我以爲對非阻塞IO (nonblocking IO)或異步IO (asynchronous IO, AIO)頗有必要談一談。若是你已經徹底知道他們是什麼了,能夠跳去看下一節。我儘量的使用一些例子來講明它們是什麼。ios
讓咱們假設你正在寫一個須要請求一些來自其餘服務器上的數據(好比數據庫服務,再好比新浪微博的open api)的應用程序,而後呢這些請求將花費一個比較長的時間,假設須要花費5秒鐘。大多數的web開發框架中處理請求的代碼大概長這樣:web
def handler_request(self, request): answ = self.remote_server.query(request) # this takes 5 seconds request.write_response(answ)
def handler_request(self, request): self.remote_server.query_async(request, self.response_received) def response_received(self, request, answ): # this is called 5 seconds later request.write(answ)
關於異步IO,比當前這篇過度簡單的介紹更好的學習資料請看 The C10K problem 。websocket
爲了方便,約定$root指帶tornado的根目錄。總的來講,要用 Tornado 完成一個網站的構建,其實主要須要如下幾個文件:
Use this whenever saving a callback to be executed later in a different execution context (either in a different thread or asynchronously in the same thread).
咱們先來看看 ioloop(文檔地址:http://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/ioloop.html):
We use epoll (Linux) or kqueue (BSD and Mac OS X) if they are available, or else we fall back on select(). If you are implementing a system that needs to handle thousands of simultaneous connections, you should use a system that supports either epoll or kqueue.
程序中主函數一般調用 tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() 來啓動IOLoop,可是看了一下 IOLoop 的實現,start 方法是這樣的:
def start(self): """Starts the I/O loop. The loop will run until one of the callbacks calls `stop()`, which will make the loop stop after the current event iteration completes. """ raise NotImplementedError()
也就是說 IOLoop 是個抽象的基類,具體工做是由它的子類負責的。若是是 Linux 平臺,因此應該用 Epoll,對應的類是 PollIOLoop。PollIOLoop 的 start 方法開始了事件循環。
問題來了,tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance() 是怎麼返回 PollIOLoop 實例的呢?剛開始有點想不明白,後來看了一下 IOLoop 的代碼就豁然開朗了。
class IOLoop(Configurable):
IOLoop 繼承自 Configurable,後者位於 tornado/util.py。
A configurable interface is an (abstract) class whose constructor acts as a factory function for one of its implementation subclasses. The implementation subclass as well as optional keyword arguments to its initializer can be set globally at runtime with configure.
Configurable 類實現了一個工廠方法,也就是設計模式中的「工廠模式」,看一下__new__函數的實現:
def __new__(cls, **kwargs): base = cls.configurable_base() args = {} if cls is base: impl = cls.configured_class() if base.__impl_kwargs: args.update(base.__impl_kwargs) else: impl = cls args.update(kwargs) instance = super(Configurable, cls).__new__(impl) # initialize vs __init__ chosen for compatiblity with AsyncHTTPClient # singleton magic. If we get rid of that we can switch to __init__ # here too. instance.initialize(**args) return instance
@classmethod def configured_class(cls): """Returns the currently configured class.""" base = cls.configurable_base() if cls.__impl_class is None: base.__impl_class = cls.configurable_default() return base.__impl_class
@classmethod def configurable_default(cls): if hasattr(select, "epoll"): from tornado.platform.epoll import EPollIOLoop return EPollIOLoop if hasattr(select, "kqueue"): # Python 2.6+ on BSD or Mac from tornado.platform.kqueue import KQueueIOLoop return KQueueIOLoop from tornado.platform.select import SelectIOLoop return SelectIOLoop
EPollIOLoop 是 PollIOLoop 的子類。至此,這個流程就理清楚了。