function variable_initialize($conf = array()) { // NOTE: caching the variables improves performance by 20% when serving // cached pages. if ($cached = cache_get('variables', 'cache_bootstrap')) { $variables = $cached->data; } else { // Cache miss. Avoid a stampede. $name = 'variable_init'; #這個地方用到了鎖機制 lock_acquire($name, 1)運用這個方法主動去鎖。去取variables是判斷表semaphore是否存在鍵variable_init 若是存在去更新有效期 這個地方我分析了一下返回false的狀況只有一種就是插入失敗的時候 插入失敗就是意味者有其餘人在操做着variables,由於semaphore表name是惟一的不能插入兩遍。若是沒有人同時進行操做返回應該是ture 那就走下面的代碼了 另外正常狀況下你主動鎖一個鍵後 當程序執行完後會自動刪除由於註冊了方法 drupal_register_shutdown_function('lock_release_all', $lock_id); if (!lock_acquire($name, 1)) { // Another request is building the variable cache. // Wait, then re-run this function. lock_wait($name); return variable_initialize($conf); } else { // Proceed with variable rebuild. $variables = array_map('unserialize', db_query('SELECT name, value FROM {variable}')->fetchAllKeyed()); cache_set('variables', $variables, 'cache_bootstrap'); lock_release($name); } } foreach ($conf as $name => $value) { $variables[$name] = $value; } return $variables; }