Flume簡介與使用(二)——Thrift Source採集數據
繼上一篇安裝Flume後,本篇將介紹如何使用Thrift Source採集數據。
Flume的Thrift Source是其實現的衆多Source中的一個,Flume已經實現了服務器端,所以咱們能夠用任意本身熟悉的語言編寫本身的Thrift Source客戶端來採集數據,而後發送給Thrift Source服務器端。c++
1 namespace java org.apache.flume.thrift 2 3 struct ThriftFlumeEvent { 4 1: required map <string, string> headers, 5 2: required binary body, 6 } 7 8 enum Status { 9 OK, 10 FAILED, 11 ERROR, 12 UNKNOWN 13 } 14 15 service ThriftSourceProtocol { 16 Status append(1: ThriftFlumeEvent event), 17 Status appendBatch(1: list<ThriftFlumeEvent> events), 18 }
二、定義了一個service類ThriftSourceProtocol,服務器端具體實現ThriftSourceProtocol裏面的兩個方法,再由客戶端調用這些方法把數據傳給Thrift Source服務器端。ide
三、運行下面的命令:thrift --gen cpp flume.thrift,會在當前目錄生成gen-cpp目錄,裏面是Thrift自動生成c++頭文件和代碼。(在這以前要先安裝Thrift)
[二]、下面是編寫本身的客戶端代碼,我這裏是接收遠程傳過來的數據,而後發送給Flume的Thrift Source服務器。
1 #include <arpa/inet.h> 2 #include <sys/types.h> 3 #include <sys/socket.h> 4 #include <pthread.h> 5 #include <unistd.h> 6 #include <stdlib.h> 7 #include "include/MESA_prof_load.h" 8 #include "include/MESA_handle_logger.h" 9 10 #include <string> 11 #include <iostream> 12 #include "gen-cpp/flume_constants.h" 13 #include "gen-cpp/flume_types.h" 14 #include "gen-cpp/ThriftSourceProtocol.h" 15 #include <thrift/protocol/TBinaryProtocol.h> 16 #include <thrift/protocol/TCompactProtocol.h> 17 #include <thrift/transport/TSocket.h> 18 #include <thrift/transport/TTransportUtils.h> 19 using namespace std; 20 using namespace apache::thrift; 21 using namespace apache::thrift::protocol; 22 using namespace apache::thrift::transport; 23 24 #define LOG_PATH "/home/zjf/DFcode/trafficlog/traffic_source.log" 25 #define DATA_BUFFER 2048 //send buffer data length 26 #define BUFLEN 2048 //received buffer data length 27 #define BATCH_SIZE 1000 //send event num to flume once 28 29 //defined my C++ object 30 class ThriftClient{ 31 public: 32 // Thrift protocol needings... 33 boost::shared_ptr<TTransport> socket; 34 boost::shared_ptr<TTransport> transport; 35 boost::shared_ptr<TProtocol> protocol; 36 ThriftSourceProtocolClient* pClient; 37 38 public: 39 ThriftClient(); 40 }; 41 //cconstruction function, init the thrift source server ip and port 42 ThriftClient::ThriftClient(): 43 socket(new TSocket("",5497)), 44 transport(new TFramedTransport(socket)), 45 protocol(new TCompactProtocol(transport)) 46 { 47 pClient = new ThriftSourceProtocolClient(protocol); 48 } 49 50 //log 51 struct log_info_t{ 52 char *path; 53 int log_level; 54 void * handle; 55 }; 56 struct log_info_t log_info; 57 const char *module = "zjf_traffic_data_collector"; 58 59 //類的對象 60 ThriftClient *client = new ThriftClient(); 61 std::map<std::string, std::string> headers; 62 std::vector<ThriftFlumeEvent> eventbatch; 63 unsigned long long pkt_num_tgl = 0; 64 65 int RecvAndSendUDP(){ 66 MESA_handle_runtime_log(log_info.handle, RLOG_LV_INFO, module, "RecvUDP be called"); 67 int listen_socket; //socket id 68 struct sockaddr_in local; //client IP, where to recevied data 69 struct sockaddr_in from; //server IP(local host) 70 char server_addr[16] = ""; //received traffic IP 71 int server_port = 6789; //received traffic port 72 char send_buf[DATA_BUFFER] = {0}; //data send to flume 73 char Buf[BUFLEN] = {0}; 74 int fromlen; 75 int len; 76 77 //init socket 78 reconnect: 79 memset(&local, 0, sizeof(local)); 80 local.sin_family = AF_INET; 81 local.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(server_addr); 82 local.sin_port = htons(server_port); 83 listen_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); // UDP socket 84 if(listen_socket < 0) { 85 printf("error udp socket\n"); 86 }else{ 87 printf("listen_socket create OK\n"); 88 } 89 if(bind(listen_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&local, sizeof(local)) < 0) { 90 printf("error udp bind\n"); 91 return -1; 92 }else{ 93 printf("socket bind OK\n"); 94 } 95 96 while(1){ 97 char sip[16] = {0}; 98 char dip[16] = {0}; 99 char srcport[6] = {0}; 100 char destport[6] = {0}; 101 char url[BUFLEN] = {0}; 102 memset(Buf,0,BUFLEN); 103 fromlen = sizeof(from); 104 len = recvfrom(listen_socket, (void *)Buf, (size_t)BUFLEN, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from,(socklen_t *)&fromlen); 105 if(len == -1) { 106 printf("error udp recvfrom\n"); 107 close(listen_socket); 108 goto reconnect; 109 } 110 //parse received buf, transform to key-value 111 int i; 112 int sip_loc = 0; 113 int sport_loc = 0; 114 int dip_loc = 0; 115 int dport_loc = 0; 116 int dotcount = 0; 117 for(i=0;Buf[i] != '\0';i++){ 118 if(Buf[i] == '.'){ 119 dotcount++; 120 if(dotcount == 4){ 121 sip_loc = i; 122 memcpy(sip,Buf,i); 123 } 124 else if(dotcount == 8){ 125 dip_loc = i; 126 memcpy(dip,Buf+sport_loc+1,dip_loc-sport_loc-1); 127 } 128 else if(dotcount == 9){ 129 dport_loc = i; 130 memcpy(destport,Buf+dip_loc+1,dport_loc-dip_loc-1); 131 break; 132 } 133 else{} 134 } 135 if(Buf[i] == '>'){ 136 sport_loc = i; 137 memcpy(srcport,Buf+sip_loc+1,sport_loc-sip_loc-1); 138 } 139 } 140 memcpy(url,Buf+dport_loc+1,strlen(Buf)-dport_loc); 141 unsigned long src_ip = inet_addr(sip); 142 unsigned long dst_ip = inet_addr(dip); 143 sprintf(send_buf,"SrcIP=%u SrcPort=%s DestIP=%u DestPort=%s",ntohl(src_ip),srcport,ntohl(dst_ip),destport); 144 //construct an event and append to send 145 if(0 != strlen(send_buf) ){ 146 pkt_num_tgl++; 147 string sBody(send_buf); 148 ThriftFlumeEvent tfEvent; 149 tfEvent.__set_headers(headers); 150 tfEvent.__set_body(sBody); 151 eventbatch.push_back(tfEvent); 152 if(eventbatch.size() >= BATCH_SIZE){ 153 if(!client->transport->isOpen()) 154 client->transport->open(); 155 Status::type res = client->pClient->appendBatch(eventbatch); 156 if(res != Status::OK){ 157 MESA_handle_runtime_log(log_info.handle, RLOG_LV_FATAL, module, "WARNING: send event via thrift failed, return code:%d",res); 158 }else{ 159 //printf("sended %lld event data to flume successful\n", pkt_num_tgl); 160 } 161 eventbatch.clear(); 162 } 163 } 164 bzero(send_buf,DATA_BUFFER); 165 } 166 } 167 168 169 int main() 170 { 171 //create――logger 172 log_info.path = (char *)LOG_PATH; 173 log_info.log_level = 10; 174 log_info.handle = MESA_create_runtime_log_handle(log_info.path, log_info.log_level); 175 //open thrift connection 176 if(!client->transport->isOpen()){ 177 client->transport->open(); 178 } 179 eventbatch.clear(); 180 RecvAndSendUDP(); 181 return 0; 182 }
g++ -g -DHAVE_NETINET_IN_H -I. -I/usr/local/include/thrift -L/usr/local/lib rec_send_traffic_thrift.cpp gen-cpp/flume_constants.cpp gen-cpp/flume_types.cpp gen-cpp/ThriftSourceProtocol.cpp -o rec_send_traffic_thrift -lthrift -lpcap -L/usr/lib64 -lMESA_htable -lpthread -lMESA_handle_logger
1 #!/bin/sh 2 3 while [ 1 ]; do 4 ulimit -c unlimited 5 #./jz 6 #cgexec -g cpu,memory:/MESA/jz ./jz >> jz.log 7 ./rec_send_traffic_thrift 8 #./jz 9 echo program crashed, restart at `date +"%w %Y/%m/%d, %H:%M:%S"` >> RESTART.log 10 sleep 10 11 done