五、沒有使用BufferManager 類,由於我在初始化時給每個SocketAsyncEventArgsPool中的對象分配一個緩衝區,發送時使用Arrary.Copy來進行字符拷貝,不去改變緩衝區的位置,只改變使用的長度,所以在下次投遞接收請求時恢復緩衝區長度就能夠了!若是要主動給客戶發信息的話,能夠new一個SocketAsyncEventArgs對象,或者在初始化中創建幾個來專門用於主動發送信息,由於這種需求通常是進行信息羣發,創建一個對象能夠用於不少次信息發送,整體來看,這種花銷不大,還減去了字符拷貝和消耗。性能
六、測試結果:(在個人筆記本上時行的,個人本本是T420 I7 8G內存)測試
100客戶 100,000(十萬次)不間斷的發送接收數據(發送和接收之間沒有Sleep,就一個一循環,不斷的發送與接收)
耗時3004.6325 秒完成
總共 10,000,000 一千萬次訪問
平均每分完成 199,691.6 次發送與接收
平均每秒完成 3,328.2 次發送與接收ui
八、源代碼託管: http://git.oschina.net/zhoutk/IocpServer
IoContextPool.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Net.Sockets; namespace IocpServer { /// <summary> /// 與每一個客戶Socket相關聯,進行Send和Receive投遞時所須要的參數 /// </summary> internal sealed class IoContextPool { List<SocketAsyncEventArgs> pool; //爲每個Socket客戶端分配一個SocketAsyncEventArgs,用一個List管理,在程序啓動時創建。 Int32 capacity; //pool對象池的容量 Int32 boundary; //已分配和未分配對象的邊界,大的是已經分配的,小的是未分配的 internal IoContextPool(Int32 capacity) { this.pool = new List<SocketAsyncEventArgs>(capacity); this.boundary = 0; this.capacity = capacity; } /// <summary> /// 往pool對象池中增長新創建的對象,由於這個程序在啓動時會創建好全部對象, /// 故這個方法只在初始化時會被調用,所以,沒有加鎖。 /// </summary> /// <param name="arg"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal bool Add(SocketAsyncEventArgs arg) { if (arg != null && pool.Count < capacity) { pool.Add(arg); boundary++; return true; } else return false; } /// <summary> /// 取出集合中指定對象,內部使用 /// </summary> /// <param name="index"></param> /// <returns></returns> //internal SocketAsyncEventArgs Get(int index) //{ // if (index >= 0 && index < capacity) // return pool[index]; // else // return null; //} /// <summary> /// 從對象池中取出一個對象,交給一個socket來進行投遞請求操做 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> internal SocketAsyncEventArgs Pop() { lock (this.pool) { if (boundary > 0) { --boundary; return pool[boundary]; } else return null; } } /// <summary> /// 一個socket客戶斷開,與其相關的IoContext被釋放,從新投入Pool中,備用。 /// </summary> /// <param name="arg"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal bool Push(SocketAsyncEventArgs arg) { if (arg != null) { lock (this.pool) { int index = this.pool.IndexOf(arg, boundary); //找出被斷開的客戶,此處必定能查到,所以index不可能爲-1,一定要大於0。 if (index == boundary) //正好是邊界元素 boundary++; else { this.pool[index] = this.pool[boundary]; //將斷開客戶移到邊界上,邊界右移 this.pool[boundary++] = arg; } } return true; } else return false; } } }
IoServer.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Threading; using System.Net; namespace IocpServer { /// <summary> /// 基於SocketAsyncEventArgs 實現 IOCP 服務器 /// </summary> internal sealed class IoServer { /// <summary> /// 監聽Socket,用於接受客戶端的鏈接請求 /// </summary> private Socket listenSocket; /// <summary> /// 用於服務器執行的互斥同步對象 /// </summary> private static Mutex mutex = new Mutex(); /// <summary> /// 用於每一個I/O Socket操做的緩衝區大小 /// </summary> private Int32 bufferSize; /// <summary> /// 服務器上鍊接的客戶端總數 /// </summary> private Int32 numConnectedSockets; /// <summary> /// 服務器能接受的最大鏈接數量 /// </summary> private Int32 numConnections; /// <summary> /// 完成端口上進行投遞所用的IoContext對象池 /// </summary> private IoContextPool ioContextPool; public MainForm mainForm; /// <summary> /// 構造函數,創建一個未初始化的服務器實例 /// </summary> /// <param name="numConnections">服務器的最大鏈接數據</param> /// <param name="bufferSize"></param> internal IoServer(Int32 numConnections, Int32 bufferSize) { this.numConnectedSockets = 0; this.numConnections = numConnections; this.bufferSize = bufferSize; this.ioContextPool = new IoContextPool(numConnections); // 爲IoContextPool預分配SocketAsyncEventArgs對象 for (Int32 i = 0; i < this.numConnections; i++) { SocketAsyncEventArgs ioContext = new SocketAsyncEventArgs(); ioContext.Completed += new EventHandler<SocketAsyncEventArgs>(OnIOCompleted); ioContext.SetBuffer(new Byte[this.bufferSize], 0, this.bufferSize); // 將預分配的對象加入SocketAsyncEventArgs對象池中 this.ioContextPool.Add(ioContext); } } /// <summary> /// 當Socket上的發送或接收請求被完成時,調用此函數 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">激發事件的對象</param> /// <param name="e">與發送或接收完成操做相關聯的SocketAsyncEventArg對象</param> private void OnIOCompleted(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e) { // Determine which type of operation just completed and call the associated handler. switch (e.LastOperation) { case SocketAsyncOperation.Receive: this.ProcessReceive(e); break; case SocketAsyncOperation.Send: this.ProcessSend(e); break; default: throw new ArgumentException("The last operation completed on the socket was not a receive or send"); } } /// <summary> ///接收完成時處理函數 /// </summary> /// <param name="e">與接收完成操做相關聯的SocketAsyncEventArg對象</param> private void ProcessReceive(SocketAsyncEventArgs e) { // 檢查遠程主機是否關閉鏈接 if (e.BytesTransferred > 0) { if (e.SocketError == SocketError.Success) { Socket s = (Socket)e.UserToken; //判斷全部需接收的數據是否已經完成 if (s.Available == 0) { // 設置發送數據 Array.Copy(e.Buffer, 0, e.Buffer, e.BytesTransferred, e.BytesTransferred); e.SetBuffer(e.Offset, e.BytesTransferred * 2); if (!s.SendAsync(e)) //投遞發送請求,這個函數有可能同步發送出去,這時返回false,而且不會引起SocketAsyncEventArgs.Completed事件 { // 同步發送時處理髮送完成事件 this.ProcessSend(e); } } else if (!s.ReceiveAsync(e)) //爲接收下一段數據,投遞接收請求,這個函數有可能同步完成,這時返回false,而且不會引起SocketAsyncEventArgs.Completed事件 { // 同步接收時處理接收完成事件 this.ProcessReceive(e); } } else { this.ProcessError(e); } } else { this.CloseClientSocket(e); } } /// <summary> /// 發送完成時處理函數 /// </summary> /// <param name="e">與發送完成操做相關聯的SocketAsyncEventArg對象</param> private void ProcessSend(SocketAsyncEventArgs e) { if (e.SocketError == SocketError.Success) { Socket s = (Socket)e.UserToken; //接收時根據接收的字節數收縮了緩衝區的大小,所以投遞接收請求時,恢復緩衝區大小 e.SetBuffer(0, bufferSize); if (!s.ReceiveAsync(e)) //投遞接收請求 { // 同步接收時處理接收完成事件 this.ProcessReceive(e); } } else { this.ProcessError(e); } } /// <summary> /// 處理socket錯誤 /// </summary> /// <param name="e"></param> private void ProcessError(SocketAsyncEventArgs e) { Socket s = e.UserToken as Socket; IPEndPoint localEp = s.LocalEndPoint as IPEndPoint; this.CloseClientSocket(s, e); string outStr = String.Format("套接字錯誤 {0}, IP {1}, 操做 {2}。", (Int32)e.SocketError, localEp, e.LastOperation); mainForm.Invoke(mainForm.setlistboxcallback, outStr); //Console.WriteLine("Socket error {0} on endpoint {1} during {2}.", (Int32)e.SocketError, localEp, e.LastOperation); } /// <summary> /// 關閉socket鏈接 /// </summary> /// <param name="e">SocketAsyncEventArg associated with the completed send/receive operation.</param> private void CloseClientSocket(SocketAsyncEventArgs e) { Socket s = e.UserToken as Socket; this.CloseClientSocket(s, e); } private void CloseClientSocket(Socket s, SocketAsyncEventArgs e) { Interlocked.Decrement(ref this.numConnectedSockets); // SocketAsyncEventArg 對象被釋放,壓入可重用隊列。 this.ioContextPool.Push(e); string outStr = String.Format("客戶 {0} 斷開, 共有 {1} 個鏈接。", s.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(), this.numConnectedSockets); mainForm.Invoke(mainForm.setlistboxcallback, outStr); //Console.WriteLine("A client has been disconnected from the server. There are {0} clients connected to the server", this.numConnectedSockets); try { s.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Send); } catch (Exception) { // Throw if client has closed, so it is not necessary to catch. } finally { s.Close(); } } /// <summary> /// accept 操做完成時回調函數 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Object who raised the event.</param> /// <param name="e">SocketAsyncEventArg associated with the completed accept operation.</param> private void OnAcceptCompleted(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e) { this.ProcessAccept(e); } /// <summary> /// 監聽Socket接受處理 /// </summary> /// <param name="e">SocketAsyncEventArg associated with the completed accept operation.</param> private void ProcessAccept(SocketAsyncEventArgs e) { Socket s = e.AcceptSocket; if (s.Connected) { try { SocketAsyncEventArgs ioContext = this.ioContextPool.Pop(); if (ioContext != null) { // 從接受的客戶端鏈接中取數據配置ioContext ioContext.UserToken = s; Interlocked.Increment(ref this.numConnectedSockets); string outStr = String.Format("客戶 {0} 連入, 共有 {1} 個鏈接。", s.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(),this.numConnectedSockets); mainForm.Invoke(mainForm.setlistboxcallback,outStr); //Console.WriteLine("Client connection accepted. There are {0} clients connected to the server", //this.numConnectedSockets); if (!s.ReceiveAsync(ioContext)) { this.ProcessReceive(ioContext); } } else //已經達到最大客戶鏈接數量,在這接受鏈接,發送「鏈接已經達到最大數」,而後斷開鏈接 { s.Send(Encoding.Default.GetBytes("鏈接已經達到最大數!")); string outStr = String.Format("鏈接已滿,拒絕 {0} 的鏈接。", s.RemoteEndPoint); mainForm.Invoke(mainForm.setlistboxcallback, outStr); s.Close(); } } catch (SocketException ex) { Socket token = e.UserToken as Socket; string outStr = String.Format("接收客戶 {0} 數據出錯, 異常信息: {1} 。", token.RemoteEndPoint, ex.ToString()); mainForm.Invoke(mainForm.setlistboxcallback, outStr); //Console.WriteLine("Error when processing data received from {0}:\r\n{1}", token.RemoteEndPoint, ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { mainForm.Invoke(mainForm.setlistboxcallback, "異常:" + ex.ToString()); } // 投遞下一個接受請求 this.StartAccept(e); } } /// <summary> /// 從客戶端開始接受一個鏈接操做 /// </summary> /// <param name="acceptEventArg">The context object to use when issuing /// the accept operation on the server's listening socket.</param> private void StartAccept(SocketAsyncEventArgs acceptEventArg) { if (acceptEventArg == null) { acceptEventArg = new SocketAsyncEventArgs(); acceptEventArg.Completed += new EventHandler<SocketAsyncEventArgs>(OnAcceptCompleted); } else { // 重用前進行對象清理 acceptEventArg.AcceptSocket = null; } if (!this.listenSocket.AcceptAsync(acceptEventArg)) { this.ProcessAccept(acceptEventArg); } } /// <summary> /// 啓動服務,開始監聽 /// </summary> /// <param name="port">Port where the server will listen for connection requests.</param> internal void Start(Int32 port) { // 得到主機相關信息 IPAddress[] addressList = Dns.GetHostEntry(Environment.MachineName).AddressList; IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(addressList[addressList.Length - 1], port); // 建立監聽socket this.listenSocket = new Socket(localEndPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); this.listenSocket.ReceiveBufferSize = this.bufferSize; this.listenSocket.SendBufferSize = this.bufferSize; if (localEndPoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) { // 配置監聽socket爲 dual-mode (IPv4 & IPv6) // 27 is equivalent to IPV6_V6ONLY socket option in the winsock snippet below, this.listenSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IPv6, (SocketOptionName)27, false); this.listenSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.IPv6Any, localEndPoint.Port)); } else { this.listenSocket.Bind(localEndPoint); } // 開始監聽 this.listenSocket.Listen(this.numConnections); // 在監聽Socket上投遞一個接受請求。 this.StartAccept(null); // Blocks the current thread to receive incoming messages. mutex.WaitOne(); } /// <summary> /// 中止服務 /// </summary> internal void Stop() { this.listenSocket.Close(); mutex.ReleaseMutex(); } } }