在一個Shiny App中,若是點擊一個按鈕,每每意味着一些R代碼會被執行。若是這段代碼執行時間很短,用戶體驗不會受到影響;若是這段代碼執行時間很長,界面上若是不提供給用戶一些即時的反饋,就會讓用戶感到困惑。html
withBusyIndicatorUI <- function(button) { id <- button[['attribs']][['id']] # 使用str(actionButton("test", "test"))查看Button的結構,是一個長度爲3的list,其中一個元素是名爲attribs的list,裏面包含id、type和class屬性 div( `data-for-btn` = id, # 爲div建立一個attribute,取值爲button id,這樣方便CSS Selector對其進行查詢 button, # 等價於 <button id="test" type="button" class="btn btn-default action-button">test</button> span( class = "btn-loading-container", hidden( strong("loading...", class = "btn-loading-indicator"),, icon("check", class = "btn-done-indicator") ) ), # 內聯元素,會跟在button的右側顯示,初始狀態爲隱藏,用於顯示正在執行和執行成功 hidden( div(class = "btn-err", div(icon("exclamation-circle"), tags$b("Error: "), span(class = "btn-err-msg") ) ) ) # 塊級元素,會在button的下側顯示,初始狀態爲隱藏,用於顯示執行錯誤的消息 ) }
withBusyIndicatorServer <- function(buttonId, expr) { # UX stuff: show the "busy" message, hide the other messages, disable the button # 構造CSS選擇器,根據attribute定位按鈕,根據class獲取按鈕所處的狀態 loadingEl <- sprintf("[data-for-btn=%s] .btn-loading-indicator", buttonId) doneEl <- sprintf("[data-for-btn=%s] .btn-done-indicator", buttonId) errEl <- sprintf("[data-for-btn=%s] .btn-err", buttonId) # 使按鈕失效 shinyjs::disable(buttonId) # 顯示正在執行部分 shinyjs::show(selector = loadingEl) # 隱藏執行成功部分 shinyjs::hide(selector = doneEl) # 隱藏執行失敗部分 shinyjs::hide(selector = errEl) # 執行完成後須要調用的函數:使按鈕有效,隱藏正在執行部分 on.exit({ shinyjs::enable(buttonId) shinyjs::hide(selector = loadingEl) }) # Try to run the code when the button is clicked and show an error message if # an error occurs or a success message if it completes tryCatch({ # 執行按鈕點擊後的expr value <- expr # 顯示執行成功 shinyjs::show(selector = doneEl) # 延時兩秒後,隱藏執行成功 shinyjs::delay(2000, shinyjs::hide(selector = doneEl, anim = TRUE, animType = "fade", time = 0.5)) # 返回執行結果 value }, error = function(err) { errorFunc(err, buttonId) }) } errorFunc <- function(err, buttonId) { errEl <- sprintf("[data-for-btn=%s] .btn-err", buttonId) errElMsg <- sprintf("[data-for-btn=%s] .btn-err-msg", buttonId) errMessage <- err$message shinyjs::html(html = errMessage, selector = errElMsg) shinyjs::show(selector = errEl, anim = TRUE, animType = "fade") }
library(shiny) library(shinyjs) ui <- fluidPage( useShinyjs(), tags$style(appCSS), selectInput("select", "Select an option", c("This one is okay" = "ok", "This will give an error" = "error")), # Wrap the button in the function `withBusyIndicatorUI()` withBusyIndicatorUI( actionButton( "uploadFilesBtn", "Process data", class = "btn-primary" ) ) ) server <- function(input, output, session) { observeEvent(input$uploadFilesBtn, { # When the button is clicked, wrap the code in a call to `withBusyIndicatorServer()` withBusyIndicatorServer("uploadFilesBtn", { Sys.sleep(1) if (input$select == "error") { stop("choose another option") } }) }) } shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)