The field object represents a column in a table. A field has many properties, the most obvious ones being its name and its type. 討論 Field properties can be accessed through the ListFields and Describe functions. Updating a field property only updates the field object, no changes are made to the actual field in the table or feature class. 語法 Field () 屬性 屬性 說明 數據類型 aliasName (可讀寫) The alias name of the field. String baseName (可讀寫) The unqualified field name. String domain (可讀寫) The name of the associated domain. String editable (可讀寫) The editable state: True if the field is editable. Boolean isNullable (可讀寫) The nullable state: True if the field allows null values. Boolean length (可讀寫) The field's length. Integer name (可讀寫) The name of the field. String precision (可讀寫) The precision of the field. Integer required (可讀寫) The required state: True if the field must contain a value. Boolean scale (可讀寫) The field's scale. Integer type (可讀寫) The field type: SmallInteger, Integer, Single, Double, String, Date, OID, Geometry, Blob. String 代碼示例 Field example Display field properties for the specified feature class. import arcpy fc = "C:/Data/Counties.shp" # Create a list of fields using the ListFields function # fields = arcpy.ListFields(fc) # Iterate through the list of fields # for field in fields: # Print field properties # print("Field: {0}".format( print("Alias: {0}".format(field.aliasName)) print("Type: {0}".format(field.type)) print("Is Editable: {0}".format(field.editable)) print("Required: {0}".format(field.required)) print("Scale: {0}".format(field.scale)) print("Precision: {0}".format(field.precision))