FreeMarker 自動轉義和格式化HTML和XML輸出,預防xss

這種自動轉義須要FreeMarker 版本大於等於2.3.24。若是你不得不使用一個更早的版本,請使用過期的escape指令替代。javascript


Latest stable release: 2.3.25-incubating

Released on 2016-06-26. Requires J2SE 1.5 or higher.html







Name Description MIME Type Default implementation (freemarker.core.*)
HTML Escapes <>&"' as &lt;&gt;&amp;&quot;&#39; text/html HTMLOutputFormat.INSTANCE
XHTML Escapes <>&"' as &lt;&gt;&amp;&quot;&#39; application/xhtml+xml XHTMLOutputFormat.INSTANCE
XML Escapes <>&"' as &lt;&gt;&amp;&quot;&apos; application/xml XMLOutputFormat.INSTANCE
RTF Escapes {}\ as \{\}\\ application/rtf RTFOutputFormat.INSTANCE
undefined Doesn't escape. Prints markup output values (concept explainedlater) from other output formats as is. The default output format used when no output format was explicitly set in the configuration. None (null) UndefinedOutputFormat.INSTANCE
plainText Doesn't escape. text/plain PlainTextOutputFormat.INSTANCE
JavaScript Doesn't escape. application/javascript JavaScriptOutputFormat.INSTANCE
JSON Doesn't escape. application/json JSONOutputFormat.INSTANCE
CSS Doesn't escape. text/css CSSOutputFormat.INSTANCE