from # 先找到表from where # where約束條件,在文件中找記錄,不能和聚合函數合用 group by # 對記錄進行分組,若是沒有,就全部字段是一組 select # 執行select distinct # 若是沒有group by,就用distinct去重,放在select以後 having # 進行having過濾,只有group by使用時才用having過濾 order by # 按條件進行排序 limit # 顯示查詢結果顯示的條數
字段名 數據類型 說明 員工id:id int primary key,auto_increment 姓名:name varchar not null 性別:gender enum("male","female") not null,default "male" 年齡:age int(3) not null,default 24,unsigned 入職日期:hire_date date not null 崗位:post varchar(50) 職位描述:post_comment varcahr(100) 薪水:salary double(15,2) 辦公室:office int 一個部門一間辦公室 部門編號:depart_id int
insert into employee(name, gender, age, hire_date, post, post_content, salary, office, depart_id) values ('小趙','male',78,'20150302','sale',13000.31,401,1), ('小錢','male',81,'20130305','sale',9000,401,1), ('小孫','male',73,'20140701','sale',9600,401,1), ('小李','male',28,'20121101','sale',8600,401,1), ('小周','female',18,'20110211','hr',6000,403,2), # 人力資源 ('小吳','female',18,'19000301','hr',6500,403,2), ('小鄭','female',48,'20101111','hr',6000,403,2), ('小王','female',48,'20101111','hr',7000,403,2), ('小馮','male',48,'20101111','it',200000,405,3), # 程序猿 ('小陳','male',48,'20101111','it',16000,405,3), ('小褚','male',48,'20101111','it',18000,405,3), ('小衛','male',48,'20101111','it',14000,405,3),
# 查詢指定字段 select name,hire_date,post,salary,office,depart_id from employee; # 用*查詢表中全部數據 select * from employee; # 避免重複distinct select distinct post from employee; # 經過四則運算查詢 select name, salary*12 from employee; # 計算出年薪並做爲一個新字段顯示 select name, salary*12 as annual_salary from employee; # 查詢年薪 select name, salary, annual_salary from employee; # 定義顯示格式 # concat(),用於鏈接字符串 select concat('姓名:', name,' 薪資:', salary) from employee; # concat_ws(),第一個參數是分割符 select concat_ws(':', name, salary) as annual_salary from employee; # 結合case語句使用: select
( case # case,開始一個條件語句 when name = '小周' then name # when 條件1 then 字段操做 when name = '小王' then concat(name,'_BIGSB') else concat(name, 'SB') # else, 字段操做 end # 結束條件語句 ) as new_name from employee;
比較運算符:> < >= <= != <> # 對值進行判斷 between a and b # 值在a-b之間, 對範圍進行判斷,是一個閉區間 in(10,20,30) # 值是10,20或30 like '%' # 通配符能夠是%(任意多個字符),_(一個字符) like 'a%' # 以a開頭的字符 like '%a' # 以a結尾的字符 like '%a%' # 中間包含a的字符 like '_a' # 任意一個字符+a like 'a_' # a+任意一個字符
# 單條件查詢 select name from employee where post='sale'; # 多條件查詢 select name, salary from employee where post='sale' and salary>7000; # 關鍵字between and select name, salary from employee where salary between 10000 and 16000; select name, salary from employee where salary not between 10000 and 16000; # 關鍵字is null select name,post_content from employee where post_content is null; select name,post_content from employee where post_content is not null; select name,post_content from employee where post_content =''; 注意''是空字符串,不是null ps:須要執行 update employee set post_comment='' where id=2;以後,再用上條查看,就會有結果了 # 關鍵字in select name,salary from employee where salary=10000 or salary=16000 or salary=18000; select name,salary from employee where salary in (8600,16000,18000); select name,salary from employee where salary not in (8600,16000,18000); # like模糊查詢 # 通配符% select * from employee where name like '小%'; # 通配符_ select * from employee where name like '小_';
# 單獨使用group by select post from employee group by post; # 按照post字段分組,select查詢的字段只能是post,要獲取其餘信息,須要藉助函數來實現; # group by 和 group_concat()聯合使用 select post, group_concat(name) from employee group by post; # 按照崗位分組,並展現組內成員 select post, group_concat(name) as emp_members from employee group by post; # 按照崗位分組,將組內成員做爲新字段展現 # group by和 聚合函數 一塊兒使用 select post, count(id) as count from employee broup by post; # 按照崗位分組,並查看每一個組中有多少人 # ps:若是用unique字段做爲分組依據,則每條記錄自成一組,這樣的分組沒有意義
# 聚合函數聚合的是組的內容,若是沒有分組,默認是一組 select count(*) from employee; select count(id) from employee where dapart_id=3; select max(salary) from employee; select min(salary) from employee; select avg(salary) from employee; select sum(salary) from employee; select sum(salary) from employee where dapart_id=1;
# having和where不同的地方在於: 執行優先級:where > group by > having # where 發生在group by以前,能夠有任意字段,但絕對不能使用聚合函數; # having函數發生在group by以後,可使用分組的字段,不能取到其餘字段,可使用聚合函數;
# 按單列進行排序 select * from employee order by salary; select * from employee order by salary asc; # 升序 select * from employee order by salary desc; # 降序 # 按多列排序:先按age排序,若是年紀相同,按薪資排序 select * from employee order by age, salary desc;
select * from employee order by salary desc limit 3;# 默認初始位置0 select * from employee order by salary desc limit 0,5; # 從0開始,先查詢第一條,包含這一條在內日後查詢5條; select * from employee order by salary desc limit 5,5; # 從5開始,先查詢第六條,日後查詢5條;