preUpload() { let that = this; // let imglist=[]; wx.chooseImage({ count: 9, //最多能夠選擇的圖片張數 sizeType: ["original", "compressed"], sourceType: ["album", "camera"], success(res) { console.log("res", res); // tempFilePath能夠做爲img標籤的src屬性顯示圖片 // that.tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths; for (let i = 0; i < res.tempFilePaths.length; i++) { if (that.tempFilePaths.length < 9) { that.tempFilePaths.push(res.tempFilePaths[i]); } } } }); },
<ul class="photos"> <li class="photo" v-for="(item,index) in tempFilePaths" :key="index"> <img class="photo-pic" :src="item" alt @click="previewImg(item)"> <img class="photo-delete" src="/static/icon/icon_delete.png" @click="deletePhoto(index)"> </li> <li class="photo upload-btn" @click="preUpload" v-if="tempFilePaths.length<9">上傳</li> </ul>
previewImg(item) { wx.previewImage({ urls: this.tempFilePaths, current: item }); }
import qiniuUploader from "../../../../../static/lib/qiniuUploader";
doPreAdd() { if(this.tempFilePaths.length<=0){ this.doSave(); return; } // 先上傳圖片 -》發佈動態並保存圖片地址 let that = this; // let imgList = []; let count = 0; //count記錄當前已經上傳到第幾張圖片 // 上傳多張 for (let i = 0; i < this.tempFilePaths.length; i++) { qiniuUploader.upload( this.tempFilePaths[i], res => { count++; that.imgList.push(res.imageURL); if (count == that.tempFilePaths.length) { //所有上傳完成 調用保存接口 that.doSave(); } }, error => { console.error("error: " + JSON.stringify(error)); that.log = "error: " + JSON.stringify(error); }, { key:`www/${new Date().getFullYear()}/${new Date().getMonth()+1}/${new Date().getDate()}/${new Date().getTime()}.jpg`,//設置文件名 region: "ECN", // NCN華北區 ECN華東區 uptokenURL: api.getQiniuToken(), domain: "", shouldUseQiniuFileName: false // key: 'testKeyNameLSAKDKASJDHKAS' // uptokenURL: '' }, // null, // 可使用上述參數,或者使用 null 做爲參數佔位符 progress => { console.log("上傳進度", progress.progress); console.log("已經上傳的數據長度", progress.totalBytesSent); console.log( "預期須要上傳的數據總長度", progress.totalBytesExpectedToSend ); that.log = "上傳進度" + progress.progress; }, cancelTask => { // that.setData({ cancelTask }); this.cancelTask = cancelTask; } ); } },