超像素 superpixels 是什麼東西

畢業設計要作圖像分割 識別什麼的。html

看論文看到 superpixels 開始腦補是  像素插值算出來的git


http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_50363a7901011dtd.html dom



Many existing algorithms in computer vision use the pixel-grid as the underlying representation. For example, stochastic models of images, such as Markov random fields, are often defined on this regular grid. Or, face detection is typically done by matching stored templates to every fixed-size (say, 50x50) window in the image.this

The pixel-grid, however, is not a natural representation of visual scenes. It is rather an "artifact" of a digital imaging process. It would be more natural, and presumably more efficient, to work with perceptually meaningful entities obtained from a low-level grouping process. For example, we can apply the Normalized Cuts algorithm to partition an image into, say, 500 segments (what we call superpixels).spa

低級特徵分組處理的結果 就叫作 superpixels設計

超像素:以經驗爲根據的研究和應用[Superpixel: <wbr />Empirical <wbr>Studies <wbr>and <wbr>Applications] 超像素:以經驗爲根據的研究和應用[Superpixel: <wbr />Empirical <wbr>Studies <wbr>and <wbr>Applications]
(a) (b)
超像素:以經驗爲根據的研究和應用[Superpixel: <wbr />Empirical <wbr>Studies <wbr>and <wbr>Applications] 超像素:以經驗爲根據的研究和應用[Superpixel: <wbr />Empirical <wbr>Studies <wbr>and <wbr>Applications]
(c) (d)

 a是待處理圖片,b是人類的視覺分割,c是superpixel map,d是根據c新作的人類視覺分割orm



http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6f126f5b010134a3.html 方法簡介
