set_data_check setup: 相似於寄存器的setup, 即related signal 翻轉前,constrained signal 必須保持穩定的時間。git
set_data_check hold: 相似於寄存器的hold, 即related signal 翻轉後,constrained signal 必須保持穩定的時間。微信
set_data_check 只能指定一個值,而 lib 裏定義的non_seq timing check 則是一張index 爲input transition 跟output load 的表格,因此更精確。url
可是lib 裏定義的non_seq timing check 只能在該lib cell 的leaf pin 上,而set_data_check 能夠對design 中任意兩個pin 進行約束。spa
對於C 家工具,若是既讀了定義有non_seq timing check 的lib, 也設了set_data_check, 則set_data_check 優先級更高。
Data checks are normally applied where there is a specific requirement of skew (either minimum of maximum) or race condition (where the order of arrival of two signals can affect output and the intention is to get one of the probable outputs by constraining one signal to come before the other) between two or more signals. These may be required where:3d
At the digital-analog interface within a chip where analog signals at the analog block boundary are required in a specific order.
At the chip boundary, some asynchronous interface signals may have skew requirements.
對於用命令set_data_check 設置的約束,能夠經過以下變量控制:
對於lib 裏定義的non_seq timing check, 能夠經過以下變量控制:
u0/D2 相對於 u0/D1 的data check.
到寄存器u1 的setup/hold check.
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