【形式化方法】Part B: SAT And Validity(SAT和有效性)

Part B: SAT 和有效性

In Exercise 1, we've learned how to represent propositions in Z3 and how to use Z3 to obtain the solutions that make a given proposition satisfiable. In this part, we continue to discuss how to use Z3 to check the validity of propositions. Recall in exercise 2, we once used theorem prover to prove the validity of propositions, so this is another strategy.html


Example B-1: 如前所述,命題P的有效性和可知足性之間的關係是:spa

valid(P) <==> unsat(~P)


F = Or(P, Q)

Z3 會輸出如下:htm

[P = False, Q = False]


Example B-2: 如今咱們來證實雙重否認律(~~P - >p)是有效的:rem

F = Implies(Not(Not(P)), P)

Exercise2-1:證實排中律有效P \/ ~Pit

P = Bool('P') F = Or(Not(P), P) solve(Not(F))

結果輸出:no solution #如下練習結果都是輸出no solutionio


P, Q = Bools('P Q') F = Implies(Implies(Implies(P, Q), P), P) solve(Not(F))

Exercise2-3:(P -> Q) -> (~Q -> ~P).

P, Q =Bools('P Q') X = Implies(P, Q) Y = Implies(Not(Q), Not(P)) F = Implies(X, Y) solve(Not(F))

Exercise2-4:(P -> Q /\ R) -> ((P -> Q) /\ (P -> R))

P, Q, R =Bools('P Q R') A = Implies(P, And(Q, R)) B = Implies(P, Q) C = Implies(P, R) F = Implies(A, And(B, C)) solve(Not(F))

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