# http://blog.51cto.com/breezey/1555530 # yum install ansible -y # 查看生成的文件 rpm -ql ansible /etc/ansible /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg /etc/ansible/hosts /etc/ansible/roles /usr/bin/ansible ansible -h ansible --version vim /etc/ansible/hosts [test] ansible -i /etc/ansible/hosts test -u root -m command -a 'ls /home/' -k 能夠簡化爲:ansible test -a 'ls /home/' -k # 固然也能夠基於ssh 認證 # 檢測主機是否存活 ansible all -m ping vim /etc/ansible/hosts # children [mfs:children] mfs_master mfs_client mfs_node [mfs_master] [mfs_client] [mfs_node] ##################################### #22222222222 ansible 經常使用模塊 # 假設已經 基於ssh 認證 # 查看 ansible-doc -l # 查看具體模塊的用法 ansible-doc -s user
# 連接 # http://blog.51cto.com/breezey/1555530 1 # 收集客戶機的信息 ansible all -m setup 2 # ping 檢測是否存活 ansible all -m ping 3 # file 模塊 ansible test -m file -a "src=/etc/fstab dest=/tmp/fstab state=link" ansible test -m file -a "path=/tmp/fstab state=absent" ansible test -m file -a "path=/tmp/test state=touch" ansible test -m file -a 'path=/tmp/d2 state=directory owner=root group=root mode=700' ansible test -m command -a 'ls /tmp -lh' 4 # copy 模塊 ansible test -m copy -a "src=/srv/myfiles/foo.conf dest=/etc/foo.conf owner=foo group=foo mode=0644" ansible test -m copy -a "src=/mine/ntp.conf dest=/etc/ntp.conf owner=root group=root mode=644 backup=yes" ansible test -m copy -a "src=/mine/sudoers dest=/etc/sudoers validate='visudo -cf %s'" # 在管理機當前目錄新建文件bbb echo "this is a test from manager mechine">bbb ansible test -m copy -a 'src=bbb dest=/tmp/file2 mode=744 user=root group=root' ansible test -a 'ls -lh /tmp' ansible test -a 'cat /tmp/file2' # 再次修改 bbb 文件,再次執行copy模塊,添加參數backup=yes 5 # command 模塊 6 # shell 模塊,對於command模塊,支持管道 ansible test -a 'ps -ef |grep http' ansible test -m shell -a 'ps -ef |grep http' ansible test -m raw -a 'ps -ef |grep http' 7 # service 模塊 asnible test -m service -a "name=foo pattern=/usr/bin/foo state=started" ansible test -m service -a "name=network state=restarted args=eth0" ansible test -m service -a 'name=nginx state=started enabled=yes' ansible test -m raw -a 'ps -ef |grep nginx' ansible test -m service -a 'name=nginx state=stopped' ansible test -m service -a 'name=nginx state=restarted sleep=3' 8 # cron 模塊 ansible test -m cron -a 'name="a job for reboot" special_time=reboot job="/some/job.sh"' ansible test -m cron -a 'name="yum autoupdate" weekday="2" minute=0 hour=12 user="root ansible test -m cron -a 'backup="True" name="test" minute="0" hour="5,2" job="ls -alh > /dev/null"' ansilbe test -m cron -a 'cron_file=ansible_yum-autoupdate state=absent' ansible test -m cron -a 'name="reboot system" hour=2 user=root job="/sbin/reboot"' ansible test -m command -a 'crontab -l' ansible test -m cron -a 'name="reboot system" hour=2 user=root job="/sbin/reboot" state=absent' # 再次查看,已經刪除了計劃任務 9 # filesystem 模塊 10 # yum 模塊 ansible test -m yum -a 'name=httpd state=latest' ansible test -m yum -a 'name="@Development tools" state=present' ansible test -m yum -a 'name=http://nginx.org/packages/centos/6/noarch/RPMS/nginx-release-centos-6-0.el6.ngx.noarch.rpm state=present' 11 # user 管理用戶 12 # synchronize 同步模塊 src=some/relative/path dest=/some/absolute/path rsync_path="sudo rsync" src=some/relative/path dest=/some/absolute/path archive=no links=yes src=some/relative/path dest=/some/absolute/path checksum=yes times=no src=/tmp/helloworld dest=/var/www/helloword rsync_opts=--no-motd,--exclude=.git mode=pull 13 # mount name=/mnt/dvd src=/dev/sr0 fstype=iso9660 opts=ro state=present name=/srv/disk src='LABEL=SOME_LABEL' state=present name=/home src='UUID=b3e48f45-f933-4c8e-a700-22a159ec9077' opts=noatime state=present ansible test -a 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/disk.img bs=4k count=1024' ansible test -a 'losetup /dev/loop0 /disk.img' ansible test -m filesystem 'fstype=ext4 force=yes opts=-F dev=/dev/loop0' ansible test -m mount 'name=/mnt src=/dev/loop0 fstype=ext4 state=mounted opts=rw'
##variables Defined in Inventory ##Variables Defined in a Playbook ##Variables Defined in a Commandline - hosts: mfs_node user: "{{ uservar }}" tasks: - shell: echo "{{ echovar }}" ansible-playbook command_vars.yml -e 'uservar="root" echovar="helloworld" ansible-playbook command_vars.yml -e '{"uservar":"root", "echovar":"hello world"}' ansible-playbook command_vars.yml -e '@test.json'
cat test.json # 文件內容以下: uservar: root echovar: helloworld ## Registered Variables - hosts: mfs_node tasks: - shell: echo "5" register: result ignore_errors: True - debug: msg="it failed" when: result|failed - debug: msg="{{result.stdout}}" - shell: /usr/bin/var when: result.rc == 5 ## roles ## Using Variables: About Jinja2 template: src=foo.cfg.j2 dest={{ remote_install_path }}/foo.cfg {{ some_variable | default(5) }} ## Facts 系統的和本地的 #### System Facts ansible <hostname> -m setup #### local Facts # 補充 Omitting Undefined Variables - name: touch files with an optional mode file: dest={{item.path}} state=touch mode={{item.mode|default(omit)}} with_items: - path: /tmp/foo - path: /tmp/bar - path: /tmp/bazz mode: "0444" # 這個mode只對bazz 生效 # A YAML Gotcha # this won't work: - host: app_servers vars: app_path: {{ base_path }}/22 # Do it like this and you'll be fine: - hosts: app_servers vars: app_path: "{{ base_path }}/22" # 加上雙引號 Playbook Conditionals # 內置變量 hostvars groups group_names inventory_hostname inventory_hostname_short inventory_dir inventory_file ## when 條件判斷 tasks: - name: "shutdown Debian flavored systems" command: /sbin/shutdown -t now when: ansible_os_family == "Debian" - name: "shutdown Redlkjdlkfakjdkf" command: halt -p when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"