命令含義:移除給定key的生存時間,將這個 key 從『易失的』(帶生存時間 key )轉換成『持久的』(一個不帶生存時間、永不過時的 key )。
redis> SET mykey "Hello" OK redis> EXPIRE mykey 10 (integer) 1 redis> TTL mykey (integer) 10 redis> PERSIST mykey (integer) 1 redis> TTL mykey (integer) -1 redis>
當生存時間移除成功時,返回 1 .
若是 key 不存在或 key 沒有設置生存時間,返回 0 .ide
/* PERSIST key */ void persistCommand(client *c) { //查找這個key,調用lookupKeyWrite函數 if (lookupKeyWrite(c->db,c->argv[1])) { //若是這個key存在,調用刪除函數,調用dictGenericDelete函數 if (removeExpire(c->db,c->argv[1])) { addReply(c,shared.cone); server.dirty++; } else { addReply(c,shared.czero); } } else { addReply(c,shared.czero); } }
/* Lookup a key for write operations, and as a side effect, if needed, expires * the key if its TTL is reached. * * Returns the linked value object if the key exists or NULL if the key * does not exist in the specified DB. */ /* 查找這個key */ robj *lookupKeyWrite(redisDb *db, robj *key) { //首先查找這個key是否過時,過時則刪除,此函數在以前的幾篇文章中已經介紹過,此處不在贅述。 expireIfNeeded(db,key); 在上一個步驟的基礎上,若是此鍵被刪除則返回null,不然返回這個鍵的值 return lookupKey(db,key,LOOKUP_NONE); } int removeExpire(redisDb *db, robj *key) { /* An expire may only be removed if there is a corresponding entry in the * main dict. Otherwise, the key will never be freed. */ serverAssertWithInfo(NULL,key,dictFind(db->dict,key->ptr) != NULL); return dictDelete(db->expires,key->ptr) == DICT_OK; }
/* Search and remove an element. This is an helper function for * dictDelete() and dictUnlink(), please check the top comment * of those functions. */ static dictEntry *dictGenericDelete(dict *d, const void *key, int nofree) { uint64_t h, idx; dictEntry *he, *prevHe; int table; //咱們知道在redis中的兩個ht,ht[0]和ht[1],若是這兩個ht中沒有已使用空間,直接return null if (d->ht[0].used == 0 && d->ht[1].used == 0) return NULL; if (dictIsRehashing(d)) _dictRehashStep(d); //根據key來獲取他的hash值 h = dictHashKey(d, key); //遍歷ht[0]和ht[1],若是找到則刪除他的key-value,此處由於是刪除過時時間,咱們能夠看到外層調用函數傳入的是db->expires和key,則此塊是從expire的字典中刪除, for語句中是刪除的過程,很簡單,遍歷,若是找到了刪除,同時釋放空間。 for (table = 0; table <= 1; table++) { idx = h & d->ht[table].sizemask; he = d->ht[table].table[idx]; prevHe = NULL; while(he) { if (key==he->key || dictCompareKeys(d, key, he->key)) { /* Unlink the element from the list */ if (prevHe) prevHe->next = he->next; else d->ht[table].table[idx] = he->next; if (!nofree) { dictFreeKey(d, he); dictFreeVal(d, he); zfree(he); } d->ht[table].used--; return he; } prevHe = he; he = he->next; } if (!dictIsRehashing(d)) break; } return NULL; /* not found */ }