
Python has comprehensive support for processing stringside

Method Functionality
s.find(t) index of first instance of string t inside s (-1 if not found)
s.rfind(t) index of last instance of string t inside s (-1 if not found)
s.index(t) like s.find(t) except it raises ValueError if not found
s.rindex(t) like s.rfind(t) except it raises ValueError if not found
s.join(text) combine the words of the text into a string using s as the glue
s.split(t) split s into a list wherever a t is found (whitespace by default)
s.splitlines() split s into a list of strings, one per line
s.lower() a lowercased version of the string s
s.upper() an uppercased version of the string s
s.title() a titlecased version of the string s
s.strip() a copy of s without leading or trailing whitespace
s.replace(t, u) replace instances of t with u inside s