從開始錄像,到錄像結束均有event callback上來,網絡堵塞、音視頻同步均作了很是友好的處理,大牛直播錄像SDK是目前市面上爲數很少真正好用的商業化錄像SDK。ide
/* 設置本地錄像目錄, 必須是英文目錄,不然會失敗 */ NT_UINT32(NT_API *SetRecorderDirectory)(NT_HANDLE handle, NT_PCSTR dir); /* 設置單個錄像文件最大大小, 當超過這個值的時候,將切割成第二個文件 size: 單位是KB(1024Byte), 當前範圍是 [5MB-800MB], 超出將被設置到範圍內 */ NT_UINT32(NT_API *SetRecorderFileMaxSize)(NT_HANDLE handle, NT_UINT32 size); /* 設置錄像文件名生成規則 */ NT_UINT32(NT_API *SetRecorderFileNameRuler)(NT_HANDLE handle, NT_SP_RecorderFileNameRuler* ruler); /* 設置錄像回調接口 */ NT_UINT32(NT_API *SetRecorderCallBack)(NT_HANDLE handle, NT_PVOID call_back_data, SP_SDKRecorderCallBack call_back); /* 啓動錄像 */ NT_UINT32(NT_API *StartRecorder)(NT_HANDLE handle); /* 中止錄像 */ NT_UINT32(NT_API *StopRecorder)(NT_HANDLE handle);
/** * Create file directory * * @param path, E.g: /sdcard/daniulive/rec * * <pre> The interface is only used for recording the stream data to local side. </pre> * * @return {0} if successful */ public native int SmartPlayerCreateFileDirectory(String path); /** * Set recorder directory. * * @param path: the directory of recorder file. * * <pre> NOTE: make sure the path should be existed, or else the setting failed. </pre> * * @return {0} if successful */ public native int SmartPlayerSetRecorderDirectory(long handle, String path); /** * Set the size of every recorded file. * * @param size: (MB), (5M~500M), if not in this range, set default size with 200MB. * * @return {0} if successful */ public native int SmartPlayerSetRecorderFileMaxSize(long handle, int size); /** * Start recorder stream * * @param handle: return value from SmartPlayerOpen() * * @return {0} if successful */ public native int SmartPlayerStartRecorder(long handle); /** * Stop recorder stream * * @param handle: return value from SmartPlayerOpen() * * @return {0} if successful */ public native int SmartPlayerStopRecorder(long handle);
/** * 錄像相關: * * @param path 錄像文件存放目錄 * * @return {0} if successful */ - (NSInteger)SmartPlayerSetRecorderDirectory:(NSString*)path; /** * 錄像相關: * * @param size 每一個錄像文件的大小 (5~500M), 默認200M * * @return {0} if successful */ - (NSInteger)SmartPlayerSetRecorderFileMaxSize:(NSInteger)size; /** * 錄像相關: * * Start recorder(開始錄像) * * @return {0} if successful */ - (NSInteger)SmartPlayerStartRecorder; /** * 錄像相關: * * Stop recorder(中止錄像) * * @return {0} if successful */ - (NSInteger)SmartPlayerStopRecorder;