

         在這裏,我特別聲明:本文章的源做者是   楊曉冬  (我的郵箱:xdyang.ustc@gmail.com)。原文的連接是
http://www.iask.sina.com.cn/u/2252291285/ish。版權歸 楊曉冬 朋友全部。git

         我很是感謝原做者辛勤地編寫本文章,並願意共享出來。我也但願轉載本文的各位朋友,要註明原做者和出處,以尊重原做者!                 算法



1、 緒論

1. 爲何要寫這篇文章

       從2002年到如今,接觸圖像快十年了。雖然沒有作出什麼很出色的工做,不過在這個領域摸爬滾打了十年以後,發現本身對圖像處理和計算機視覺的感情越來 越深厚。下班以後看看相關的書籍和文獻是一件很愜意的事情。日常的一大業餘愛好就是收集一些相關的文章,尤爲是經典的文章,到如今個人電腦裏面已經有了幾 十G的文章。寫這個文檔的想法源於我前一段時間整理文獻時的一個突發奇想,既然有這個多文獻,何不整理出其中的經典,抓住重點來閱讀,同時也能夠共享給大 家。因而當時即興寫了一個《圖像處理與計算機視覺中的經典論文》。如今來看,那個文檔寫得很通常,所共享的論文也很是之有限。就算如此,仍是獲得了一些網 友的誇獎,內心感激涕零。所以,一直想下定決心把這個工做給完善,力求作到儘可能全面。api

       本文是對現有的圖像處理和計算機視覺的經典書籍(後面會有推薦)的一個補充。通常的圖像處理書籍都是介紹性的介紹某個方法,在每一個領域內都會引用幾十上 百篇參考文獻。有時候想深刻研究這個領域的時候卻發現文獻太多,不知如何選擇。但實際上在每一個領域都有那麼三五篇抑或更可能是非讀不可的經典文獻。這些文獻 除了提出了很經典的算法,同時他們的Introduction和Related work也是對所在的領域很好的總結。讀通了這幾篇文獻也就等於深刻了解了這個領域,比單純的看書收穫要多不少。寫本文的目的就是想把本身所瞭解到的各個 領域的經典文章整理出來,不用迷失在參考文獻的汪洋大海里。

2. 圖像處理和計算機視覺的分類

A.圖像處理:對輸入的圖像作某種變換,輸出仍然是圖像,基本不涉及或者不多涉及圖像內容的分析。比較典型的有圖像變換,圖像加強,圖像去噪,圖像壓      縮,圖像恢復,二值圖像處理等等。基於閾值的圖像分割也屬於圖像處理的範疇。通常處理的是單幅圖像。




      關於圖像處理,圖像分析和計算機視覺的劃分並無一個很統一的標準。通常的來講,圖像處理的書籍總會或多或少的介紹一些圖像分析和計算機視覺的知識,好比 岡薩雷斯的數字圖像處理。而計算機視覺的書籍基本上都會包括圖像處理和圖像分析,只是不會介紹的太詳細。其實圖像處理,圖像分析和計算機視覺均可以歸入到 計算機視覺的範疇:圖像處理->低層視覺(low level vision),圖像分析->中間層視覺(middle level vision),計算機視覺->高層視覺(high level vision)。這是通常的計算機視覺或者機器視覺的劃分方法。在本文中,仍然按照傳統的方法把這個領域劃分爲圖像處理,圖像分析和計算機視覺。

3. 圖像處理和計算機視覺開源庫以及編程語言選擇

       目前在圖像處理中有兩種最重要的語言:c/c++和matlab。它們各有優勢:c/c++比較適合大型的工程,效率較高,並且容易轉成硬件語言,是工 業界的默認語言之一。而matlab實現起來比較方便,適用於算法的快速驗證,並且matlab有成熟的工具箱可使用,好比圖像處理工具箱,信號處理工 具箱。它們有一個共同的特色:開源的資源很是多。在學術界matlab使用的很是多,不少做者給出的源代碼都是matlab版本。最近因爲OpenCV的 興起和不斷完善,c/c++在圖像處理中的做用愈來愈大。總的來講,c/c++和matlab都必須掌握,最好是精通,固然側重在c/c++上對找工做會 有很大幫助。
(1)簡單易入手。OpenCV進入OpenCV2.x的時代後,使用起來愈來愈簡單,接口愈來愈傻瓜化,愈來愈matlab化。只要會imread,imwrite,imshow和了解Mat的基本操做就能夠開 始入手了。


(3)在OpenCV上能夠嘗試各類最新以及成熟的技術,而不須要本身從頭去寫,好比人臉檢測(Harr,LBP),DPM(Latent SVM),高斯背景模型,特徵檢測,聚類,hough變換等等 。並且它還支持各類機器學習方法(SVM,NN,KNN,決策樹,Boosting等),使用起來很簡單。



(6)從學校出來後,除極少數會繼續在學術圈裏,大部分仍是要進入工業界。如今在工 業界,c/c++還是主流,不少公司都會優先考慮熟悉或者精通OpenCV的。事實上,在學術界,如今OpenCV也大有取代matlab之勢。之前的 demo或者source code,不少做者都願意給出matlab版本的,而後別人再呼哧呼哧改爲c版本的。如今做者乾脆給出c/c++版本,或者本身集成到OpenCV中去, 這樣能快速提高本身的影響力。

4. 本文的特色和結構,以及適合的對象

 本文面向的對象是即將進入或者剛剛進入圖像處理和計算機視覺領域的童鞋,能夠在閱讀書籍的同時參閱這些文獻,能對書中提到的算法有比較深入的理解。因爲本文涉及 到的範圍比較廣,若是能對計算機視覺的資深從業者也有必定的幫助,我將倍感欣慰。爲了避免至太誤人子弟,每一篇文章都或多或少的看了一下,最不濟也看了摘要 (這句話實在整理以前寫的,實際上因爲精力有限,好多文獻都只是大概掃了一眼,而後看了看google的引用數,通常在1000以上就放上來了,把這些文 章細細品味一遍也是我近一兩年以內的目標)。在成文的過程當中,我本人也受益不淺,但願能對你們也有所幫助。

因爲我的精力和視野的關係,有一些我未涉足過的領域不敢斗膽推薦,只是列出了一些引用 率比較高的文章,好比攝像機標定和立體視覺。不過未來,因爲工做或者其餘緣由,這些領域也會接觸到,我會逐步增減這些領域的文章。儘管如此,仍然會有疏 漏,忘見諒。同時文章的挑選也夾帶了一些我的的喜愛,好比我我的比較喜歡low level方向的,尤爲是IJCV和PAMI上面的文章,所以這方面也稍微多點,但願不要引發您的反感。若是有什麼意見或者建議,歡迎mail我。文章和 資源我都會在個人csdn blog和sina ishare同步更新。

我的blog:       http://blog.csdn.net/dcraw
      本文的安排以下。第一部分是緒論。第二部分是圖像處理中所須要用到的理論基礎,主要是這個領域所涉及到的一些比較好的參考書籍。第三部分是計算機視覺中所涉 及到的信號處理和模式識別文章。因爲圖像處理與圖像分析太難區分了,第四部分集中討論了它們。第五部分是計算機視覺部分。最後是小結。

2、 圖像處理與計算機視覺相關的書籍

1. 數學

      咱們所說的圖像處理實際上就是數字圖像處理,是把真實世界中的連續三維隨機信號投影到傳感器的二維平面上,採樣並量化後獲得二維矩陣。數字圖像處理就是二維 矩陣的處理,而從二維圖像中恢復出三維場景就是計算機視覺的主要任務之一。這裏面就涉及到了圖像處理所涉及到的三個重要屬性:連續性,二維矩陣,隨機性。 所對應的數學知識是高等數學(微積分),線性代數(矩陣論),機率論和隨機過程。這三門課也是考研數學的三個組成部分,構成了圖像處理和計算機視覺最基礎 的數學基礎。若是想要更進一步,就要到網上搜搜林達華推薦的數學書目了。

2. 信號處理



信號與系統(第2版) Alan V.Oppenheim等著 劉樹棠譯

離散時間信號處理(第2版) A.V.奧本海姆等著 劉樹棠譯

數字信號處理:理論算法與實現 胡廣書 (編者)


現代信號處理 張賢達著

統計信號處理基礎:估計與檢測理論 Steven M.Kay等著 羅鵬飛等譯

自適應濾波器原理(第4版) Simon Haykin著 鄭寶玉等譯

2.3 小波變換

信號處理的小波導引:稀疏方法(原書第3版) tephane Malla著, 戴道清等譯

2.4 信息論

信息論基礎(原書第2版) Thomas M.Cover等著 阮吉壽等譯

3. 模式識別

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Bishop, Christopher M. Springer

模式識別(英文版)(第4版) 西奧多裏德斯著

Pattern Classification (2nd Edition) Richard O. Duda等著

Statistical Pattern Recognition, 3rd Edition Andrew R. Webb等著

模式識別(第3版) 張學工著

4. 圖像處理與計算機視覺的書籍推薦

圖像處理,分析與機器視覺 第三版 Sonka等著 艾海舟等譯

Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision

                ( 附:這本書是圖像處理與計算機視覺裏面比較全的一本書了,幾乎涵蓋了圖像視覺領域的各個方面。中文版的我的感受也還能夠,值得一看。)

數字圖像處理 第三版 岡薩雷斯等著

Digital Image Processing


計算機視覺:理論與算法 Richard Szeliski著

Computer Vision: Theory and Algorithm

                (附:微軟的Szeliski寫的一本最新的計算機視覺著做。內容很是豐富,尤爲包括了做者的研究興趣,好比通常的書裏面都沒有的Image Stitching和                       Image Matting等。這也從另外一個側面說明這本書的通用性不如Sonka的那本。不過做者開放了這本書的電子版,能夠有選擇性的閱讀。
                  Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision 第二版Harley等著

計算機視覺:一種現代方法 DA Forsyth等著

Computer Vision: A Modern Approach


Machine vision: theory, algorithms, practicalities 第三版 Davies著


數字圖像處理 第四版 Pratt著

Digital Image Processing


5. 小結


3、 計算機視覺中的信號處理與模式識別

      從本章開始,進入本文的核心章節。一共分三章,分別講述信號處理與模式識別,圖像處理與分析以及計算機視覺。與其說是講述,不如說是一些經典文章的羅列以及 本身的簡單點評。與前一個版本不一樣的是,此次把全部的文章按類別歸了類,而且增長了不少文獻。分類的時候並無按照傳統的分類方法,而是劃分紅了一個個小 的門類,好比SIFT,Harris都做爲了單獨的一類,雖然它們均可以劃分到特徵提取裏面去。這樣作的目的是但願能突出這些比較實用且比較流行的方法。 爲了之後維護的方便,按照字母順序排的序。

1. Boosting

    Boosting是最近十來年來最成功的一種模式識別方法之一,我的認爲能夠和SVM並稱爲模式識別雙子星。它真正實現了「三個臭皮匠,勝過諸葛亮」。只要保證每一個基本分 類器的正確率超過50%,就能夠實現組合成任意精度的分類器。這樣就可使用最簡單的線性分類器。Boosting在計算機視覺中的最成功的應用無疑就是 Viola-Jones提出的基於Haar特徵的人臉檢測方案。聽起來彷佛難以想象,但Haar+Adaboost確實在人臉檢測上取得了巨大的成功,已 經成了工業界的事實標準,而且逐步推廣到其餘物體的檢測。
Rainer Lienhart在2002 ICIP發表的這篇文章是Haar+Adaboost的最好的擴展,他把原始的兩個方向的Haar特徵擴展到了四個方向,他本人是OpenCV積極的參與 者。如今OpenCV的庫裏面實現的Cascade Classification就包含了他的方法。這也說明了盛會(如ICIP,ICPR,ICASSP)也有好文章啊,只要用心去發掘。

[1997] A Decision-Theoretic Generalization of on-Line Learning and an Application to Boosting

[1998] Boosting the margin A new explanation for the effectiveness of voting methods

[2002 ICIP TR] Empirical Analysis of Detection Cascades of Boosted Classifiers for Rapid Object Detection

[2003] The Boosting Approach to Machine Learning An Overview

[2004 IJCV] Robust Real-time Face Detection

[1989 PAMI] Unsupervised Optimal Fuzzy Clustering

[1991 PAMI] A validity measure for fuzzy clustering

[1995 PAMI] On cluster validity for the fuzzy c-means model

[1998] Some New Indexes of Cluster Validity

[1999 ACM] Data Clustering A Review

[1999 JIIS] On Clustering Validation Techniques

[2001] Estimating the number of clusters in a dataset via the Gap statistic

[2001 NIPS] On Spectral Clustering

[2002] A stability based method for discovering structure in clustered data

[2007] A tutorial on spectral clustering

[2006 TIT] Compressed Sensing

[2008 SPM] An Introduction to Compressive Sampling

[2011 TSP] Structured Compressed Sensing From Theory to Applications

4. Decision Trees


[1986] Introduction to Decision Trees

5. Dynamical Programming

動態規劃也是一個比較使用的方法,這裏挑選了一篇PAMI的文章以及一篇Book Chapter

[1990 PAMI] using dynamic programming for solving variational problems in vision

[Book Chapter] Dynamic Programming

6. Expectation Maximization


[1977] Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM algorithm

[1996 SPM] The Expectation-Maximzation Algorithm

7. Graphical Models

伯克利的喬丹大師的Graphical Model,能夠配合這Bishop的PRML一塊兒看。

[1999 ML] An Introduction to Variational Methods for Graphical Models

8. Hidden Markov Model


[1989 ] A tutorial on hidden markov models and selected applications in speech recognition

[1998 TSP] Wavelet-based statistical signal processing using hidden Markov models

[2001 TIP] Multiscale image segmentation using wavelet-domain hidden Markov models

[2002 TMM] Rotation invariant texture characterization and retrieval using steerable wavelet-domain hidden Markov models

[2003 TIP] Wavelet-based texture analysis and synthesis using hidden Markov models

Hmm Chinese book.pdf

9. Independent Component Analysis


[1999] Independent Component Analysis A Tutorial

[2000 NN] Independent component analysis algorithms and applications

[2000] Independent Component Analysis Algorithms and Applications

10. Information Theory

計算機視覺中的信息論。這方面有一本很不錯的書Information Theory in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition。這本書有電子版,若是須要用到的話,也能夠參考這本書。

[1995 NC] An Information-Maximization Approach to Blind Separation and Blind Deconvolution

[2010] An information theory perspective on computational vision

11. Kalman Filter

這個話題在張賢達老師的現代信號處理裏面講的比較深刻,還給出了一個有趣的例子。這裏列出了Kalman的最先的論文以及幾篇綜述,還有Unscented Kalman Filter。同時也有一篇Kalman Filter在跟蹤中的應用以及兩本電子書。

[1960 Kalman] A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems Kalman

[1970] Least-squares estimation_from Gauss to Kalman

[1997 SPIE] A New Extension of the Kalman Filter to Nonlinear System

[2000] The Unscented Kalman Filter for Nonlinear Estimation

[2001 Siggraph] An Introduction to the Kalman Filter_full

[2003] A Study of the Kalman Filter applied to Visual Tracking

12. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning


[2000 PAMI] Statistical pattern recognition a review

[2004 CSVT] An Introduction to Biometric Recognition

[2010 SPM] Machine Learning in Medical Imaging

13. Principal Component Analysis


[2001 PAMI] PCA versus LDA

[2001] Nonlinear component analysis as a kernel eigenvalue problem

[2002] A Tutorial on Principal Component Analysis

[2009] A Tutorial on Principal Component Analysis

[2011] Robust Principal Component Analysis

[Book Chapter] Singular Value Decomposition and Principal Component Analysis

14. Random Forest


[2001 ML] Random Forests

[2009 BMVC] Performance Evaluation of RANSAC Family

16. Singular Value Decomposition

對於非方陣來講,就是SVD發揮做用的時刻了。通常的模式識別書都會介紹到SVD。這裏列出了K-SVD以及一篇Book Chapter

[2006 TSP] K-SVD An Algorithm for Designing Overcomplete Dictionaries for Sparse Representation

[Book Chapter] Singular Value Decomposition and Principal Component Analysis

17. Sparse Representation

這裏主要是Proceeding of IEEE上的幾篇文章

[2009 PAMI] Robust Face Recognition via Sparse Representation

[2009 PIEEE] Image Decomposition and Separation Using Sparse Representations An Overview

[2010 PIEEE] Dictionaries for Sparse Representation Modeling

[2010 PIEEE] It's All About the Data

[2010 PIEEE] Matrix Completion With Noise

[2010 PIEEE] On the Role of Sparse and Redundant Representations in Image Processing

[2010 PIEEE] Sparse Representation for Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

[2011 SPM] Directionary Learning

18. Support Vector Machines

[1998] A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition

[2004] LIBSVM A Library for Support Vector Machines

19. Wavelet

在小波變換以前,時頻分析的工具只有傅立葉變換。衆所周知,傅立葉變換在時域沒有分辨率,不能捕捉局部頻域信息。雖然短時傅立葉變換克服了這個缺點,但只能刻畫恆定窗口的頻率特性,而且不能很好的擴展到二維。小波變換的出現很好的解決了時頻分析的問題,做爲一種多分辨率分析工具,在圖像處理中獲得了極大的發展和應用。在小波變換的發展過程當中,有幾我的是不得不提的,Mallat, Daubechies,Vetteri, M.N.Do, Swelden,Donoho。Mallat和Daubechies奠基了第一代小波的框架,他們的著做更是小波變換的必讀之做,相對來講,小波十講太偏數學了,比較難懂。而Mallat的信號處理的小波導引更偏應用一點。Swelden提出了第二代小波,使小波變換可以快速方便的實現,他的功勞有點相似於FFT。而Donoho,Vetteri,Mallat及其學生們提出了Ridgelet, Curvelet, Bandelet,Contourlet等幾何小波變換,讓小波變換有了方向性,更便於壓縮,去噪等任務。尤爲要提的是M.N.Do,他是一個越南人,得過IMO的銀牌,在這個領域著做頗豐。咱們國家每一年都有5個左右的IMO金牌,但願也有一兩個進入這個領域,可以也讓我等也敬仰一下。而不是一股腦的都進入金融,管理這種跟數學沒有多大關係的行業,呵呵。很但願能看到中國的陶哲軒,中國的M.N.Do。

[1989 PAMI] A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition__the wavelet representation

[1996 PAMI] Image Representation using 2D Gabor Wavelet


[1998] The Lifting Scheme_ A Construction Of Second Generation Wavelets

[2000 TCE] The JPEG2000 still image coding system_ an overview

[2002 TIP] The curvelet transform for image denoising

[2003 TIP] Gray and color image contrast enhancement by the curvelet transform

[2003 TIP] Mathematical Properties of the jpeg2000 wavelet filters

[2003 TIP] The finite ridgelet transform for image representation

[2005 TIP] Sparse Geometric Image Representations With Bandelets

[2005 TIP] The Contourlet Transform_ An Efficient Directional Multiresolution Image Representation

[2010 SPM] The Curvelet Transform

4、 圖像處理與分析


1. Bilateral Filter

Bilateral Filter俗稱雙邊濾波器是一種簡單實用的具備保持邊緣做用的平緩濾波器,由Tomasi等在1998年提出。它如今已經發揮着重大做用,尤爲是在HDR領域。

[1998 ICCV] Bilateral Filtering for Gray and Color Images

[2008 TIP] Adaptive Bilateral Filter for Sharpness Enhancement and Noise Removal

2. Color

若是對顏色的造成有必定的瞭解,能比較深入的理解一些算法。這方面推薦岡薩雷斯的數字圖像處理中的相關章節以及Sharma在Digital Color Imaging Handbook中的第一章「Color fundamentals for digital imaging」。跟顏色相關的知識包括Gamma,顏色空間轉換,顏色索引以及膚色模型等,這其中也包括著名的EMD。

[1991 IJCV] Color Indexing

[2000 IJCV] The Earth Mover's Distance as a Metric for Image Retrieval

[2001 PAMI] Color invariance

[2002 IJCV] Statistical Color Models with Application to Skin Detection

[2003] A review of RGB color spaces

[2007 PR]A survey of skin-color modeling and detection methods



3. Compression and Encoding


[2005 IEEE] Trends and perspectives in image and video coding

4. Contrast Enhancement


[2002 IJCV] Vision and the Atmosphere

[2003 TIP] Gray and color image contrast enhancement by the curvelet transform

[2006 TIP] Gray-level grouping (GLG) an automatic method for optimized image contrast enhancement-part II

[2006 TIP] Gray-level grouping (GLG) an automatic method for optimized image contrast Enhancement-part I

[2007 TIP] Transform Coefficient Histogram-Based Image Enhancement Algorithms Using Contrast Entropy

[2009 TIP] A Histogram Modification Framework and Its Application for Image Contrast Enhancement

5. Deblur (Restoration)

圖像恢復或者圖像去模糊一直是一個很是難的問題,尤爲是盲圖像恢復。港中文的jiaya jia老師在這方面作的不錯,他在主頁也給出了可執行文件。這方面的內容也建議看岡薩雷斯的書。這裏列出了幾篇口碑比較好的文獻,包括古老的Richardson-Lucy方法,幾篇盲圖像恢復的綜述以及最近的幾篇文章,尤以Fergus和Jiaya Jia的爲經典。

[1972] Bayesian-Based Iterative Method of Image Restoration

[1974] an iterative technique for the rectification of observed distributions

[1990 IEEE] Iterative methods for image deblurring

[1996 SPM] Blind Image Deconvolution

[1997 SPM] Digital image restoration

[2005] Digital Image Reconstruction - Deblurring and Denoising

[2006 Siggraph] Removing Camera Shake from a Single Photograph

[2008 Siggraph] High-quality Motion Deblurring from a Single Image

[2011 PAMI] Richardson-Lucy Deblurring for Scenes under a Projective Motion Path

6. Dehazing and Defog

嚴格來講去霧化也算是圖像對比度加強的一種。這方面最近比較好的工做就是He kaiming等提出的Dark Channel方法。這篇論文也得到了2009的CVPR 最佳論文獎。2這位003年的廣東高考狀元已經於2011年從港中文博士畢業加入MSRA(估計當時也就二十五六歲吧),至關了不得。

[2008 Siggraph] Single Image Dehazing

[2009 CVPR] Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior

[2011 PAMI] Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior

7. Denoising


[1992 SIAM] Image selective smoothing and edge detection by nonlinear diffusion. II

[1992 SIAM] Image selective smoothing and edge detection by nonlinear diffusion

[1992] Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms

[1994 SIAM] Signal and image restoration using shock filters and anisotropic diffusion

[1995 TIT] De-noising by soft-thresholding

[1998 TIP] Orientation diffusions

[2000 TIP] Adaptive wavelet thresholding for image denoising and compression

[2000 TIP] Fourth-order partial differential equations for noise removal

[2001] Denoising through wavelet shrinkage

[2002 TIP] The Curvelet Transform for Image Denoising

[2003 TIP] Noise removal using fourth-order partial differential equation with applications to medical magnetic resonance images in space and time

[2008 PAMI] Automatic Estimation and Removal of Noise from a Single Image

[2009 TIP] Is Denoising Dead

8. Edge Detection

邊緣檢測也是圖像處理中的一個基本任務。傳統的邊緣檢測方法有基於梯度算子,尤爲是Sobel算子,以及經典的Canny邊緣檢測。到如今,Canny邊緣檢測及其思想仍在普遍使用。關於Canny算法的具體細節能夠在Sonka的書以及canny本身的論文中找到,網上也能夠搜到。最快最直接的方法就是看OpenCV的源代碼,很是好懂。在邊緣檢測方面,Berkeley的大牛J Malik和他的學生在2004年的PAMI提出的方法效果很是好,固然也比較複雜。在複雜度要求不高的狀況下,仍是值得一試的。MIT的Bill Freeman早期的表明做Steerable Filter在邊緣檢測方面效果也很是好,而且便於實現。這裏給出了幾篇比較好的文獻,包括一篇最新的綜述。邊緣檢測是圖像處理和計算機視覺中任何方向都沒法逃避的一個問題,這方面研究多深都不爲過。

[1980] theory of edge detection

[1983 Canny Thesis] find edge

[1986 PAMI] A Computational Approach to Edge Detection

[1990 PAMI] Scale-space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion

[1991 PAMI] The design and use of steerable filters

[1995 PR] Multiresolution edge detection techniques

[1996 TIP] Optimal edge detection in two-dimensional images

[1998 PAMI] Local Scale Control for Edge Detection and Blur Estimation

[2003 PAMI] Statistical edge detection_ learning and evaluating edge cues

[2004 IEEE] Edge Detection Revisited

[2004 PAMI] Design of steerable filters for feature detection using canny-like criteria

[2004 PAMI] Learning to Detect Natural Image Boundaries Using Local Brightness, Color, and Texture Cues

[2011 IVC] Edge and line oriented contour detection State of the art

9. Graph Cut

基於圖割的圖像分割算法。在這方面沒有研究,僅僅列出幾篇引用比較高的文獻。這裏又見J Malik,固然還有華人傑出學者Jianbo Shi,他的主頁很是搞笑,在醒目的位置標註Do not fly China Eastern Airlines ... 看來是被坑過,並且坑的比較厲害。這個領域,俄羅斯人比較厲害。

[2000 PAMI] Normalized cuts and image segmentation

[2001 PAMI] Fast approximate energy minimization via graph cuts

[2004 PAMI] What energy functions can be minimized via graph cuts

10. Hough Transform


[1986 CVGIU] A Survey of the Hough Transform

[1989] A Comparative study of Hough transform methods for circle finding

[1992 PAMI] Shapes recognition using the straight line Hough transform_ theory and generalization

[1997 PR] Extraction of line features in a noisy image

[2000 CVIU] Robust Detection of Lines Using the Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform

11. Image Interpolation


[2000 TMI] Interpolation revisited

[2008 Fnd] Image and Video Matting A Survey

[2008 PAMI] A Closed-Form Solution to Natural Image Matting

[2008 PAMI] Spectral Matting

13. Image Modeling

圖像的統計模型。這方面有一本專門的著做Natural Image Statistics

[1994] The statistics of natural images

[2003 JMIV] On Advances in Statistical Modeling of Natural Images

[2009 IJCV] Fields of Experts

[2009 PAMI] Modeling multiscale subbands of photographic images with fields of Gaussian scale mixtures

14. Image Quality Assessment


[2004 TIP] Image quality assessment from error visibility to structural similarity

[2011 TIP] blind image quality assessment From Natural Scene Statistics to Perceptual Quality

15. Image Registration


[1992 MIA] Image matching as a diffusion process

[1992 PAMI] A Method for Registration of 3-D shapes

[1992] a survey of image registration techniques

[1998 MIA] A survey of medical image registration

[2003 IVC] Image registration methods a survey

[2003 TMI] Mutual-Information-Based Registration of Medical Survey

[2011 TIP] Hairis registration

16. Image Retrieval

圖像檢索曾經很熱,在2000年以後彷佛消停了一段時間。最近各類圖像的不變性特徵提出來以後,再加上互聯網搜索的商業需求,這個方向彷佛又要火起來了,尤爲是在商業界,好比淘淘搜。這仍然是一個很是值得關注的方面。並且圖像檢索與目標識別具備相通之處,好比特徵提取和特徵降維。這方面的文章值得一讀。在最後給出了兩篇Book chapter,其中一篇仍是中文的。

[2000 PAMI] Content-based image retrieval at the end of the early years

[2000 TIP] PicToSeek Combining Color and Shape Invariant Features for Image Retrieval

[2002] Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems A Survey

[2008] Content-Based Image Retrieval-Literature Survey

[2010] Plant Image Retrieval Using Color,Shape and Texture Features

[2012 PAMI] A Multimedia Retrieval Framework Based on Semi-Supervised Ranking and Relevance Feedback

CBIR Chinese

fundament of cbir

17. Image Segmentation

圖像分割,很是基本但又很是難的一個問題。建議看Sonka和岡薩雷斯的書。這裏給出幾篇比較好的文章,再次看到了J Malik。他們給出了源代碼和測試集,有興趣的話能夠試試。

[2004 IJCV] Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation

[2008 CVIU] Image segmentation evaluation A survey of unsupervised methods

[2011 PAMI] Contour Detection and Hierarchical Image Segmentation

18. Level Set

大名鼎鼎的水平集,解決了Snake固有的缺點。Level set的兩位提出者Sethian和Osher最後反目,實在讓人遺憾。我的覺得,這種方法除了迭代比較費時,在真實場景中的表現讓人生疑。不過,2008年ECCV上的PWP方法在結果上很吸引人。在重初始化方面,Chunming Li給出了比較好的解決方案

[1995 PAMI] Shape modeling with front propagation_ a level set approach

[2001 JCP] Level Set Methods_ An Overview and Some Recent Results

[2005 CVIU] Geodesic active regions and level set methods for motion estimation and tracking

[2007 IJCV] A Review of Statistical Approaches to Level Set Segmentation

[2008 ECCV] Robust Real-Time Visual Tracking using Pixel-Wise Posteriors

[2010 TIP] Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution and its Application to Image Segmentation

19. Pyramid


[1983] The Laplacian Pyramid as a Compact Image Code

[1993 PAMI] Image representation via a finite Radon transform

[1993 TIP] The fast discrete radon transform I theory

[2007 IVC] Generalised finite radon transform for N×N images

21. Scale Space


[1987] Scale-space filtering

[1990 PAMI] Scale-Space for Discrete Signals

[1994] Scale-space theory A basic tool for analysing structures at different scales

[1998 IJCV] Edge Detection and Ridge Detection with Automatic Scale Selection

[1998 IJCV] Feature Detection with Automatic Scale Selection

22. Snake


[1987 IJCV] Snakes Active Contour Models

[1996 ] deformable model in medical image A Survey

[1997 IJCV] geodesic active contour

[1998 TIP] Snakes, shapes, and gradient vector flow

[2000 PAMI] Geodesic active contours and level sets for the detection and tracking of moving objects

[2001 TIP] Active contours without edges

23. Super Resolution

超分辨率分析。對這個方向沒有研究,簡單列幾篇文章。其中Yang Jianchao的那篇在IEEE上的下載率一直居高不下。

[2002] Example-Based Super-Resolution

[2009 ICCV] Super-Resolution from a Single Image

[2010 TIP] Image Super-Resolution Via Sparse Representation

24. Thresholding


[1979 IEEE] OTSU A threshold selection method from gray-level histograms

[2001 JISE] A Fast Algorithm for Multilevel Thresholding

[2004 JEI] Survey over image thresholding techniques and quantitative performance evaluation

25. Watershed

分水嶺算法是一種很是有效的圖像分割算法,它克服了傳統的閾值分割方法的缺點,尤爲是Marker-Controlled Watershed,值得關注。Watershed在岡薩雷斯的書裏面講的比較詳細。

[1991 PAMI] Watersheds in digital spaces an efficient algorithm based on immersion simulations

[2001]The Watershed Transform Definitions, Algorithms and Parallelizat on Strategies

5、 計算機視覺


1. Active Appearance Models


[1998 ECCV] Active Appearance Models

[2001 PAMI] Active Appearance Models

2. Active Shape Models

[1995 CVIU]Active Shape Models-Their Training and Application

3. Background modeling and subtraction

背景建模一直是視頻分析尤爲是目標檢測中的一項關鍵技術。雖然最近一直有一些新技術的產生,demo效果也很好,好比基於dynamical texture的方法。但最經典的仍是Stauffer等在1999年和2000年提出的GMM方法,他們最大的貢獻在於不用EM去作高斯擬合,而是採用了一種迭代的算法,這樣就不須要保存不少幀的數據,節省了buffer。Zivkovic在2004年的ICPR和PAMI上提出了動態肯定高斯數目的方法,把混合高斯模型作到了極致。這種方法效果也很好,並且易於實現。在OpenCV中有現成的函數能夠調用。在背景建模你們族裏,無參數方法(2000 ECCV)和Vibe方法也值得關注。

[1997 PAMI] Pfinder Real-Time Tracking of the Human Body

[1999 CVPR] Adaptive background mixture models for real-time tracking

[1999 ICCV] Wallflower Principles and Practice of Background Maintenance

[2000 ECCV] Non-parametric Model for Background Subtraction

[2000 PAMI] Learning Patterns of Activity Using Real-Time Tracking

[2002 PIEEE] Background and foreground modeling using nonparametric

kernel density estimation for visual surveillance

[2004 ICPR] Improved adaptive Gaussian mixture model for background subtraction

[2004 PAMI] Recursive unsupervised learning of finite mixture models

[2006 PRL] Efficient adaptive density estimation per image pixel for the task of background subtraction

[2011 TIP] ViBe A Universal Background Subtraction Algorithm for Video Sequences

4. Bag of Words


[2003 ICCV] Video Google A Text Retrieval Approach to Object Matching in Videos

[2004 ECCV] Visual Categorization with Bags of Keypoints

[2006 CVPR] Beyond bags of features Spatial pyramid matching for recognizing natural scene categories


BRIEF是Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features的簡稱,是近年來比較受關注的特徵描述的方法。ORB也是基於BRIEF的。

[2010 ECCV] BRIEF Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features

[2011 ICCV] ORB an efficient alternative to SIFT or SURF

[2012 PAMI] BRIEF Computing a Local Binary Descriptor Very Fast

6. Camera Calibration and Stereo Vision


[1979 Marr] A Computational Theory of Human Stereo Vision

[1985] Computational vision and regularization theory

[1987 IEEE] A versatile camera calibration technique for

high-accuracy 3D machine vision metrology using off-the-shelf TV cameras and lenses

[1987] Probabilistic Solution of Ill-Posed Problems in Computational Vision

[1988 PIEEE] Ill-Posed Problems in Early Vision

[1989 IJCV] Kalman Filter-based Algorithms for Estimating Depth from Image Sequences

[1990 IJCV] Relative Orientation

[1990 IJCV] Using vanishing points for camera calibration

[1992 ECCV] Camera self-calibration Theory and experiments

[1992 IJCV] A theory of self-calibration of a moving camera

[1992 PAMI] Camera calibration with distortion models and accuracy evaluation

[1994 IJCV] The Fundamental Matrix Theory, Algorithms, and Stability Analysis

[1994 PAMI] a stereo matching algorithm with an adaptive window theory and experiment

[1999 ICCV] Flexible camera calibration by viewing a plane from unknown orientations

[1999 IWAR] Marker tracking and hmd calibration for a video-based augmented reality conferencing system

[2000 PAMI] A flexible new technique for camera calibration

7. Color and Histogram Feature


[1995 SPIE] Similarity of color images


[1996] comparing images using color coherence vectors

[1997 ] Image Indexing Using Color Correlograms

[2001 TIP] An Efficient Color Representation for Image Retrieval

[2009 CVIU] Performance evaluation of local colour invariants

8. Deformable Part Model

大紅大熱的DPM,在OpenCV中有一個專門的topic講DPM和latent svm

[2008 CVPR] A Discriminatively Trained, Multiscale, Deformable Part Model

[2010 CVPR] Cascade Object Detection with Deformable Part Models

[2010 PAMI] Object Detection with Discriminatively Trained Part-Based Models

9. Distance Transformations


[1986 CVGIP] Distance Transformations in Digital Images

[2008 ACM] 2D Euclidean Distance Transform Algorithms A Comparative Survey

10. Face Detection


[1998 PAMI] Neural Network-Based Face Detection

[2002 PAMI] Detecting faces in images a survey

[2002 PAMI] Face Detection in Color Images

[2004 IJCV] Robust Real-Time Face Detection

11. Face Recognition


[1991] Face Recognition Using Eigenfaces

[2000 PAMI] Automatic Analysis of Facial Expressions The State of the Art

[2000] Face Recognition A Literature Survey

[2006 PR] Face recognition from a single image per person A survey

[2009 PAMI] Robust Face Recognition via Sparse Representation

12. FAST


[2006 ECCV] Machine learning for high-speed corner detection

[2010 PAMI] Faster and Better A Machine Learning Approach to Corner Detection

13. Feature Extraction


[1989 PAMI] On the detection of dominant points on digital curves

[1997 IJCV] SUSAN—A New Approach to Low Level Image Processing

[2004 IJCV] Matching Widely Separated Views Based on Affine Invariant Regions

[2004 IJCV] Scale & Affine Invariant Interest Point Detectors

[2005 PAMI] A performance evaluation of local descriptors

[2006 IJCV] A Comparison of Affine Region Detectors

[2007 FAT] Local Invariant Feature Detectors - A Survey

[2011 IJCV] Evaluation of Interest Point Detectors and Feature Descriptors

14. Feature Matching


[2012 PAMI] LDAHash Improved Matching with Smaller Descriptors

15. Harris


[1988 Harris] A combined corner and edge detector

16. Histograms of Oriented Gradients


[2005 CVPR] Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection


17. Image Distance

[1993 PAMI] Comparing Images Using the Hausdorff Distance

18. Image Stitching

圖像拼接,另外一個相關的詞是Panoramic。在Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications一書中,有專門一章是討論這個問題。這裏的兩面文章一篇是綜述,一篇是這方面很經典的文章。

[2006 Fnd] Image Alignment and Stitching A Tutorial

[2007 IJCV] Automatic Panoramic Image Stitching using Invariant Features

19. KLT


[1981] An Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision full version

[1994 CVPR] Good Features to Track

[2004 IJCV] Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On A Unifying Framework

Pyramidal Implementation of the Lucas Kanade Feature Tracker OpenCV

20. Local Binary Pattern


[2002 PAMI] Multiresolution gray-scale and rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Local Binary Patterns

[2004 ECCV] Face Recognition with Local Binary Patterns

[2006 PAMI] Face Description with Local Binary Patterns

[2011 TIP] Rotation-Invariant Image and Video Description With Local Binary Pattern Features

21. Low-Level Vision

關於Low level vision的兩篇很不錯的文章

[1998 TIP] A general framework for low level vision

[2000 IJCV] Learning Low-Level Vision

22. Mean Shift

均值漂移算法,在跟蹤中很是流行的方法。Comaniciu在這個方面作出了重要的貢獻。最後三篇,一篇是CVIU上的top download文章,一篇是最新的PAMI上關於Mean Shift的文章,一篇是OpenCV實現的文章。

[1995 PAMI] Mean shift, mode seeking, and clustering

[2002 PAMI] Mean shift a robust approach toward feature space analysis

[2003 CVPR] Mean-shift blob tracking through scale space

[2009 CVIU] Object tracking using SIFT features and mean shift

[2012 PAMI] Mean Shift Trackers with Cross-Bin Metrics

OpenCV Computer Vision Face Tracking For Use in a Perceptual User Interface

23. MSER


[2002 BMVC] Robust Wide Baseline Stereo from Maximally Stable Extremal Regions

[2003] MSER Author Presentation

[2004 IVC] Robust wide-baseline stereo from maximally stable extremal regions

[2011 PAMI] Are MSER Features Really Interesting

24. Object Detection

首先要說的是第一篇文章的做者,Kah-Kay Sung。他是MIT的博士,後來到新加坡國立任教,極具潛力的一個老師。不幸的是,他和他的妻子都在2000年的新加坡空難中遇難,讓人唏噓不已。



[1998 PAMI] Example-based learning for view-based human face detection

[2003 IJCV] Learning the Statistics of People in Images and Video

[2011 PAMI] Learning to Detect a Salient Object

[2012 PAMI] A Real-Time Deformable Detector

25. Object Tracking

跟蹤也是計算機視覺中的經典問題。粒子濾波,卡爾曼濾波,KLT,mean shift,光流都跟它有關係。這裏列出的是傳統意義上的跟蹤,尤爲值得一看的是2008的Survey和2003年的Kernel based tracking。

[2003 PAMI] Kernel-based object tracking

[2007 PAMI] Tracking People by Learning Their Appearance

[2008 ACM] Object Tracking A Survey

[2008 PAMI] Segmentation and Tracking of Multiple Humans in Crowded Environments

[2011 PAMI] Hough Forests for Object Detection, Tracking, and Action Recognition

[2011 PAMI] Robust Object Tracking with Online Multiple Instance Learning

[2012 IJCV] PWP3D Real-Time Segmentation and Tracking of 3D Objects

26. OCR


[1992 IEEE] Historical review of OCR research and development

Video OCR A Survey and Practitioner's Guide

27. Optical Flow


[1981 AI] Determine Optical Flow

[1994 IJCV] Performance of optical flow techniques

[1995 ACM] The Computation of Optical Flow

[2004 TR] Tutorial Computing 2D and 3D Optical Flow

[2005 BOOK] Optical Flow Estimation

[2008 ECCV] Learning Optical Flow

[2011 IJCV] A Database and Evaluation Methodology for Optical Flow

28. Particle Filter

粒子濾波,主要給出的是綜述以及1998 IJCV上的關於粒子濾波發展早期的經典文章。

[1998 IJCV] CONDENSATION—Conditional Density Propagation for Visual Tracking

[2002 TSP] A tutorial on particle filters for online nonlinear non-Gaussian Bayesian tracking

[2002 TSP] Particle filters for positioning, navigation, and tracking

[2003 SPM] particle filter

29. Pedestrian and Human detection


[1999 CVIU] Visual analysis of human movement_ A survey

[2001 CVIU] A Survey of Computer Vision-Based Human Motion Capture

[2005 TIP] Image change detection algorithms a systematic survey

[2006 CVIU] a survey of avdances in vision based human motion capture

[2007 CVIU] Vision-based human motion analysis An overview

[2007 IJCV] Pedestrian Detection via Periodic Motion Analysis

[2007 PR] A survey of skin-color modeling and detection methods

[2010 IVC] A survey on vision-based human action recognition

[2012 PAMI] Pedestrian Detection An Evaluation of the State of the Art

30. Scene Classification


[2001 IJCV] Modeling the Shape of the Scene A Holistic Representation of the Spatial Envelope

[2001 PAMI] Visual Word Ambiguity

[2007 PAMI] A Thousand Words in a Scene

[2010 PAMI] Evaluating Color Descriptors for Object and Scene Recognition

[2011 PAMI] CENTRIST A Visual Descriptor for Scene Categorization

31. Shadow Detection

[2003 PAMI] Detecting moving shadows-- algorithms and evaluation

32. Shape

關於形狀,主要是兩個方面:形狀的表示和形狀的識別。形狀的表示主要是從邊緣或者區域當中提取不變性特徵,用來作檢索或者識別。這方面Sonka的書講的比較系統。2008年的那篇綜述在這方面也講的不錯。至於形狀識別,最牛的當屬J Malik等提出的Shape Context。


[1993 PR] Pattern Recognition by Affine Moment Invariants


[2001 SMI] Shape matching similarity measures and algorithms

[2002 PAMI] Shape matching and object recognition using shape contexts

[2004 PR] Review of shape representation and description techniques

[2006 PAMI] Integral Invariants for Shape Matching

[2008] A Survey of Shape Feature Extraction Techniques

33. SIFT


[1999 ICCV] Object recognition from local scale-invariant features

[2000 IJCV] Evaluation of Interest Point Detectors

[2003 CVIU] Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF)

[2004 CVPR] PCA-SIFT A More Distinctive Representation for Local Image Descriptors

[2004 IJCV] Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints

[2010 IJCV] Improving Bag-of-Features for Large Scale Image Search

[2011 PAMI] SIFTflow Dense Correspondence across Scenes and its Applications

34. SLAM

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, 同步定位與建圖。
SLAM問題能夠描述爲: 機器人在未知環境中從一個未知位置開始移動,在移動過程當中根據位置估計和地圖進行自身定位,同時在自身定位的基礎上建造增量式地圖,實現機器人的自主定位和導航。

[2002 PAMI] Simultaneous Localization and Map-Building Using Active Vision

[2007 PAMI] MonoSLAM Real-Time Single Camera SLAM

35. Texture Feature


[1973] Textural features for image classification

[1979 ] Statistical and structural approaches to texture

[1996 PAMI] Texture features for browsing and retrieval of image data

[2002 PR] Brief review of invariant texture analysis methods

[2012 TIP] Color Local Texture Features for Color Face Recognition

36. TLD

Kadal創立了TLD,跟蹤學習檢測同步進行,達到穩健跟蹤的目的。他的兩個導師也是大名鼎鼎,一個是發明MSER的Matas,一個是Mikolajczyk。他還創立了一個公司TLD Vision s.r.o. 這裏給出了他的系列文章,最後一篇是剛出來的PAMI。

[2009] Online learning of robust object detectors during unstable tracking

[2010 CVPR] P-N Learning Bootstrapping Binary Classifiers by Structural Constraints


[2012 PAMI] Tracking-Learning-Detection

37. Video Surveillance


[2000 CMU TR] A System for Video Surveillance and Monitoring

[2000 PAMI] W4-- real-time surveillance of people and their activities

[2008 MVA] The evolution of video surveillance an overview

38. Viola-Jones


[2001 CVPR] Rapid object detection using a boosted cascade of simple features

[2004 IJCV] Robust Real-time Face Detection

6、 結束語



2012年: 10

2011年: 20

2010年: 20

2009年: 14

2008年: 18

2007年: 13

2006年: 14

2005年: 9

2004年: 24

2003年: 22

2002年: 21

2001年: 21

2000年: 23

1999年: 10

1998年: 22

1997年: 8

1996年: 9

1995年: 9

1994年: 7

1993年: 5

1992年: 11

1991年: 5

1990年: 6

1980-1989: 22

1960-1979: 9
