演示地址:http://www.coderlife.com (請在移動端查看,PC端查看請打開移動端調試模式)vue
模版中使用了Vue提供的封裝組件 transition,配合CSS類名在 enter/leave 的六種不一樣的狀態過渡中切換。github
對於這些在 enter/leave 過渡中切換的類名,v-
是這些類名的前綴。使用 <transition name="my-transition">
能夠重置前綴,好比 v-enter
替換爲 my-transition-enter
// 根據具體的跳轉類型更改跳轉屬性值,執行不一樣的動畫 const nextDirection = (direction) => { let el = document.getElementById('app') if (el) el.setAttribute('transition-direction', direction) } router['_push'] = router['push'] // 重寫路由跳轉方法,設置跳轉類型後跳轉 router.forward = router['push'] = (target) => { nextDirection('forward') setTimeout(() => { router['_push'](target) }) } // 重寫路由返回方法,設置跳轉類型後跳轉到上一頁 router.back = (target) => { nextDirection('back') if (target) { setTimeout(() => { router['_push'](target) }) } history.go(-1) }
# init template vue init CoderLQChou/v-transition-template my-transition-app # cd project cd my-transition-app # install dependencies npm install # serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 npm run dev # build for production with minification npm run build
倉庫地址:https://github.com/CoderLQCho... 歡迎starbash