MQTT Stresser


Load testing tool to stress MQTT message broker


$ mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src/ $ git clone ${GOPATH}/src/ $ cd ${GOPATH}/src/ $ make

This will build the mqtt stresser for all target platforms and write them to the build/ directory.git

Binaries are provided on Github, see

If you want to build the Docker container version of this, go to repository directory and simply type docker build .docker


Place the binary somewhere in a PATH directory and make it executable (chmod +x mqtt-stresser).tcp

If you are using the container version, just type docker run flaviostutz/mqtt-stresser [options] for running mqtt-stresser.ide


See mqtt-stresser -h for a list of available arguments.ui


Simple hello-world test using the public broker: (please don't DDoS them :))this

$ mqtt-stresser -broker tcp:// -num-clients 100 -num-messages 150 -rampup-delay 1s -rampup-size 10 -global-timeout 180s -timeout 20s

10 worker started - waiting 1s
20 worker started - waiting 1s
30 worker started - waiting 1s
40 worker started - waiting 1s
50 worker started - waiting 1s
60 worker started - waiting 1s
70 worker started - waiting 1s
80 worker started - waiting 1s
90 worker started - waiting 1s
100 worker started
# Configuration
Concurrent Clients: 100
Messages / Client:  15000

# Results
Published Messages: 15000 (100%)
Received Messages:  15000 (100%)
Completed:          100 (100%)
Errors:             0 (0%)

# Publishing Throughput
Fastest: 79452 msg/sec
Slowest: 14991 msg/sec
Median: 42093 msg/sec

  < 21437 msg/sec  6%
  < 27883 msg/sec  21%
  < 34329 msg/sec  33%
  < 40776 msg/sec  48%
  < 47222 msg/sec  57%
  < 53668 msg/sec  65%
  < 60114 msg/sec  73%
  < 66560 msg/sec  85%
  < 73006 msg/sec  95%
  < 79452 msg/sec  99%
  < 85898 msg/sec  100%

# Receiving Througput
Fastest: 4102 msg/sec
Slowest: 65 msg/sec
Median: 1919 msg/sec

  < 469 msg/sec  33%
  < 1276 msg/sec  34%
  < 1680 msg/sec  38%
  < 2083 msg/sec  62%
  < 2487 msg/sec  85%
  < 2891 msg/sec  93%
  < 3295 msg/sec  98%
  < 4102 msg/sec  99%
  < 4506 msg/sec  100%

If using container,code

$ docker run inovex/mqtt-stresser -broker tcp:// -num-clients 100 -num-messages 10 -rampup-delay 1s