1 // PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer 2 public void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException { 3 // 若是propertySources爲null,則初始化該屬性 4 if (this.propertySources == null) { 5 this.propertySources = new MutablePropertySources(); 6 if (this.environment != null) { 7 this.propertySources.addLast( 8 new PropertySource<Environment>(ENVIRONMENT_PROPERTIES_PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME, this.environment) { 9 @Override 10 @Nullable 11 public String getProperty(String key) { 12 return this.source.getProperty(key); 13 } 14 } 15 ); 16 } 17 try { 18 // 構建localPropertySource對象,Properties經過mergeProperties方法獲取。 19 PropertySource<?> localPropertySource = 20 new PropertiesPropertySource(LOCAL_PROPERTIES_PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME, mergeProperties()); 21 if (this.localOverride) { 22 this.propertySources.addFirst(localPropertySource); 23 } 24 else { 25 this.propertySources.addLast(localPropertySource); 26 } 27 } 28 catch (IOException ex) { 29 throw new BeanInitializationException("Could not load properties", ex); 30 } 31 } 32 // 進行佔位符替換 33 processProperties(beanFactory, new PropertySourcesPropertyResolver(this.propertySources)); 34 this.appliedPropertySources = this.propertySources; 35 }
1 protected Properties mergeProperties() throws IOException { 2 // 建立Properties對象 3 Properties result = new Properties(); 4 5 // 是否容許覆蓋配置 以前 6 if (this.localOverride) { 7 // Load properties from file upfront, to let local properties override. 8 loadProperties(result); 9 } 10 11 // 進行配置合併 12 if (this.localProperties != null) { 13 for (Properties localProp : this.localProperties) { 14 CollectionUtils.mergePropertiesIntoMap(localProp, result); 15 } 16 } 17 // 再次進行覆蓋 以後 18 if (!this.localOverride) { 19 // Load properties from file afterwards, to let those properties override. 20 loadProperties(result); 21 } 22 23 return result; 24 }
1 protected void loadProperties(Properties props) throws IOException { 2 // 遍歷文件路徑 3 if (this.locations != null) { 4 for (Resource location : this.locations) { 5 if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { 6 logger.trace("Loading properties file from " + location); 7 } 8 try { 9 PropertiesLoaderUtils.fillProperties( 10 props, new EncodedResource(location, this.fileEncoding), this.propertiesPersister); 11 } catch (FileNotFoundException | UnknownHostException ex) { 12 if (this.ignoreResourceNotFound) { 13 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { 14 logger.debug("Properties resource not found: " + ex.getMessage()); 15 } 16 } else { 17 throw ex; 18 } 19 } 20 } 21 } 22 }
1 protected void processProperties(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactoryToProcess, 2 final ConfigurablePropertyResolver propertyResolver) throws BeansException { 3 // 設置"${"、"}"、":" 4 propertyResolver.setPlaceholderPrefix(this.placeholderPrefix); 5 propertyResolver.setPlaceholderSuffix(this.placeholderSuffix); 6 propertyResolver.setValueSeparator(this.valueSeparator); 7 8 // 根據是否須要忽略不能解析的符號進行分支處理 9 StringValueResolver valueResolver = strVal -> { 10 String resolved = (this.ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders ? 11 propertyResolver.resolvePlaceholders(strVal) : 12 propertyResolver.resolveRequiredPlaceholders(strVal)); 13 if (this.trimValues) { 14 resolved = resolved.trim(); 15 } 16 return (resolved.equals(this.nullValue) ? null : resolved); 17 }; 18 19 // 進行具體解析 20 doProcessProperties(beanFactoryToProcess, valueResolver); 21 }
從函數的具體邏輯能夠看出Spring中對佔位符的解析只包含"${ }"和":"。
1 public String resolveRequiredPlaceholders(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException { 2 // 若是strictHelper爲null,則經過createPlaceholderHelper進行建立 3 // 注意這裏createPlaceholderHelper入參爲false,這就是和resolvePlaceholders不同的地方 4 if (this.strictHelper == null) { 5 this.strictHelper = createPlaceholderHelper(false); 6 } 7 // 經過PropertyPlaceholderHelper進行解析 8 return doResolvePlaceholders(text, this.strictHelper); 9 } 10 11 private PropertyPlaceholderHelper createPlaceholderHelper(boolean ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders) { 12 return new PropertyPlaceholderHelper(this.placeholderPrefix, this.placeholderSuffix, 13 this.valueSeparator, ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders); 14 } 15 16 private String doResolvePlaceholders(String text, PropertyPlaceholderHelper helper) { 17 return helper.replacePlaceholders(text, this::getPropertyAsRawString); 18 } 19 // PropertyPlaceholderHelper 20 public String replacePlaceholders(String value, PlaceholderResolver placeholderResolver) { 21 Assert.notNull(value, "'value' must not be null"); 22 return parseStringValue(value, placeholderResolver, new HashSet<>()); 23 }
1 protected void doProcessProperties(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactoryToProcess, 2 StringValueResolver valueResolver) { 3 4 // 建立BeanDefinitionVisitor對象 5 BeanDefinitionVisitor visitor = new BeanDefinitionVisitor(valueResolver); 6 7 // 對BeanDefinition進行遍歷 8 String[] beanNames = beanFactoryToProcess.getBeanDefinitionNames(); 9 for (String curName : beanNames) { 10 // Check that we're not parsing our own bean definition, 11 // to avoid failing on unresolvable placeholders in properties file locations. 12 // 校驗 13 // 當前PlaceholderConfigurerSupport不在解析範圍內 同一個Spring容器 14 if (!(curName.equals(this.beanName) && beanFactoryToProcess.equals(this.beanFactory))) { 15 BeanDefinition bd = beanFactoryToProcess.getBeanDefinition(curName); 16 try { 17 // 訪問bean,實際上是對屬性進行解析 18 visitor.visitBeanDefinition(bd); 19 } 20 catch (Exception ex) { 21 throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(bd.getResourceDescription(), curName, ex.getMessage(), ex); 22 } 23 } 24 } 25 26 // New in Spring 2.5: resolve placeholders in alias target names and aliases as well. 27 // 別名佔位符 28 beanFactoryToProcess.resolveAliases(valueResolver); 29 30 // New in Spring 3.0: resolve placeholders in embedded values such as annotation attributes. 31 // 解析嵌入值的佔位符,例如註釋屬性 32 beanFactoryToProcess.addEmbeddedValueResolver(valueResolver); 33 }
1 public void visitBeanDefinition(BeanDefinition beanDefinition) { 2 visitParentName(beanDefinition); 3 visitBeanClassName(beanDefinition); 4 visitFactoryBeanName(beanDefinition); 5 visitFactoryMethodName(beanDefinition); 6 visitScope(beanDefinition); 7 if (beanDefinition.hasPropertyValues()) { 8 visitPropertyValues(beanDefinition.getPropertyValues()); 9 } 10 if (beanDefinition.hasConstructorArgumentValues()) { 11 ConstructorArgumentValues cas = beanDefinition.getConstructorArgumentValues(); 12 visitIndexedArgumentValues(cas.getIndexedArgumentValues()); 13 visitGenericArgumentValues(cas.getGenericArgumentValues()); 14 } 15 }
該方法基本訪問了BeanDefinition中全部值得訪問的東西了,包括parent 、class 、factory-bean 、factory-method 、scope 、property 、constructor-arg。
1 protected void visitPropertyValues(MutablePropertyValues pvs) { 2 // 遍歷PropertyValue數組 3 PropertyValue[] pvArray = pvs.getPropertyValues(); 4 for (PropertyValue pv : pvArray) { 5 // 解析真值 6 Object newVal = resolveValue(pv.getValue()); 7 if (!ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(newVal, pv.getValue())) { 8 // 設置到PropertyValue中 9 pvs.add(pv.getName(), newVal); 10 } 11 } 12 }
1 protected Object resolveValue(@Nullable Object value) { 2 if (value instanceof BeanDefinition) { 3 visitBeanDefinition((BeanDefinition) value); 4 } 5 else if (value instanceof BeanDefinitionHolder) { 6 visitBeanDefinition(((BeanDefinitionHolder) value).getBeanDefinition()); 7 } 8 else if (value instanceof RuntimeBeanReference) { 9 RuntimeBeanReference ref = (RuntimeBeanReference) value; 10 String newBeanName = resolveStringValue(ref.getBeanName()); 11 if (newBeanName == null) { 12 return null; 13 } 14 if (!newBeanName.equals(ref.getBeanName())) { 15 return new RuntimeBeanReference(newBeanName); 16 } 17 } 18 else if (value instanceof RuntimeBeanNameReference) { 19 RuntimeBeanNameReference ref = (RuntimeBeanNameReference) value; 20 String newBeanName = resolveStringValue(ref.getBeanName()); 21 if (newBeanName == null) { 22 return null; 23 } 24 if (!newBeanName.equals(ref.getBeanName())) { 25 return new RuntimeBeanNameReference(newBeanName); 26 } 27 } 28 else if (value instanceof Object[]) { 29 visitArray((Object[]) value); 30 } 31 else if (value instanceof List) { 32 visitList((List) value); 33 } 34 else if (value instanceof Set) { 35 visitSet((Set) value); 36 } 37 else if (value instanceof Map) { 38 visitMap((Map) value); 39 } 40 else if (value instanceof TypedStringValue) { 41 TypedStringValue typedStringValue = (TypedStringValue) value; 42 String stringValue = typedStringValue.getValue(); 43 if (stringValue != null) { 44 String visitedString = resolveStringValue(stringValue); 45 typedStringValue.setValue(visitedString); 46 } 47 } 48 // 因爲Properties中的是String,因此重點在此 49 else if (value instanceof String) { 50 return resolveStringValue((String) value); 51 } 52 return value; 53 }
1 protected String resolveStringValue(String strVal) { 2 if (this.valueResolver == null) { 3 throw new IllegalStateException("No StringValueResolver specified - pass a resolver " + 4 "object into the constructor or override the 'resolveStringValue' method"); 5 } 6 // 解析真值 7 String resolvedValue = this.valueResolver.resolveStringValue(strVal); 8 // Return original String if not modified. 9 return (strVal.equals(resolvedValue) ? strVal : resolvedValue); 10 }
by Shawn Chen,2019.05.08,晚。