select zxdept from (select d.id, d.zxdept, d.RANK, d.fatherId from web_dept d start with d.id = 18022 --獲取18022部門層級 and d.SHOWFLAG = 1 connect by PRIOR fatherId = id) temp where temp.rank <= 4 order by rank asc
1 分析及投後管理
2 財務部
3 財務部
4 管理中心數據庫
二、列拼接成行 wm_concat()服務器
select replace(wm_concat(zxdept), ',', '/') as 部門名稱 from (select zxdept from (select d.id, d.zxdept, d.RANK, d.fatherId from web_dept d start with d.id = 18022--獲取18022部門層級 and d.SHOWFLAG = 1--可用 connect by PRIOR fatherId = id) temp where temp.rank <= 4--四級之內 and temp.rank >= 1--大於等於一級 order by rank asc)
select * from ( --以 orderno 分組,查找分組內最新一條工做流日誌 select t.*, row_number() over(partition by orderno order by FORTIME desc) rn from (select * from WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_LOG where orderno in (select to_char(ID) as id from HR_DIMISSION where USERCODE = 'B143130' and (FLAGSAVE = 2 or FLAGSAVE = 9) -- 離職單 union all select to_char(ID) as id from HR_ConFirm where USERCODE = 'B143130' and FLAGSAVE = 2 -- 轉正單 union all select to_char(ID) as id from HR_Transposal where USERCODE = 'B143130' and FLAGSAVE = 2 -- 調崗單 )) t) where rn = 1
四、insert into select union all ORA-02287post
insert into OA_VOTE_QUESTIONNAIRE (ID, TYPE, FATHERID, SERIALNUMBER, ITEMTITLE, QUESTIONTYPE) select OA_VOTE_QuestionnaireID.Nextval, 2, target.FATHERID, target.SERIALNUMBER, target.ITEMTITLE, target.QUESTIONTYPE from (select 0 FATHERID, 1 SERIALNUMBER, '您離職的主要緣由是:' ITEMTITLE, 4 QUESTIONTYPE from dual --第一大題 union all select (select max(temp.id) from OA_VOTE_QUESTIONNAIRE temp where temp.type = 2 and temp.fatherid = 0) FATHERID, 1 SERIALNUMBER, '薪酬福利較低' ITEMTITLE, 4 QUESTIONTYPE from dual) target
五、轉換成NVARCHAR2 類型:測試
Translate('ssdsdsd' USING NCHAR_CS);ui
六、insert when EXISTS then into:this
insert when EXISTS (select * from view_Rep_holiday where id = 'QJ151012_003' and holidaytype = 13) then into timecard (cardno, username, thisdate, entryexit, clientid) select '0', username, dateend, '1', '19' from view_Rep_holiday where id = 'QJ151012_003' union all select '0', username, datestart, '1', '19' from view_Rep_holiday where id = 'QJ151012_003';
七、oracle ORA-00911: 無效字符
語句放在plsql中執行沒問題 ,可是程序始終報錯,解決辦法:去掉sql結尾的分號(;)。
八、得到時間差:ROUND(TO_NUMBER(END_DATE - START_DATE)) --默認相減的結果以天爲單位,若是須要精確到小時、分、秒,則計算下便可;
九、ORacle 遷移:
(1)安裝 ORAcle server版本,安裝完成,登陸http:// ,添加表空間(表空間和老數據庫相同,避免沒必要要的麻煩),添加用戶,併爲用戶賦予角色(conect,DBA,resource)和權限(這個根據需求,太 多就不一一列,建議先所有添加,而後移除);
create public database link Link_ltcs connect to 用戶名 identified by 密碼 using '(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = 服務器地址)(PORT = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = 數據庫實例名稱) ) )';
eg: create public database link Link_09 connect to ltg identified by longtugame123 using '(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = OADB) ) )';
insert into 本地表 select * from 遠端數據庫表@link_ltcs.regress.rdbms.dev.us.oracle.com
原始值是 :測試人
通過 cast(PAYEEACCOUNT as NVARCHAR2(100) )的結果爲:測
select a.tablespace_name, total, free, total-free as used, substr(free/total * 100, 1, 5) as "FREE%", substr((total - free)/total * 100, 1, 5) as "USED%" from (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 as total from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) a, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 as free from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) b where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name order by a.tablespace_name;
十二、oracle10g 按期導出數據
/*設置導出路徑並賦予權限*/ create or replace directory exp as 'D:\OA\DataBaseBack'; grant write on directory exp to public; grant read on directory exp to public;
二、建立 文件名.bat
@echo off Set OrclSid=數據庫 Set ExpUser=登陸名 Set ExpPass=密碼 Set SysDate=%date:~0,4%-%date:~5,2%-%date:~8,2%.%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2% @echo * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * @echo * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * @echo * * * * * ORACLE 數據庫導出 * * * * * * @echo * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * @echo * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * @echo 服務名 = %OrclSid% @echo 用戶名 = %ExpUser% @echo 密 碼 = %ExpPass% @echo 時 間 = %SysDate% expdp %ExpUser%/%ExpPass%@%OrclSid% directory=exp dumpfile=%ExpUser%~%OrclSid%_%SysDate%.dmp logfile=%ExpUser%~%OrclSid%_%SysDate%.log
IMPDP USERID='用戶/密碼@sid' schemas=倒入用戶 directory=exp table_exists_action=replace dumpfile=2017-07-24.DMP
1三、oracle 中使用order等關鍵字做爲列操做:
insert into Api_beisen_postInformation(OId,OIdTalentCriterion,Name,OIdResourceSet,StartDate,StopDate,\"Order\",OIdJobLevel,EstablishDate,Description,Score,JobPostKey,JobPostSecret,JobRequirements,Code,OIdJobGradeLow,OIdJobGradeHigh,OIdJobSequence,OIdProfessionalLine) values(:OId,:OIdTalentCriterion,:Name,:OIdResourceSet,:StartDate,:StopDate,:\"ORDER\",:OIdJobLevel,:EstablishDate,:Description,:Score,:JobPostKey,:JobPostSecret,:JobRequirements,:Code,:OIdJobGradeLow,:OIdJobGradeHigh,:OIdJobSequence,:OIdProfessionalLine)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION FN_DEPTstaffcount (dept_ number , dq number) return number is stffs int; sql_str VARCHAR2(4000); begin sql_str := 'select count(1) from web_admin wa join (select temp.id from web_dept temp where temp.showflag=1 start with temp.id='||dept_||' connect by prior temp.id=temp.fatherid) temp1 on wa.zxdept=temp1.id and wa.isvirtual=0 join web_admin_work temp2 on wa.usercode=temp2.usercode where wa.isvirtual=0 and temp2.rank>0'; if dq>0 then sql_str:=sql_str||' and exists(select 1 From web_admin_work waw where wa.usercode=waw.usercode and waw.adress=to_char('||dq||'))'; end if; execute immediate sql_str into stffs ; return stffs; end;