The issuehtml
In the function stFeatureSpeed()
from make a call: [fbank, freqs] = mfccInitFilterBanks(Fs, nfft, lowfreq, linsc, logsc, nlinfil, nlogfil)
, but this function is only able to receive two arguments. It has the following signature: def mfccInitFilterBanks(fs, nfft)
The "extra" arguments are: lowfreq, linsc, logsc, nlinfil, nlogfilgithub
These are all defined in the mfccInitFilterBanks function itself wit exactly the same values.工具
Note that there is a comment in the source code ( that says that the stFeatureSpeed()
function is work in progress. so there could be many (non obvious) bugs. apart from this one.ui
Simply remove the arguments from the call in the stFeatureSpeed function.code
A quick fix might be to replacenfft = Win / 2
on line 680 of
with nfft = int(Win / 2)
,and modify this line of code x = signal[cur_p:cur_p + win]
-> x = signal[int(cur_p):int(cur_p + win)]
in function stFeatureSpeed.htm
add astype( at the end of the line 125 :
M = numpy.round(0.016 * fs).astype( - 1