PS : 此處基於當前最新istio版本1.0.3版本進行搭建和演示app
kubectl apply -n istio-test -f istio-1.0.3/samples/bookinfo/networking/virtual-service-all-v1.yaml
能夠在路由規則的 timeout 字段中來給 http 請求設置請求超時。缺省狀況下,超時被設置爲 15 秒鐘,本文任務中,會把 reviews 服務的超時設置爲一秒鐘。爲了能觀察設置的效果,還須要在對 ratings 服務的調用中加入兩秒鐘的延遲。curl
> kubectl apply -n istio-test -f - <<EOF apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: VirtualService metadata: name: reviews spec: hosts: - reviews http: - route: - destination: host: reviews subset: v2 EOF
> kubectl apply -n istio-test -f - <<EOF apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: VirtualService metadata: name: ratings spec: hosts: - ratings http: - fault: delay: percent: 100 fixedDelay: 2s route: - destination: host: ratings subset: v1 EOF
> kubectl apply -n istio-test -f - <<EOF apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: VirtualService metadata: name: reviews spec: hosts: - reviews http: - route: - destination: host: reviews subset: v2 timeout: 0.5s EOF
> kubectl apply -n istio-test -f istio-1.0.3/samples/httpbin/httpbin.yaml
> kubectl apply -n istio-test -f - <<EOF apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: httpbin spec: host: httpbin trafficPolicy: connectionPool: tcp: maxConnections: 1 http: http1MaxPendingRequests: 1 maxRequestsPerConnection: 1 outlierDetection: consecutiveErrors: 1 interval: 1s baseEjectionTime: 3m maxEjectionPercent: 100 EOF
> kubectl apply -n istio-test -f istio-1.0.3/samples/httpbin/sample-client/fortio-deploy.yaml > FORTIO_POD=$(kubectl get -n istio-test pod | grep fortio | awk '{ print $1 }') > kubectl exec -n istio-test -it $FORTIO_POD -c fortio /usr/local/bin/fortio -- load -curl http://httpbin:8000/get HTTP/1.1 200 OK server: envoy date: Wed, 07 Nov 2018 06:52:32 GMT content-type: application/json access-control-allow-origin: * access-control-allow-credentials: true content-length: 365 x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 113 { "args": {}, "headers": { "Content-Length": "0", "Host": "httpbin:8000", "User-Agent": "istio/fortio-1.0.1", "X-B3-Sampled": "1", "X-B3-Spanid": "a708e175c6a077d1", "X-B3-Traceid": "a708e175c6a077d1", "X-Request-Id": "62d09db5-550a-9b81-80d9-6d8f60956386" }, "origin": "", "url": "http://httpbin:8000/get" }
> kubectl exec -n istio-test -it $FORTIO_POD -c fortio /usr/local/bin/fortio -- load -c 2 -qps 0 -n 20 -loglevel Warning http://httpbin:8000/get 06:54:16 I logger.go:97> Log level is now 3 Warning (was 2 Info) Fortio 1.0.1 running at 0 queries per second, 4->4 procs, for 20 calls: http://httpbin:8000/get Starting at max qps with 2 thread(s) [gomax 4] for exactly 20 calls (10 per thread + 0) Ended after 96.058168ms : 20 calls. qps=208.21 Aggregated Function Time : count 20 avg 0.0084172288 +/- 0.004876 min 0.000583248 max 0.016515793 sum 0.168344576 # range, mid point, percentile, count >= 0.000583248 <= 0.001 , 0.000791624 , 5.00, 1 > 0.001 <= 0.002 , 0.0015 , 25.00, 4 > 0.006 <= 0.007 , 0.0065 , 30.00, 1 > 0.007 <= 0.008 , 0.0075 , 35.00, 1 > 0.008 <= 0.009 , 0.0085 , 55.00, 4 > 0.009 <= 0.01 , 0.0095 , 65.00, 2 > 0.01 <= 0.011 , 0.0105 , 75.00, 2 > 0.011 <= 0.012 , 0.0115 , 80.00, 1 > 0.012 <= 0.014 , 0.013 , 85.00, 1 > 0.014 <= 0.016 , 0.015 , 95.00, 2 > 0.016 <= 0.0165158 , 0.0162579 , 100.00, 1 # target 50% 0.00875 # target 75% 0.011 # target 90% 0.015 # target 99% 0.0164126 # target 99.9% 0.0165055 Sockets used: 7 (for perfect keepalive, would be 2) Code 200 : 15 (75.0 %) Code 503 : 5 (25.0 %) Response Header Sizes : count 20 avg 172.7 +/- 99.71 min 0 max 231 sum 3454 Response Body/Total Sizes : count 20 avg 500.7 +/- 163.8 min 217 max 596 sum 10014 All done 20 calls (plus 0 warmup) 8.417 ms avg, 208.2 qps
這裏能夠看到,幾乎全部請求都經過了。Istio-proxy 容許存在一些偏差
Code 200 : 15 (75.0 %) Code 503 : 5 (25.0 %)
> kubectl exec -n istio-test -it $FORTIO_POD -c fortio /usr/local/bin/fortio -- load -c 3 -qps 0 -n 30 -loglevel Warning http://httpbin:8000/get 06:55:28 I logger.go:97> Log level is now 3 Warning (was 2 Info) Fortio 1.0.1 running at 0 queries per second, 4->4 procs, for 30 calls: http://httpbin:8000/get Starting at max qps with 3 thread(s) [gomax 4] for exactly 30 calls (10 per thread + 0) Ended after 59.921126ms : 30 calls. qps=500.66 Aggregated Function Time : count 30 avg 0.0052897259 +/- 0.006496 min 0.000633091 max 0.024999538 sum 0.158691777 # range, mid point, percentile, count >= 0.000633091 <= 0.001 , 0.000816546 , 16.67, 5 > 0.001 <= 0.002 , 0.0015 , 63.33, 14 > 0.002 <= 0.003 , 0.0025 , 66.67, 1 > 0.008 <= 0.009 , 0.0085 , 73.33, 2 > 0.009 <= 0.01 , 0.0095 , 80.00, 2 > 0.01 <= 0.011 , 0.0105 , 83.33, 1 > 0.011 <= 0.012 , 0.0115 , 86.67, 1 > 0.012 <= 0.014 , 0.013 , 90.00, 1 > 0.014 <= 0.016 , 0.015 , 93.33, 1 > 0.02 <= 0.0249995 , 0.0224998 , 100.00, 2 # target 50% 0.00171429 # target 75% 0.00925 # target 90% 0.014 # target 99% 0.0242496 # target 99.9% 0.0249245 Sockets used: 22 (for perfect keepalive, would be 3) Code 200 : 10 (33.3 %) Code 503 : 20 (66.7 %) Response Header Sizes : count 30 avg 76.833333 +/- 108.7 min 0 max 231 sum 2305 Response Body/Total Sizes : count 30 avg 343.16667 +/- 178.4 min 217 max 596 sum 10295 All done 30 calls (plus 0 warmup) 5.290 ms avg, 500.7 qps
這時候會觀察到,熔斷行爲按照以前的設計生效了,只有 33.3% 的請求得到經過,剩餘請求被斷路器攔截了
咱們能夠查詢 istio-proxy 的狀態,獲取更多相關信息:
> kubectl exec -n istio-test -it $FORTIO_POD -c istio-proxy -- sh -c 'curl localhost:15000/stats' | grep httpbin | grep pending
kubectl delete -n istio-test destinationrule httpbin kubectl delete -n istio-test deploy httpbin fortio-deploy kubectl delete -n istio-test svc httpbin
> kubectl apply -n istio-test -f - <<EOF apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: httpbin-v1 spec: replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: httpbin version: v1 spec: containers: - image: docker.io/kennethreitz/httpbin imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent name: httpbin command: ["gunicorn", "--access-logfile", "-", "-b", "", "httpbin:app"] ports: - containerPort: 80 EOF
> kubectl apply -n istio-test -f - <<EOF apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: httpbin-v2 spec: replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: httpbin version: v2 spec: containers: - image: docker.io/kennethreitz/httpbin imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent name: httpbin command: ["gunicorn", "--access-logfile", "-", "-b", "", "httpbin:app"] ports: - containerPort: 80 EOF
httpbin Kubernetes service:
> kubectl apply -n istio-test -f - <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: httpbin labels: app: httpbin spec: ports: - name: http port: 8000 targetPort: 80 selector: app: httpbin EOF
啓動 sleep 服務,這樣就可使用 curl 來請求了:
> kubectl apply -n istio-test -f - <<EOF apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: sleep spec: replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: sleep spec: containers: - name: sleep image: tutum/curl command: ["/bin/sleep","infinity"] imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent EOF
默認狀況下,Kubernetes 在 httpbin 服務的兩個版本之間進行負載均衡。在此步驟中會更改該行爲,把全部流量都路由到 v1。
建立一個默認路由規則,將全部流量路由到服務的 v1 :
> kubectl apply -n istio-test -f - <<EOF apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: VirtualService metadata: name: httpbin spec: hosts: - httpbin http: - route: - destination: host: httpbin subset: v1 weight: 100 --- apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: httpbin spec: host: httpbin subsets: - name: v1 labels: version: v1 - name: v2 labels: version: v2 EOF
> export SLEEP_POD=$(kubectl get -n istio-test pod -l app=sleep -o jsonpath={.items..metadata.name}) > kubectl exec -n istio-test -it $SLEEP_POD -c sleep -- sh -c 'curl http://httpbin:8000/headers' | python -m json.tool { "headers": { "Accept": "*/*", "Content-Length": "0", "Host": "httpbin:8000", "User-Agent": "curl/7.35.0", "X-B3-Sampled": "1", "X-B3-Spanid": "8e32159d042d8a75", "X-B3-Traceid": "8e32159d042d8a75" } }
查看 httpbin pods 的 v1 和 v2 日誌。您能夠看到 v1 的訪問日誌和 v2 爲 <none> 的日誌:
> export V1_POD=$(kubectl get -n istio-test pod -l app=httpbin,version=v1 -o jsonpath={.items..metadata.name}) > kubectl logs -n istio-test -f $V1_POD -c httpbin - - [07/Nov/2018:07:22:50 +0000] "GET /headers HTTP/1.1" 200 241 "-" "curl/7.35.0"
> export V2_POD=$(kubectl get -n istio-test pod -l app=httpbin,version=v2 -o jsonpath={.items..metadata.name}) > kubectl logs -n istio-test -f $V2_POD -c httpbin <none>
> kubectl apply -n istio-test -f - <<EOF apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: VirtualService metadata: name: httpbin spec: hosts: - httpbin http: - route: - destination: host: httpbin subset: v1 weight: 100 mirror: host: httpbin subset: v2 EOF
此路由規則將 100% 的流量發送到 v1 。最後一節指定鏡像到 httpbin:v2 服務。當流量被鏡像時,請求將經過其主機/受權報頭髮送到鏡像服務附上 -shadow。例如,將 cluster-1 變爲 cluster-1-shadow。
> kubectl exec -n istio-test -it $SLEEP_POD -c sleep -- sh -c 'curl http://httpbin:8000/headers' | python -m json.tool
> kubectl logs -n istio-test -f $V1_POD -c httpbin - - [07/Nov/2018:07:22:50 +0000] "GET /headers HTTP/1.1" 200 241 "-" "curl/7.35.0" - - [07/Nov/2018:07:26:58 +0000] "GET /headers HTTP/1.1" 200 241 "-" "curl/7.35.0"
kubectl logs -n istio-test -f $V2_POD -c httpbin - - [07/Nov/2018:07:28:37 +0000] "GET /headers HTTP/1.1" 200 281 "-" "curl/7.35.0"
istioctl delete -n istio-test virtualservice httpbin istioctl delete -n istio-test destinationrule httpbin kubectl delete -n istio-test deploy httpbin-v1 httpbin-v2 sleep kubectl delete -n istio-test svc httpbin