try{ URL u = new URL("http://www.baidu.com"); URLConnection conn = u.openConnection(); // 從URL讀取 } catch(MalformedURLException ex){ System.err.println(ex); } catch(IOException ex){ System.err.println(ex) }
public class NetworkMain { public static void main(String[] args) { try { URL url = new URL("https://www.baidu.com"); URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(); try (InputStream inputStream = urlConnection.getInputStream();){ InputStream buffer = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream); InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(buffer); int c; while ((c=reader.read()) != -1){ System.out.print((char) c); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Accept-Ranges:[bytes] null:[HTTP/1.1 200 OK] Server:[bfe/] Etag:["58860402-98b"] Cache-Control:[private, no-cache, no-store, proxy-revalidate, no-transform] Connection:[Keep-Alive] Set-Cookie:[BDORZ=27315; max-age=86400; domain=.baidu.com; path=/] Pragma:[no-cache] Last-Modified:[Mon, 23 Jan 2017 13:24:18 GMT] Content-Length:[2443] Date:[Thu, 13 Sep 2018 09:51:05 GMT] Content-Type:[text/html]
public class NetworkMain { public static void main(String[] args) { try { URL url = new URL("https://www.baidu.com"); URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(); Map<String, List<String>> headerFields = urlConnection.getHeaderFields(); for(Map.Entry<String,List<String>> entry : headerFields.entrySet()){ System.out.println(entry.getKey()+":"+entry.getValue().toString()); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
返回響應主題的MIME((Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)多用途互聯網郵件擴展類型)。其實就是內容的類型和編碼方式服務器
ResponseCache//設置默認緩存策略的對象 CacheRequest//設置請求的對象 CacheResponse//設置回覆請求的對象
import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; public class NetworkMain { public static class CacheControl { private Date maxAge = null; private Date sMaxAge = null; private boolean mustRevalidate = false; private boolean noCache = false; private boolean noStore = false; private boolean proxyRevalidate = false; private boolean publicCache = false; private boolean privateCache = false; public CacheControl(String s) { if (s == null || !s.contains(":")) { return; // default policy } String value = s.split(":")[1].trim(); String[] components = value.split(","); Date now = new Date(); for (String component : components) { try { component = component.trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US); if (component.startsWith("max-age=")) { int secondsInTheFuture = Integer.parseInt(component.substring(8)); maxAge = new Date(now.getTime() + 1000 * secondsInTheFuture); } else if (component.startsWith("s-maxage=")) { int secondsInTheFuture = Integer.parseInt(component.substring(8)); sMaxAge = new Date(now.getTime() + 1000 * secondsInTheFuture); } else if (component.equals("must-revalidate")) { mustRevalidate = true; } else if (component.equals("proxy-revalidate")) { proxyRevalidate = true; } else if (component.equals("no-cache")) { noCache = true; } else if (component.equals("public")) { publicCache = true; } else if (component.equals("private")) { privateCache = true; } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { continue; } } } public Date getMaxAge() { return maxAge; } public Date getSharedMaxAge() { return sMaxAge; } public boolean mustRevalidate() { return mustRevalidate; } public boolean proxyRevalidate() { return proxyRevalidate; } public boolean noStore() { return noStore; } public boolean noCache() { return noCache; } public boolean publicCache() { return publicCache; } public boolean privateCache() { return privateCache; } } public static class SimpleCacheRequest extends CacheRequest { private ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); @Override public OutputStream getBody() throws IOException { return out; } @Override public void abort() { out.reset(); } public byte[] getData() { if (out.size() == 0) { return null; } else { return out.toByteArray(); } } } public static class SimleCacheResponse extends CacheResponse { private final Map<String, List<String>> headers; private final SimpleCacheRequest request; private final Date expires; private final CacheControl control; public SimleCacheResponse(SimpleCacheRequest request, URLConnection uc, CacheControl control) throws IOException { this.request = request; this.control = control; this.expires = new Date(uc.getExpiration()); this.headers = Collections.unmodifiableMap(uc.getHeaderFields()); } @Override public InputStream getBody() { return new ByteArrayInputStream(request.getData()); } @Override public Map<String, List<String>> getHeaders() throws IOException { return headers; } public CacheControl getControl() { return control; } public boolean isExpired() { Date now = new Date(); if (control.getMaxAge().before(now)) return true; else if (expires != null && control.getMaxAge() != null) { return expires.before(now); } else { return false; } } } public static class MemoryCache extends ResponseCache { private final Map<URI, SimleCacheResponse> responses = new ConcurrentHashMap<URI, SimleCacheResponse>(); private final int maxEntries; public MemoryCache() { this(100); } public MemoryCache(int maxEntries) { this.maxEntries = maxEntries; } @Override public CacheRequest put(URI uri, URLConnection conn) throws IOException { if (responses.size() >= maxEntries) return null; CacheControl control = new CacheControl(conn.getHeaderField("Cache-Control")); if (control.noStore()) { return null; } else if (!conn.getHeaderField(0).startsWith("GET ")) { // only cache GET return null; } SimpleCacheRequest request = new SimpleCacheRequest(); SimleCacheResponse response = new SimleCacheResponse(request, conn, control); responses.put(uri, response); return request; } @Override public CacheResponse get(URI uri, String requestMethod, Map<String, List<String>> requestHeaders) throws IOException { if ("GET".equals(requestMethod)) { SimleCacheResponse response = responses.get(uri); // check expiration date if (response != null && response.isExpired()) { responses.remove(response); response = null; } return response; } else { return null; } } } public static void main(String[] args) { ResponseCache.setDefault(new MemoryCache()); try { URL url = new URL("https://www.baidu.com"); URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(); Map<String, List<String>> headerFields = urlConnection.getHeaderFields(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : headerFields.entrySet()) { System.out.println(entry.getKey() + ":" + entry.getValue().toString()); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
/** * The URL represents the remote object on the World Wide Web to * which this connection is opened. * <p> * The value of this field can be accessed by the * {@code getURL} method. * <p> * The default value of this variable is the value of the URL * argument in the {@code URLConnection} constructor. * * @see java.net.URLConnection#getURL() * @see java.net.URLConnection#url */ protected URL url; /** * This variable is set by the {@code setDoInput} method. Its * value is returned by the {@code getDoInput} method. * <p> * A URL connection can be used for input and/or output. Setting the * {@code doInput} flag to {@code true} indicates that * the application intends to read data from the URL connection. * <p> * The default value of this field is {@code true}. * * @see java.net.URLConnection#getDoInput() * @see java.net.URLConnection#setDoInput(boolean) */ protected boolean doInput = true; /** * This variable is set by the {@code setDoOutput} method. Its * value is returned by the {@code getDoOutput} method. * <p> * A URL connection can be used for input and/or output. Setting the * {@code doOutput} flag to {@code true} indicates * that the application intends to write data to the URL connection. * <p> * The default value of this field is {@code false}. * * @see java.net.URLConnection#getDoOutput() * @see java.net.URLConnection#setDoOutput(boolean) */ protected boolean doOutput = false; /** * If {@code true}, this {@code URL} is being examined in * a context in which it makes sense to allow user interactions such * as popping up an authentication dialog. If {@code false}, * then no user interaction is allowed. * <p> * The value of this field can be set by the * {@code setAllowUserInteraction} method. * Its value is returned by the * {@code getAllowUserInteraction} method. * Its default value is the value of the argument in the last invocation * of the {@code setDefaultAllowUserInteraction} method. * * @see java.net.URLConnection#getAllowUserInteraction() * @see java.net.URLConnection#setAllowUserInteraction(boolean) * @see java.net.URLConnection#setDefaultAllowUserInteraction(boolean) */ protected boolean allowUserInteraction = defaultAllowUserInteraction; /** * If {@code true}, the protocol is allowed to use caching * whenever it can. If {@code false}, the protocol must always * try to get a fresh copy of the object. * <p> * This field is set by the {@code setUseCaches} method. Its * value is returned by the {@code getUseCaches} method. * <p> * Its default value is the value given in the last invocation of the * {@code setDefaultUseCaches} method. * * @see java.net.URLConnection#setUseCaches(boolean) * @see java.net.URLConnection#getUseCaches() * @see java.net.URLConnection#setDefaultUseCaches(boolean) */ protected boolean useCaches = defaultUseCaches; /** * Some protocols support skipping the fetching of the object unless * the object has been modified more recently than a certain time. * <p> * A nonzero value gives a time as the number of milliseconds since * January 1, 1970, GMT. The object is fetched only if it has been * modified more recently than that time. * <p> * This variable is set by the {@code setIfModifiedSince} * method. Its value is returned by the * {@code getIfModifiedSince} method. * <p> * The default value of this field is {@code 0}, indicating * that the fetching must always occur. * * @see java.net.URLConnection#getIfModifiedSince() * @see java.net.URLConnection#setIfModifiedSince(long) */ protected long ifModifiedSince = 0; /** * If {@code false}, this connection object has not created a * communications link to the specified URL. If {@code true}, * the communications link has been established. */ protected boolean connected = false;
public void setRequestProperty(String key, String value);//設置一個key對應的值,value能夠逗號分隔設置多個 public void addRequestProperty(String key, String value);//對一個key的值進行添加值的操做
public abstract class URLConnection { ... public void setRequestProperty(String key, String value) { if (connected) throw new IllegalStateException("Already connected"); if (key == null) throw new NullPointerException ("key is null"); if (requests == null) requests = new MessageHeader(); requests.set(key, value); } ... } public class MessageHeader { private String[] keys; private String[] values; private int nkeys; public synchronized void set(String var1, String var2) { int var3 = this.nkeys; do { --var3; if (var3 < 0) { this.add(var1, var2); return; } } while(!var1.equalsIgnoreCase(this.keys[var3])); this.values[var3] = var2; } public synchronized void add(String var1, String var2) { this.grow(); this.keys[this.nkeys] = var1; this.values[this.nkeys] = var2; ++this.nkeys; } private void grow() { if (this.keys == null || this.nkeys >= this.keys.length) { String[] var1 = new String[this.nkeys + 4]; String[] var2 = new String[this.nkeys + 4]; if (this.keys != null) { //會發現底層JDK會使用這種,由於快速! System.arraycopy(this.keys, 0, var1, 0, this.nkeys); } if (this.values != null) { System.arraycopy(this.values, 0, var2, 0, this.nkeys); } this.keys = var1; this.values = var2; } } }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { URL url = new URL("https://www.baidu.com"); URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(); urlConnection.setDoOutput(true); OutputStream outputStream = urlConnection.getOutputStream(); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, "8859_1")); bw.write("lalalalallala"); bw.flush(); bw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
默認如何URL請求是一個http的協議的話,返回的就是這個HttpURLConnection這個對象,他是URLConnection的抽象子類。使用public void setRequestMethod(String method) throws ProtocolException