
# Default port is 14000 for HttpFs.
webhdfs_url=的獲取hdfs的nn HA是經過WebHDFS來切換的,這個地址是啓動Webhdfs的地址)
# Change this if your HDFS cluster is Kerberos-secured
## security_enabled=false
# In secure mode (HTTPS), if SSL certificates from YARN Rest APIs
# have to be verified against certificate authority
## ssl_cert_ca_verify=True
# Directory of the Hadoop configuration
# Set this to a random string, the longer the better.
# This is used for secure hashing in the session store.
## secret_key=
# Execute this script to produce the Django secret key. This will be used when
# 'secret_key' is not set.
## secret_key_script=
# Webserver listens on this address and port
# Time zone name
# Enable or disable Django debug mode.
# Enable or disable database debug mode.
# Whether to send debug messages from JavaScript to the server logs.
# Enable or disable backtrace for server error
# Enable or disable memory profiling.
## memory_profiler=false
# Server email for internal error messages
## django_server_email='hue@localhost.localdomain'
# Email backend
## django_email_backend=django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend
# Webserver runs as this user
# This should be the Hue admin and proxy user
# This should be the hadoop cluster admin
# Database engine is typically one of:
# postgresql_psycopg2, mysql, sqlite3 or oracle.
# Note that for sqlite3, 'name', below is a path to the filename. For other backends, it is the database name
# Note for Oracle, options={"threaded":true} must be set in order to avoid crashes.
# Note for Oracle, you can use the Oracle Service Name by setting "host=" and "port=" and then "name=<host>:<port>/<service_name>".
# Note for MariaDB use the 'mysql' engine.
# Execute this script to produce the database password. This will be used when 'password' is not set.
## password_script=/path/script
## name=desktop/desktop.db
## options={}
# The RDBMS app can have any number of databases configured in the databases
# section. A database is known by its section name
# (IE sqlite, mysql, psql, and oracle in the list below).
# sqlite configuration.
## [[[sqlite]]]
# Name to show in the UI.
## nice_name=SQLite
# For SQLite, name defines the path to the database.
## name=/tmp/sqlite.db
# Database backend to use.
## engine=sqlite
# Database options to send to the server when connecting.
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/ref/databases/
## options={}
# mysql, oracle, or postgresql configuration.
# Name to show in the UI.
nice_name="HUE DB"(界面顯示mysql的名字)
# For MySQL and PostgreSQL, name is the name of the database.
# For Oracle, Name is instance of the Oracle server. For express edition
# this is 'xe' by default.
# Database backend to use. This can be:
# 1. mysql
# 2. postgresql
# 3. oracle
# IP or hostname of the database to connect to.
# Port the database server is listening to. Defaults are:
# 1. MySQL: 3306
# 2. PostgreSQL: 5432
# 3. Oracle Express Edition: 1521
# Username to authenticate with when connecting to the database.
# Password matching the username to authenticate with when
# connecting to the database.
# Database options to send to the server when connecting.
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/ref/databases/
## options={}
1. /usr/lib/hue/desktop/libs/notebook/src/notebook/connectors/hiveserver2.py
def _get_db(self, snippet):
LOG.info('log by ck get_db')
if snippet['type'] == 'hive':
name = 'beeswax'
elif snippet['type'] == 'impala':
name = 'impala'
name = 'spark-sql'
return dbms.get_by_type(self.user, 'data', query_server=get_query_server_config_for_meta(name=name))
def execute(self, notebook, snippet):
db = self._get_db(snippet)
statement = self._get_current_statement(db, snippet)
session = self._get_session(notebook, snippet['type'])
query = self._prepare_hql_query(snippet, statement['statement'], session)
if statement.get('statement_id') == 0:
handle = db.client.query(query)
except QueryServerException, ex:
raise QueryError(ex.message, handle=statement)
# All good
server_id, server_guid = handle.get()
response = {
'secret': server_id,
'guid': server_guid,
'operation_type': handle.operation_type,
'has_result_set': handle.has_result_set,
'modified_row_count': handle.modified_row_count,
'log_context': handle.log_context,
return response
2. /usr/lib/hue/apps/beeswax/src/beeswax/server/dbms.py
def get_query_server_config_for_meta(name='beeswax', server=None):
if name == 'impala':
from impala.dbms import get_query_server_config as impala_query_server_config
query_server = impala_query_server_config()
kerberos_principal = hive_site.get_hiveserver2_kerberos_principal(HIVE_SERVER_HOST.get())
query_server = {
'server_name': 'beeswax', # Aka HiveServer2 now
'server_host': '',#HIVE_SERVER_HOST.get(),
'server_port': '10010',#HIVE_SERVER_PORT.get(),
'principal': kerberos_principal,
'http_url': '%(protocol)s://%(host)s:%(port)s/%(end_point)s' % {
'protocol': 'https' if hiveserver2_use_ssl() else 'http',
'host': '',#HIVE_SERVER_HOST.get(),
'port': hive_site.hiveserver2_thrift_http_port(),
'end_point': hive_site.hiveserver2_thrift_http_path()
'transport_mode': 'http' if hive_site.hiveserver2_transport_mode() == 'HTTP' else 'socket',
'auth_username': AUTH_USERNAME.get(),
'auth_password': AUTH_PASSWORD.get()
if name == 'sparksql': # Spark SQL is almost the same as Hive
'server_name': 'sparksql',
'server_host': SPARK_SERVER_HOST.get(),
'server_port': SPARK_SERVER_PORT.get()
debug_query_server = query_server.copy()
debug_query_server['auth_password_used'] = bool(debug_query_server.pop('auth_password'))
LOG.info("Query Server: %s" % debug_query_server)
return query_server
添加query的cache locking
DBMS_CACHE_LOCK = threading.Lock()
DBMS_META_CACHE_LOCK = threading.Lock()
DBMS_DATA_CACHE_LOCK = threading.Lock()
def get(user, query_server=None):
if query_server is None:
query_server = get_query_server_config()
DBMS_CACHE.setdefault(user.username, {})
if query_server['server_name'] not in DBMS_CACHE[user.username]:
# Avoid circular dependency
from beeswax.server.hive_server2_lib import HiveServerClientCompatible
if query_server['server_name'] == 'impala':
from impala.dbms import ImpalaDbms
from impala.server import ImpalaServerClient
DBMS_CACHE[user.username][query_server['server_name']] = ImpalaDbms(HiveServerClientCompatible(ImpalaServerClient(query_server, user)), QueryHistory.SERVER_TYPE[1][0])
from beeswax.server.hive_server2_lib import HiveServerClient
DBMS_CACHE[user.username][query_server['server_name']] = HiveServer2Dbms(HiveServerClientCompatible(HiveServerClient(query_server, user)), QueryHistory.SERVER_TYPE[1][0])
return DBMS_CACHE[user.username][query_server['server_name']]
def get_by_type(user, type, query_server=None):
if query_server is None:
query_server = get_query_server_config()
if type == 'meta':
DBMS_META_CACHE.setdefault(user.username, {})
if query_server['server_name'] not in DBMS_META_CACHE[user.username]:
# Avoid circular dependency
from beeswax.server.hive_server2_lib import HiveServerClientCompatible
if query_server['server_name'] == 'impala':
from impala.dbms import ImpalaDbms
from impala.server import ImpalaServerClient
DBMS_META_CACHE[user.username][query_server['server_name']] = ImpalaDbms(HiveServerClientCompatible(ImpalaServerClient(query_server, user)), QueryHistory.SERVER_TYPE[1][0])
from beeswax.server.hive_server2_lib import HiveServerClient
DBMS_META_CACHE[user.username][query_server['server_name']] = HiveServer2Dbms(HiveServerClientCompatible(HiveServerClient(query_server, user)), QueryHistory.SERVER_TYPE[1][0])
return DBMS_META_CACHE[user.username][query_server['server_name']]
DBMS_DATA_CACHE.setdefault(user.username, {})
if query_server['server_name'] not in DBMS_DATA_CACHE[user.username]:
# Avoid circular dependency
from beeswax.server.hive_server2_lib import HiveServerClientCompatible
if query_server['server_name'] == 'impala':
from impala.dbms import ImpalaDbms
from impala.server import ImpalaServerClient
DBMS_DATA_CACHE[user.username][query_server['server_name']] = ImpalaDbms(HiveServerClientCompatible(ImpalaServerClient(query_server, user)), QueryHistory.SERVER_TYPE[1][0])
from beeswax.server.hive_server2_lib import HiveServerClient
DBMS_DATA_CACHE[user.username][query_server['server_name']] = HiveServer2Dbms(HiveServerClientCompatible(HiveServerClient(query_server, user)), QueryHistory.SERVER_TYPE[1][0])
return DBMS_DATA_CACHE[user.username][query_server['server_name']]
3. /usr/lib/hue/apps/filebrowser/src/filebrowser/templates/listdir.mako
< !-- ko if: $root.isS3 -->
< button
class ="btn fileToolbarBtn delete-link" title="${_('Delete forever')}" data-bind="enable: selectedFiles().length > 0, click: deleteSelected" > < i class ="fa fa-bolt" > < / i > ${_('Delete forever')} < / button >
< !-- / ko -->
< ul
class ="dropdown-menu" >
< li > < a
href = "#"
class ="delete-link" title="${_('Delete forever')}" data-bind="enable: selectedFiles().length > 0, click: deleteSelected" > < i class ="fa fa-bolt" > < / i > ${_('Delete forever')} < / a > < / li >
< / ul >
4. /usr/lib/hue/apps/filebrowser/src/filebrowser/templates/listdir_components.mako
< li > < a href = "#" class ="delete-link" title="${_('Delete forever')}" data-bind="enable: $root.selectedFiles().length > 0, click: $root.deleteSelected" > < i class ="fa fa-fw fa-bolt" > < / i > ${_('Delete forever')} < / a > < / li >
5. /usr/lib/hue/apps/filebrowser/src/filebrowser/views.py
request.fs.do_as_user(request.user, request.fs.rmtree, arg['path'], True) # the old code was ('skip_trash' in request.GET)
修改:fs.permissions.umask-mode 000
添加:添加hue用戶爲hdfs代理用戶(superuser)hadoop.proxyuser.hue.hosts *hadoop.proxyuser.hue.groups *