Today one of my favorite teachers, Brad Traversy, published an overview of what he recommends you learn to become a web developer in 2020.瀏覽器
Brad cuts through a lot of the hype you hear on social media. His advice is practical and realistic. And I agree with him on pretty much everything he recommends you learn.前端框架
The main thing Brad emphasizes - and that I always emphasize - is don't feel daunted or let yourself get overwhelmed.服務器
Remember: freeCodeCamp's curriculum covers most of these tools, and it has helped more than 40,000 people get jobs as developers. When in doubt, just focus on that.網絡
I've summarized Brad's main insights below for your convenience. This said, I encourage you to watch his full video, which I've embedded below. He adds a lot of detail way beyond what these notes convey. It's a 73-minute watch.框架
今天,我最喜歡的一位老師,Brad Traversy發表了一篇關於他推薦的,你如何在2020年學習成爲一名web開發人員的概述ide
The main goal of the video is to give you familiarity with some of the more mainstream web development tools available to web developers.
"I'm not trying to overwhelm you with technologies. These are just options that you have... There are a lot of technologies out there. When you hear something like Nuxt or Gatsby I want you to know what it is. And then you can choose if you want to learn it or not."
Brad starts by encouraging people to first ask what they want to do. Do you want to work on a product company? Or work as a consultant? Do you want to freelance? Or build a product of your own?
A lot of his advice about what to learn boils down to what your goals are. And he frames a lot of his tool suggestions in this light.
As a starting point, he recommends learning what he calls "The Necessities."
One counter-intuitive thing he points out: you don't need a fancy computer for web development. "It's not like game engine development or something like that, so you can use a mid-range laptop or desktop, or even in some cases a lower-end computer."
He uses MacOS, Windows 10, and Linux for cloud servers and even for some of his media servers.
He is a big fan of VS Code for his editor, and uses Chrome and its built-in DevTools for browser-based debugging. This said, he thinks Firefox has come a long way as well and is a viable alternative.
He recommends starting with standard HTML and CSS, and learning newer CSS tools like Flexbox and Grid.
He says learning responsive web design in 2020 should be a given. "Every serious project that you create should look good and be completely usable on all devices."
Instead of relying on CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, he recommends you practice building your own modular CSS components that you can then re-use throughout your project.
This said, he says you may encounter these as you work on projects for different employers.
他將MacOS、Windows 10和Linux用於雲服務器,甚至用於他的一些媒體服務器。
He specifically mentions Tailwind, which I hadn't heard of before. Tailwind is a bit different from other CSS frameworks. It's focused on "utility classes" that you can combine to accomplish what you want with the design.
It's no surprise that Brad recommends getting really good with JavaScript.
Throughout Brad's guide, he repeatedly emphasizes the need for practicality.
Yes - there are best practices for everything. But in many cases, there is a good enough way that will help you move faster and get more done, without getting mired in tools.
One of the most interesting (and perhaps heretical) things he says:
"There's no need to learn DevOps and AWS and all these things for a small site. A hosting site or a managed hosting site like InMotion or Hostgator is fine. It allows you to do [deployment] right in the browser. There's no need to overcomplicate things."
He argues that even in 2020, there's something to be said for using familiar tools.
For people new to web development, Brad recommends first getting to the point of being able to work as a basic front end web developer. This will allow you to build websites for local businesses as a freelancer.
"Hipsters will say you definitely need to use a front end framework. I don't think that is true. If you want to render templates on the server without using a front end framework, I think that's absolutely fine, but there are many many jobs that are looking for something like React or Vue."
But once you're ready to tackle front end frameworks, he recommends you explore React, Vue, and Angular. "Try all three and figure out which one you like the best."
He also gives a nod to Svelte - which isn't a framework, but rather a compiler. But he says it's probably too new to try and pick up in 2020.
And he discusses the increasing popularity of Server Side Rendering. File system-based routing means you don't have to create a complicated routing file. Instead, you can just put the files in the directory you want them to be in.
The two popular Server Side Rendering tools are Next.js (for React) and Nuxt.js (the Vue option).
Another emerging trend is Static Site Renders, which he says you don't need to learn but you should be aware of. For example, Gatsby sites are extremely fast and don't need a server.
「Hipsters (嬉皮士)時尚人士會說,你確定須要使用前端框架。我不認爲那是真的。若是您想在服務器上呈現模板而不使用前端框架,我認爲這是徹底能夠的,可是有許多做業正在尋找React或Vue之類的內容。」