1. WSUS 完整安裝步驟網址,含PowerShell及GUI兩種方式
2. WSUS 安裝後默認服務端口是8530,若是須要改成80端口,步驟以下:shell
2.1 IIS Manager -> Sites -> WSUS Administration -> Properties - > Edit Bindings
Change the port which you want.
2.2 Open IIS, go to 'Advanced Settings' of the website, Changed ID from 11682 (or something like that), to '1' (hinted at by Lawrence above)windows
2.3 Modify regedit [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Update Services\Server\Setup], key "PortNumber"=dword:00000050api
2.4 除了上述修改端口的方式外,微軟另提供了[wsusutil]指令修改session
- 指令路徑在 C:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools\
- 查詢指令用法:Wsusutil.exe help usecustomwebsite
- Server 2012 WSUS 修改port
Wsusutil usecustomwebsite false # 從默認端口修改成80 port
Wsusutil usecustomwebsite true # 從現有端口修改成默認8530 portapp
3. Database Maintenance
In order to keep your WSUS server functioning correctly, you should have a maintenance plan that includes re-indexing the database on a regular basis, preferably at least once a month.
The WsusDBMaintenance script (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=87027) allows you to re-index any version of the WSUS database, either SQL Server or Windows Internal Database.post
4. WSUS卸載後重裝,可能會有相似報錯:
2015-02-04 09:47:25 System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80070003): The system cannot find the path specified.ui
Log file at C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Temp\2, Found the in the logs that it fails during the IIS Configuration.
On that server I had deleted the default web site with ID 1, as I never use the default site , so I thought it might WSUS requires the default site for the initial setup . Once I had recreated the site I was able to successfully complete the Post installation.net
意思是, WSUS安裝過程當中,設定IIS時候,會檢查是否有ID爲1的 web site, 若是被刪除,IIS初始化設定將失敗。 需手動新增任意站點並在該站點高級設定中,將ID修改成1;orm
5. WSUS常規GUI方式重裝,若是反覆遇到不可期錯誤,可按照下述步驟處理
To resolve the issue, I performed the following steps (in order):
1) Open a PowerShell session as Administrator and uninstall WSUS completely with the following command:
Remove-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices,UpdateServices-DB,UpdateServices-RSAT,UpdateServices-API,UpdateServices-UI -IncludeManagementTools
2) Delete the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Update Services
3) Delete the WSUS file from %appdata%\Microsoft\MMC
4) Delete the Folder %ProgramFiles%\Update Services along with all of its subfolders and files.
5) Reboot the server
6) Run the System File Checker to find and repair any inconsistencies by typing the command below into the PowerShell prompt.
SFC /scannow
7) Reboot the server
8) Verify IIS is installed and working without errors
9) Open a Powershell session as Administrator an install WSUS with the following command:
Install-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices -IncludeManagementTools
Install-WindowsFeature -Name UpdateServices,UpdateServices-WidDB,UpdateServices-RSAT,UpdateServices-API,UpdateServices-UI,UpdateServices-Services -IncludeManagementTools
10) Once WSUS installation has completed, change the current working directory to %programfiles%\Update Services\Tools and run one of the following post-installation commands:
.\wsusutil postinstall CONTENT_DIR=D:\WSUS
11) Wait for the command to complete successfully.