format:tf.cond(pred, fn1, fn2, name=None)編程語言
Return :either fn1() or fn2() based on the boolean predicate pred
and fn2
both return lists of output tensors. fn1
and fn2
must have the same non-zero number and type of outputs('fnq'和‘fn2’返回的是非零的且類型相同的輸出)函數
z = tf.multiply(a, b)
result = tf.cond(x < y, lambda: tf.add(x, z), lambda: tf.square(y))
Since z is needed for at least one branch of the cond,branch of the cond, the tf.mul operation is always executed, unconditionally.oop
z = tf.multiply(a, b)
Although this behavior is consistent with the dataflow model of TensorFlow,it has occasionally surprised some users who expected a lazier semantics.this
好吧,我就大概記錄一下我本身的理解(若是錯了,歡迎拍磚)。由於TensorFlow是基於圖的計算,數據以流的形式存在,因此只要構建好了圖,有數據源,那麼應該都會 數據流過,因此在執行tf.cond以前,兩個數據流一個是tf.add()中的x,z,一個是tf.square(y)中的y,而tf.cond()就決定了是數據流x,z從tf.add()流過,仍是數據流y從tf.square()流過。這裏這個tf.cond也就像個控制水流的閥門,水流管道x,z,y在這個閥門交匯,而tf.cond決定了誰將流向後面的管道,可是無論哪個水流流向下一個管道,在閥門做用以前,水流應該都是要到達閥門的。(囉囉嗦嗦了一大堆,仍是不太理解)code
import tensorflow as tf a=tf.constant(2) b=tf.constant(3) x=tf.constant(4) y=tf.constant(5) z = tf.multiply(a, b) result = tf.cond(x < y, lambda: tf.add(x, z), lambda: tf.square(y)) with tf.Session() as session: print(result.eval())
tensorflow for循環 while循環 實例
import tensorflow as tf n1 = tf.constant(2) n2 = tf.constant(3) n3 = tf.constant(4) def cond1(i, a, b): return i < n1 def cond2(i, a, b): return i < n2 def cond3(i, a, b): return i < n3 def body(i, a, b): return i + 1, b, a + b i1, a1, b1 = tf.while_loop(cond1, body, (2, 1, 1)) i2, a2, b2 = tf.while_loop(cond2, body, (2, 1, 1)) i3, a3, b3 = tf.while_loop(cond3, body, (2, 1, 1)) sess = tf.Session() print(sess.run(i1)) print(sess.run(a1)) print(sess.run(b1)) print("-") print(sess.run(i2)) print(sess.run(a2)) print(sess.run(b2)) print("-") print(sess.run(i3)) print(sess.run(a3)) print(sess.run(b3))