DLL(cygwin1.dll),它提供了大量的POSIX API功能。node
請記住,發行版中的單個包是與DLL分開更新的,因此Cygwin DLL版本對於通常的Cygwin發行版本號來講沒有用。npm
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/transcode-open/apt-cyg/master/apt-cyg mv apt-cyg /bin/apt-cyg chmod +x /bin/apt-cyg apt-cyg mirror http://mirrors.sohu.com/cygwin/
install Install package(s). remove Remove package(s) from the system. update Download a fresh copy of the master package list (setup.ini) from the server defined in setup.rc. download Retrieve package(s) from the server, but do not install/upgrade anything. show Display information on given package(s). depends Produce a dependency tree for a package. rdepends Produce a tree of packages that depend on the named package. list Search each locally-installed package for names that match regexp. If no package names are provided in the command line, all installed packages will be queried. listall This will search each package in the master package list (setup.ini) for names that match regexp. category Display all packages that are members of a named category. listfiles List all files owned by a given package. Multiple packages can be specified on the command line. search Search for downloaded packages that own the specified file(s). The path can be relative or absolute, and one or more files can be specified. searchall Search cygwin.com to retrieve file information about packages. The provided target is considered to be a filename and searchall will return the package(s) which contain this file.
apt-cyg install gcc-core gcc-g++ gdb make autoconf automake libboost-devel
apt-cyg install openssh openssl binutils util-linux bash-completion procps inetutils bind-utils
apt-cyg install git wget curl vim tree
apt-cyg install python python-ipython python-pip python-setuptools apt-cyg install python3 python3-ipython python3-pip python3-setuptools #pip配置 mkdir ~/.pip touch ~/.pip/pip.conf echo -e "[global]\nindex-url = https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple" > ~/.pip/pip.conf python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install ipython #語法檢查 pip install --user flake8 #自動代碼提示 pip install --user jedi #自動導入模塊 pip install --user isort #代碼格式化 pip install --user yapf
apt-cyg install help2man man-db man-pages-posix
apt-cyg install zsh sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
npm config set registry https://registry.npm.taobao.org npm i -g tldr tldr --update npm i -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org npm i -g yarn yarn config set registry https://registry.npm.taobao.org
wget -qO- https://raw.github.com/ma6174/vim/master/setup.sh | sh -x