@author : istory85python
name = 'Swaroop' if name.startswith('Swa'): print 'Yes, the string starts with "Swa"' if 'a' in name: print 'Yes, it contains the string "a"' if name.find('war') != -1: print 'Yes, it contains war' delimiter = '_*_' mylist = ['Brazil', 'Russia', 'Japan', 'China'] print delimiter.join(mylist)
import os import time source = ['/root/a.txt', '/root/b.txt'] target_dir = '/root/backup/' today = target_dir + time.strftime('%Y%m%d') now = time.strftime('%H%M%S') comment = raw_input('Enter a comment --> ') if len(comment)== 0: target = today + os.sep + now + '.zip' else: target = today + os.sep + now + '_' + \ comment.replace(' ', '_') + '.zip' if not os.path.exists(today): os.mkdir(today) print 'Successfully created directory', today zip_command = "zip -qr '%s' %s" %(target, ' '.join(source)) if os.system(zip_command) == 0: print 'Successful backup to', target else: print 'Backup Failed'
class Person: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def sayHi(self): print 'Hello, my name is', self.name p = Person('Swaroop') p.sayHi()
class Person: population = 0 def __init__(self, name): self.name = name print '(Initializing %s)' % self.name Person.population += 1 def __del__(self): print '%s says bye.' % self.name Person.population -= 1 if Person.population == 0: print 'I am the last one.' else: print 'there are still %d people left.' % Person.population def sayHi(self): print 'Hi, my name is %s.' % self.name def howMany(self): if Person.population == 1: print 'I am the only person here.' else: print 'We have %d persons here.' % Person.population swaroop = Person('Swaroop') swaroop.sayHi() swaroop.howMany() kalam = Person('Abdul Kalam') kalam.sayHi() kalam.howMany() swaroop.sayHi() swaroop.howMany() kalam.__del__() kalam.howMany() swaroop.__del__() swaroop.howMany()
class SchoolMember: def __init__(self, name, age): self.name = name self.age = age print '(Initialized SchoolMemeber: %s)' % self.name def tell(self): print 'Name:"%s" Age:"%s"' % (self.name, self.age) class Teacher(SchoolMember): def __init__(self, name, age, salary): SchoolMember.__init__(self, name, age) self.salary = salary print '(Initialized Teacher: %s)' % self.name def tell(self): SchoolMember.tell(self) print 'Salary: "%d"' % self.salary class Student(SchoolMember): def __init__(self, name, age, marks): SchoolMember.__init__(self, name, age) self.marks = marks print '(Initialized Student: %s)' % self.name def tell(self): SchoolMember.tell(self) print 'Marks: "%d"' % self.marks t = Teacher('Mrs. Shrividya', 40, 3000) s = Student('Swaroop', 22, 75) print #prints a blank line members = [t, s] for member in members: member.tell()
poem = '''\ Programing is fun when the work is done if you wanna makeyour work also fun: use Python! ''' f = file('poem.txt', 'w') f.write(poem) f.close() f = file('poem.txt') while True: line = f.readline() if len(line) == 0: break print line, f.close()
import cPickle as p shoplistfile = 'shoplist.data' #name shoplist = ['apple', 'mango', 'carrot'] #thing f = file(shoplistfile, 'w') #read p.dump(shoplist, f) #store f.close() #close del shoplist #del thin f = file(shoplistfile) #read storedlist = p.load(f) #load and read print storedlist #show
import sys try: s = raw_input('Enter something --> ') except EOFError: print '\nWhy did you do an EOF on me?' sys.exit() except: print '\nSome error/exception occurred.' print 'Done'
class ShortInputException(Exception): '''A user-defined exception class.''' def __init__(self, length, atleast): Exception.__init__(self) self.length = length self.atleast = atleast try: s = raw_input('Enter something --> ') if len(s) < 3: raise ShortInputException(len(s), 3) except EOFError: print '\nWhy did you do an EOF on me?' except ShortInputException, x: print 'ShortInputException: The input was of length %d, \ was expecting at least %d' % (x.length, x.atleast) else: print 'No exception was raised'
import time try: f = file('poem.txt') while True: line = f.readline() if len(line) == 0: break time.sleep(2) print line, finally: f.close() print 'Cleaning up...closed the file'
import sys def readfile(filename): '''Print a file to the standard output.''' f = file(filename) while True: line = f.readline() if len(line) == 0: break print line, f.close() if len(sys.argv) < 2: print 'No action specified.' sys.exit() if sys.argv[1].startswith('--'): option = sys.argv[1][2:] if option == 'version': print 'Version 1.2' elif option == 'help': print '''\ This program prints files to the standard output. Any number of files can be specified. Options include: --version : Prints the version number --help : Display this help''' else: print 'Unkown option.' sys.exit() else: for filename in sys.argv[1:]: readfile(filename)
os.name --指示當前使用平臺 對windows, 返回'nt',對於linux等,返回'posix'. os.getcwd()獲得當前工做目錄 os.getenv()/putenv() 讀取和設置環境變量 os.listdir()返回指定目錄下的全部文件和目錄名 os.remove() os.system()運行shell腳本 os.sep取代了當前系統的路徑分隔符 os.linesep給出當前平臺的行終止符 os.path.split()返回一個路徑的目錄名和文件名 os.path.isfile()/isdir()判斷給出的路徑是一個文件仍是一個目錄 os.path.existe()檢驗給出的路徑是否真實的存在
__init__ __del__ __str__ __lt__ __getitem__ __len__
listone = [2, 3, 4,100] listtwo = [2*i for i in listone if i > 2] print listtwo
def powersum(power, *args): '''Return the sum of each argument raised to specified power.''' total = 0 for i in args: total += pow(i, power) return total print powersum(2, 3, 4) print powersum(2, 10)
def make_repeater(n): return lambda s: s*n twice = make_repeater(2) print twice('word') print twice(5)
exec 'print "Hello World"' print eval ('2*3')
mylist = ['item'] assert len(mylist) >= 1 mylist.pop() assert len(mylist) >= 1
i = [] i.append('item') print `i` print repr(i)