As consultants in function point analysis, each of us has been involved with information technology (IT) for at least 25 years. Although our experiences have been different, we each came to the conclusion early in our careers that measurement was a key to success. You have heard many times that you cannot manage what you cannot measure. It is our opinion that functional sizing is the most effective measurementin software development and maintenance. We have chosen the International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG) method as the most consistent functional size measurement method. IFPUG function point analysis measures software by quan- tifying functionality provided to
The rules and definitions of the IFPUG method have continued to be enhanced since function point analysis was introduced during the mid-1970s by Allan Albrecht of IBM as a form of sizing software development.Since its formation in 1986, the IFPUG has maintained and updated a Function Point Counting Practices Manual (CPM) that provides the rules,as well as guidance in applying the rules, for deter- mining types of counts,establishing application boundar- ies, and measuring data and transactional functions. Releaseless
4.3 of the CPM conforms to the ISO/IEC 14143-1:2007ide
standard for functional measurement. The rules by them- selves in CPM 4.3 are essentially unchanged, but the ter- minology has changed to comply with the ISO Functional Size Measurement(FSM) standard.Asmembersof the IFPUGCountingPracticesCommittee(CPC),we have been immersed in the process of releasing this latest version of the CPM. It was our intent in writing this book to guide readers in preparing for the IFPUG Certified Function Point Specialist (CFPS) exam, but the guidelines contained herein should also serve as a useful reference book for anyone apply- ing the rules of function point analysis.ui
While writing this book, we were blessed to receive com- ments and constructive criticism from three book reviewers who are leaders in the software measurementcommunity and well known in IFPUG circles. We particularly wish to express our appreciation to Bonnie Brown, Vice Chair of the IFPUG CPC; Joe Schofield, Vice President of IFPUG; and Mary Bradley, Past President of IFPUG and Past Chair of the CPC. Their contribution to this effort was significant.this
We hope you find this book to be useful in any sizing effort as well as in preparation for the CFPS exam.orm