- Yeoman介紹
- Yeoman工具包yo命令
- Yeoman工具包yo – 快速構建一個web項目
- Yeoman工具包bower,grunt的組合用法
1. Yeoman介紹
- yo:在本文中第二節會講到
- grunt:請參考,grunt讓Nodejs規範起來
- bower:請參考,bower解決js的依賴管理
2. Yeoman工具包yo命令
yo插件都是經過npm, Node.js包管理器安裝和管理的.node
- win7 64bit
- Nodejs:v0.10.5
- Npm:1.2.19
~ D:\workspace\javascript>node -vv0.10.5 ~ D:\workspace\javascript>npm -v 1.2.19
~ D:\workspace\javascript>npm install -g yo
~ D:\workspace\javascript>npm install -g grunt-cli bower
1). 經過help查看幫助
~ D:\workspace\javascript>yo --help Yeoman is a mask worn by the following members of the open-source community: Paul Irish, Addy Osmani, Mickael Daniel, Sindre Sorhus, Eric Bidelman, Frederick Ros, Brian Ford, Pascal Hartig, Stephen Sawchuk, and countless other contributors. Usage: yo GENERATOR [args] [options] General options: -h, --help # Print generator's options and usage -f, --force # Overwrite files that already exist Please choose a generator below. Angular angular:app angular:common angular:constant angular:controller angular:decorator angular:directive angular:factory angular:filter angular:main angular:provider angular:route angular:service angular:value angular:view Karma karma:app Mocha mocha:app mocha:generator Webapp webapp:app
yo的命令很簡單:yo GENERATOR,例如:yo webapp, yo angular
Please choose a generator below: 下面列出了個人系統中,已經安裝的generator的庫,例如:Angular,Karma,Mocha,Webapp
2). 查詢yo的支持庫
~ D:\workspace\javascript>yo Yeoman is a mask worn by the following members of the open-source community: Paul Irish, Addy Osmani, Mickael Daniel, Sindre Sorhus, Eric Bidelman, Frederick Ros, Brian Ford, Pascal Hartig, Stephen Sawchuk, and countless other contributors. [?] What would you like to do? (Use arrow keys) > Install a generator Find some help Get me out of here!
命令行會提示,咱們想要的操做。這裏選擇」Install a generator」
[?] What would you like to do? Install a generator [?] Search NPM for generators:web
3). 安裝generator-webapp庫
[?] Here's what I found. Install one? (Use arrow keys) > generator-armadillo generator-bones generator-btapp generator-fe generator-flight generator-hazdev-webapp generator-hbswebapp generator-html5-site generator-jing generator-lessapp generator-nodestrap generator-sails generator-server-configs generator-starter generator-starttter generator-ultimate generator-webapp generator-webapp-bfytw generator-webapp-fintan generator-weblog generator-website Search again Return home
[?] What would you like to do? Install a generator [?] Search NPM for generators: web [?] Here's what I found. Install one? generator-webapp generator-webapp@0.2.7 D:\toolkit\nodejs\node_modules\generator-webapp ├── cheerio@0.12.1 (entities@0.3.0, underscore@1.4.4, htmlparser2@3.1.4, cheerio-select@0.0.3) └── yeoman-generator@0.12.3 (dargs@0.1.0, diff@1.0.5, debug@0.7.2, async@0.2.9, mime@1.2.11, mkdirp@0.3.5, isbinaryfi le@0.1.9, underscore.string@2.3.3, shelljs@0.1.4, iconv-lite@0.2.11, lodash@1.3.1, rimraf@2.1.4, nopt@2.1.2, cli-table@0 .2.0, tar@0.1.18, glob@3.2.6, inquirer@0.2.4, request@2.21.0) I just installed your generator by running: npm install -g generator-webapp
而後,咱們退出yo命令行,選擇「Get me out of here!」
[?] What would you like to do? Get me out of here! Bye from us! Chat soon. Addy Osmani Sindre Sorhus Brian Ford Eric Bidelman Paul Irish Mickael Daniel Pasca1 Hartig Stephen S.wchuk Frederick R0s
4). 注:上面的過程,也能夠直接用命令
npm install -g generator-webapp
3. Yeoman工具包yo – 快速構建一個web項目
1). 建立nodejs-yo目錄,並構建webapp工程
~ D:\workspace\javascript>mkdir nodejs-yo ~ D:\workspace\javascript>cd nodejs-yo ~ D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-yo>yo webapp _-----_ | | |--(o)--| .--------------------------. `---------´ | Welcome to Yeoman, | ( _´U`_ ) | ladies and gentlemen! | /___A___\ '__________________________' | ~ | __'.___.'__ ´ ` |° ´ Y ` Out of the box I include HTML5 Boilerplate, jQuery and Modernizr. [?] What more would you like? [ ] Twitter Bootstrap for Sass >[X] RequireJS [X] Autoprefixer for your CSS
- Twitter Bootstrap for Sass:SASS是一種CSS的開發工具,提供了許多便利的寫法,大大節省了設計者的時間,使得CSS的開發,變得簡單和可維護。
- RequireJS 能夠幫助用戶異步按需的加載 JavaScript 代碼,並解決 JavaScript 模塊間的依賴關係,提高了前端代碼的總體質量和性能。
- Autoprefixer解析CSS文件而且添加瀏覽器前綴到CSS規則裏,使用Can I Use的數據來決定哪些前綴是須要的。
上面3個選擇,因爲Sass是基於Ruby的,我本機沒有安裝ruby,取消Twitter Bootstrap for Sass的勾選。
2). 查看安裝日誌:
Out of the box I include HTML5 Boilerplate, jQuery and Modernizr. [?] What more would you like? RequireJS, Autoprefixer for your CSS create Gruntfile.js create package.json create .gitignore create .gitattributes create .bowerrc create bower.json create .jshintrc create .editorconfig create app/favicon.ico create app/404.html create app/robots.txt create app/.htaccess create app/styles/main.css create app/scripts/app.js create app/scripts/main.js create app/index.html create app/scripts/hello.coffee invoke mocha:app create test\index.html create test\lib\chai.js create test\lib\expect.js create test\lib\mocha\mocha.css create test\lib\mocha\mocha.js create test\spec\test.js I'm all done. Running bower install & npm install for you to install the required dependencies. If this fails, try running the command yourself.
項目骨架已經建好了。還包括了不少的配置文件.gitignore,bower.json,Gruntfile.js,favicon.ico, robots.txt, .htaccess。太神奇了,Cool!!
4. Yeoman工具包bower,grunt的組合用法
1). 使用bower命令查看項目依賴:
~ D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-yo>bower list bower check-new Checking for new versions of the project dependencies.. nodejs-yo#0.0.0 D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-yo ├── jquery#1.9.1 (latest is 2.0.3) ├── modernizr#2.6.2 └── requirejs#2.1.8
2). 使用grunt命令執行單元測試
D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-yo>grunt test Running "clean:server" (clean) task Cleaning ".tmp"...OK Running "concurrent:test" (concurrent) task Running "copy:styles" (copy) task Running "coffee:dist" (coffee) task Running "autoprefixer:dist" (autoprefixer) task File ".tmp/styles/main.css" created. Running "connect:test" (connect) task Starting connect web server on localhost:9000. Running "mocha:all" (mocha) task Testing: http://localhost:9000/index.html . 1 test complete (107 ms) >> 1 passed! (0.11s) Done, without errors.
3). 使用grunt命令啓動一個node服務器
~ D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-yo>grunt server Running "server" task Running "clean:server" (clean) task Running "concurrent:server" (concurrent) task Warning: Running "compass:dist" (compass) task Warning: You need to have Ruby and Compass installed and in your system PATH for this task to work. More info: https://g ithub.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-compass Use --force to continue. Use --force to continue. Aborted due to warnings.
~ D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-yo>grunt server --force D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-yo>grunt server --force Running "server" task Running "clean:server" (clean) task Cleaning ".tmp"...OK Running "concurrent:server" (concurrent) task Running "coffee:dist" (coffee) task Warning: Running "compass:dist" (compass) task Warning: You need to have Ruby and Compass installed and in your system PATH for this task to work. More info: https:// ithub.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-compass Use --force to continue. Used --force, continuing. Running "compass:dist" (compass) task Warning: You need to have Ruby and Compass installed and in your system PATH for this task to work. More info: https:// ithub.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-compass Use --force to continue. Running "copy:styles" (copy) task Running "autoprefixer:dist" (autoprefixer) task File ".tmp/styles/main.css" created. Running "connect:livereload" (connect) task Starting connect web server on localhost:9000. Running "open:server" (open) task Running "watch" task Waiting...
4). 修改app/index.html代碼,增長對canvas的檢查。
~ vi app/index.html <script> window.onload = function () { if (canvasSupported()) { alert('canvas supported'); } }; function canvasSupported() { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); return (canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext('2d')); } </script>
5). 經過bower增長庫jquery-pjax
~ D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-yo>bower install jquery-pjax bower jquery-pjax#* not-cached git://github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax.git#* bower jquery-pjax#* resolve git://github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax.git#* bower jquery-pjax#* download https://github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax/archive/v1.7.3.tar.gz bower jquery-pjax#* extract archive.tar.gz bower jquery-pjax#* resolved git://github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax.git#1.7.3 bower jquery#>=1.8 cached git://github.com/components/jquery.git#2.0.3 bower jquery#>=1.8 validate 2.0.3 against git://github.com/components/jquery.git#>=1.8 bower jquery-pjax#~1.7.3 install jquery-pjax#1.7.3 jquery-pjax#1.7.3 app\bower_components\jquery-pjax └── jquery#2.0.3 ~ D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-yo>bower list bower check-new Checking for new versions of the project dependencies.. nodejs-yo#0.0.0 D:\workspace\javascript\nodejs-yo ├── jquery#1.9.1 (latest is 2.0.3) ├─┬ jquery-pjax#1.7.3 extraneous │ └── jquery#1.9.1 (2.0.3 available) ├── modernizr#2.6.2 └── requirejs#2.1.8