在Java 5以前,Java內存模型(JMM)定義不明確。當多個線程訪問共享內存時,有可能得到各類奇怪的結果,例如:安全
隨着Java 5中JSR 133的實現,不少這些問題都獲得瞭解決。JMM是一組基於「happens-before」關係的規則,它限制一個存儲器訪問必須在另外一個存儲器訪問以前發生。這些規則的兩個例子是:數據結構
爲了防止Actor的可見性和從新排序問題,Akka保證如下兩個「happens before」規則:post
import akka.actor.{ Actor, ActorRef }
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.collection.mutablecase class Message(msg: String)
class EchoActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case msg ⇒ sender() ! msg
}class CleanUpActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case set: mutable.Set[_] ⇒ set.clear()
}class MyActor(echoActor: ActorRef, cleanUpActor: ActorRef) extends Actor {
var state = ""
val mySet = mutable.Set[String]()def expensiveCalculation(actorRef: ActorRef): String = {
// this is a very costly operation
"Meaning of life is 42"
}def expensiveCalculation(): String = {
// this is a very costly operation
"Meaning of life is 42"
}def receive = {
case _ ⇒
implicit val ec = context.dispatcher
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds) // needed for `?` below// Example of incorrect approach
// Very bad: shared mutable state will cause your
// application to break in weird ways
Future { state = "This will race" }
((echoActor ? Message("With this other one")).mapTo[Message])
.foreach { received ⇒ state = received.msg }// Very bad: shared mutable object allows
// the other actor to mutate your own state,
// or worse, you might get weird race conditions
cleanUpActor ! mySet// Very bad: "sender" changes for every message,
// shared mutable state bug
Future { expensiveCalculation(sender()) }// Example of correct approach
// Completely safe: "self" is OK to close over
// and it's an ActorRef, which is thread-safe
Future { expensiveCalculation() } foreach { self ! _ }// Completely safe: we close over a fixed value
// and it's an ActorRef, which is thread-safe
val currentSender = sender()
Future { expensiveCalculation(currentSender) }