[root@VM_0_5_centos src]# yum install perl-DBD-MySQL 不安裝這個備份會報錯:Failed to connect to MySQL server: DBI connect [root@VM_0_5_centos src]# cd /usr/local/src [root@VM_0_5_centos src]# wget https://www.percona.com/downloads/XtraBackup/Percona-XtraBackup-2.4.7/binary/tarball/percona-xtrabackup-2.4.7-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz [root@VM_0_5_centos src]# tar zxvf percona-xtrabackup-2.4.7-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz -C .. 添加環境變量 [root@VM_0_5_centos src]# cd .. [root@VM_0_5_centos src]# ln -s percona-xtrabackup-2.4.7-Linux-x86_64/ xtrabackup [root@VM_0_5_centos src]# echo "PATH=/usr/local/xtrabackup/bin:$PATH" >> /etc/profile [root@VM_0_5_centos src]# source /etc/profile
[root@VM_0_5_centos src]# innobackupex --compress --compress-threads=8 --stream=xbstream -S /tmp/mysql.sock --parallel=4 /data/backup/ > /data/backup/backup.xbstream 建議用-S鏈接,默認走socket,不用-S可能報連不上 經常使用參數:throttle 指定備份時用到的iops是多少,限制速度
190620 19:47:53 innobackupex: Starting the backup operation IMPORTANT: Please check that the backup run completes successfully. At the end of a successful backup run innobackupex prints "completed OK!". 190620 19:47:53 version_check Connecting to MySQL server with DSN 'dbi:mysql:;mysql_read_default_group=xtrabackup;mysql_socket=/tmp/mysql.sock' as 'root' (using password: YES). 190620 19:47:53 version_check Connected to MySQL server 190620 19:47:53 version_check Executing a version check against the server... 190620 19:47:53 version_check Done. 190620 19:47:53 Connecting to MySQL server host: localhost, user: root, password: set, port: not set, socket: /tmp/mysql.sock Using server version 5.7.20-log innobackupex version 2.4.7 based on MySQL server 5.7.13 Linux (x86_64) (revision id: 05f1fcf) xtrabackup: uses posix_fadvise(). # 鏈接數據庫並作兩次版本檢查 xtrabackup: cd to /mdata/mysql_test_data xtrabackup: open files limit requested 0, set to 100001 xtrabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration: xtrabackup: innodb_data_home_dir = . xtrabackup: innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend xtrabackup: innodb_log_group_home_dir = ./ xtrabackup: innodb_log_files_in_group = 2 xtrabackup: innodb_log_file_size = 50331648 InnoDB: Number of pools: 1 190620 19:47:53 >> log scanned up to (10304795) # 讀取配置文件,尋找對應的文件及日誌位置 xtrabackup: Generating a list of tablespaces InnoDB: Allocated tablespace ID 51 for dump_test/dump_inno, old maximum was 0 xtrabackup: Starting 4 threads for parallel data files transfer 190620 19:47:53 [04] Compressing and streaming ./ibdata1 190620 19:47:53 [03] Compressing and streaming ./dump_test/dump_inno.ibd 190620 19:47:53 [03] ...done 190620 19:47:53 [03] Compressing and streaming ./test/test.ibd 190620 19:47:53 [02] Compressing and streaming ./test/sbtest1.ibd 190620 19:47:53 [03] ...done ... 190620 19:47:54 >> log scanned up to (10304795) 190620 19:47:54 Executing FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG TABLES... 190620 19:47:54 Executing FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK... 190620 19:47:54 Starting to backup non-InnoDB tables and files 190620 19:47:54 [01] Compressing and streaming ./dump_test/dump_inno.frm to <STDOUT> 190620 19:47:54 [01] ...done 190620 19:47:54 [01] Compressing and streaming ./dump_test/db.opt to <STDOUT> 190620 19:47:54 [01] ...done ... 190620 19:47:55 Finished backing up non-InnoDB tables and files # 拷貝數據 190620 19:47:55 [00] Compressing and streaming xtrabackup_binlog_info 190620 19:47:55 [00] ...done # 獲取二進制文件日誌點 190620 19:47:55 Executing FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG ENGINE LOGS... xtrabackup: The latest check point (for incremental): '10304786' 190620 19:47:55 >> log scanned up to (10304795) xtrabackup: Stopping log copying thread. 190620 19:47:55 Executing UNLOCK TABLES 190620 19:47:55 All tables unlocked # 中止拷貝,釋放鎖 190620 19:47:55 [00] Compressing and streaming ib_buffer_pool to <STDOUT> 190620 19:47:55 [00] ...done 190620 19:47:55 Backup created in directory '/data/backup' MySQL binlog position: filename 'bin.000006', position '154' 190620 19:47:55 [00] Compressing and streaming backup-my.cnf 190620 19:47:55 [00] ...done 190620 19:47:55 [00] Compressing and streaming xtrabackup_info 190620 19:47:55 [00] ...done xtrabackup: Transaction log of lsn (10304786) to (10304795) was copied. 190620 19:47:55 completed OK! 190620 19:47:55 [00] ...done 190620 19:47:55 Backup created in directory '/data/backup' MySQL binlog position: filename 'bin.000006', position '154' 190620 19:47:55 [00] Compressing and streaming backup-my.cnf 190620 19:47:55 [00] ...done 190620 19:47:55 [00] Compressing and streaming xtrabackup_info 190620 19:47:55 [00] ...done xtrabackup: Transaction log of lsn (10304786) to (10304795) was copied. 190620 19:47:55 completed OK! # 生成各類文件,備份結束
- | 操做 | 解析 |
step1 | Connecting to MySQL server host | 鏈接登陸 |
step2 | using the following InnoDB configuration | 讀相關配置文件 |
step3 | start xtrabackup_log | 啓用日誌文件,記錄redo的lsn,同時持續掃描redo log,將新產生的redo拷貝到xtrabackup_logfile |
step4 | copy innodb tables .ibd、.ibdata一、undo logs | 拷貝innodb表的獨立表空間、共享表空間、undo日誌 |
step5 | flush no_write_to_binlog tables、flush tables with read lock | 強制將commit log刷入redo防止數據丟失(5.6以前沒有),鎖表 |
step6 | copy non-innodb tables .MYD、.MYI、.opt、misc files和innodb tables .frm、.opt、misc files | 拷貝myisam表相關內容和innodb表的表結構文件 |
step7 | Get binary log position | 獲取二進制日誌位置點,寫入到xtrabackup_binlog_info文件 |
step8 | flush no_write_to_binlog engine logs | 將redo刷盤 |
step9 | stopping log copying thread | 中止拷貝 |
step10 | unlock tables | 釋放鎖 |
step11 | completed OK | 生成各類文件,備份結束 |
①簡單點說:一個線程備份redo,貫穿整個過程始終,另外的線程備份表空間文件,直到completed OK,備份成功數據庫
[root@VM_0_5_centos backup]# xbstream -x < backup.xbstream [root@VM_0_5_centos backup]# ll total 2792 drwxr-x--- 2 root root 4096 July 20 19:47 abc -rw-r----- 1 root root 417 July 20 19:47 backup-my.cnf.qp -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1822257 July 20 19:46 backup.xbstream drwxr-x--- 2 root root 4096 July 20 19:47 dump_test -rw-r----- 1 root root 370 July 20 19:47 ib_buffer_pool.qp -rw-r----- 1 root root 969374 July 20 19:47 ibdata1.qp drwxr-x--- 2 root root 4096 July 20 19:47 mysql drwxr-x--- 2 root root 4096 July 20 19:47 performance_schema drwxr-x--- 2 root root 12288 July 20 19:47 sys drwxr-x--- 2 root root 4096 July 20 19:47 test -rw-r----- 1 root root 102 July 20 19:47 xtrabackup_binlog_info.qp -rw-r----- 1 root root 115 July 20 19:47 xtrabackup_checkpoints -rw-r----- 1 root root 494 July 20 19:47 xtrabackup_info.qp -rw-r----- 1 root root 391 July 20 19:47 xtrabackup_logfile.qp 看到不少qp文件,是由於備份時作了壓縮,咱們須要將其解壓 [root@VM_0_5_centos backup]# for f in `find ./ -iname "*\.qp"`; do qpress -dT4 $f $(dirname $f) && rm -f $f; done [root@VM_0_5_centos backup]# ll drwxr-x--- 2 root root 4096 July 20 19:57 abc -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 427 July 20 19:57 backup-my.cnf -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1822257 July 20 19:46 backup.xbstream drwxr-x--- 2 root root 4096 July 20 19:57 dump_test -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 413 July 20 19:57 ib_buffer_pool -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12582912 July 20 19:57 ibdata1 drwxr-x--- 2 root root 4096 July 20 19:57 mysql drwxr-x--- 2 root root 12288 July 20 19:57 performance_schema drwxr-x--- 2 root root 12288 July 20 19:57 sys drwxr-x--- 2 root root 4096 July 20 19:57 test -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15 July 20 19:57 xtrabackup_binlog_info -rw-r----- 1 root root 115 July 20 19:47 xtrabackup_checkpoints -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 521 July 20 19:57 xtrabackup_info -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2560 July 20 19:57 xtrabackup_logfile 能夠看到,除了備份表空間等,還生成了4個文件
[root@VM_0_5_centos backup]# cat xtrabackup_binlog_info # 記錄binlog文件名和position bin.000006 154 ------ [root@VM_0_5_centos backup]# cat xtrabackup_checkpoints # 記錄備份過程當中checkpoint、lsn信息 backup_type = full-backuped from_lsn = 0 to_lsn = 10304786 last_lsn = 10304795 compact = 0 recover_binlog_info = 0 ------ [root@VM_0_5_centos backup]# cat xtrabackup_info # 整個備份過程當中的信息 uuid = 48febc78-0012-11e8-b724-525400a4dac1 name = tool_name = innobackupex tool_command = --compress --compress-threads=8 --stream=xbstream -S /tmp/mysql.sock --parallel=4 ./ tool_version = 2.4.7 ibbackup_version = 2.4.7 server_version = 5.7.20-log start_time = 2019-06-20 19:47:51 end_time = 2019-06-20 19:47:56 lock_time = 0 binlog_pos = filename 'bin.000006', position '154' innodb_from_lsn = 0 innodb_to_lsn = 10304786 partial = N incremental = N format = xbstream compact = N compressed = compressed encrypted = N ------ xtrabackup_logfile # 持續備份的redo,直接看不了
step1: 應用日誌,將backup恢復 [root@VM_0_5_centos mdata]# innobackupex --apply-log backup step2:將恢復好的數據拷貝到datadir,直接move也行 [root@VM_0_5_centos mdata]# innobackupex --copy-back backup step3:修改文件屬主 [root@VM_0_5_centos mdata]# chown -R mysql:mysql mysql_test_data step4:啓動數據庫 /etc/init.d/mysql.server start Starting MySQL. SUCCESS!
--incremental-history-name=name 可以使用改參數作增量備份spa
innobackupex --compress --compress-threads=8 --stream=xbstream --user=root --parallel=4 ./ | ssh root@ "xbstream -x -C /data/www/mysql/backup"