Angular Material 教程之佈局篇 (五) : 佈局參數


<div layout="row" layout-sm="column">
  <div flex>
    I'm above on mobile, and to the left on larger devices.
  <div flex>
    I'm below on mobile, and to the right on larger devices.


layout API flex API 激活設備時
layout flex 設置默認佈局方向,除非被另外一個斷點覆蓋。
layout-xs flex-xs width < 600px
layout-gt-xs flex-gt-xs width >= 600px
layout-sm flex-sm 600px <= width < 960px
layout-gt-sm flex-gt-sm width >= 960px
layout-md flex-md 960px <= width < 1280px
layout-gt-md flex-gt-md width >= 1280px
layout-lg flex-lg 1280px <= width < 1920px
layout-gt-lg flex-gt-lg width >= 1920/b>px
layout-xl flex-xl width >= 1920px


<div layout="row" layout-margin>
  <div flex>Parent layout and this element have margins.</div>
<div layout="row" layout-padding>
  <div flex>Parent layout and this element have padding.</div>
<div layout="row" layout-fill style="min-height: 224px;">
  <div flex>Parent layout is set to fill available space.</div>
<div layout="row" layout-padding layout-margin layout-fill style="min-height: 224px;">
  <div flex>I am using all three at once.</div>
  • layout-margin在每一個flex子元素周圍添加邊距。 它還爲佈局容器自己添加了一個邊距。ide

  • layout-padding在每一個flex子元素內部添加padding。 它還向佈局容器自己添加了填充。佈局

  • layout-fill強制佈局元素填充其父容器。flex

  • layout-wrap若是元素佔用超過100%,容許flex子元素在容器中換行。this


<div layout="row" layout-wrap>
  <div flex="33">[flex=33]</div>
  <div flex="66">[flex=66]</div>
  <div flex="66">[flex=66]</div>
  <div flex="33">[flex=33]</div>
  <div flex="33">[flex=33]</div>
  <div flex="33">[flex=33]</div>
  <div flex="33">[flex=33]</div>


使用show hide API來響應顯示或隱藏元素。 雖然這些工做相似於ng-showng-hide,但這些Angular Material Layout指令是經過媒體查詢感知的。code

<div layout="row">
  <div hide show-gt-sm flex>
    Only show on gt-sm devices.
  <div hide-gt-sm flex>
    Shown on small and medium.<br>
    Hidden on gt-sm devices.
  <div show hide-gt-md flex>
    Shown on small and medium size devices.<br>
    Hidden on gt-md devices.
  <div hide show-md flex>
    Shown on medium size devices only.
  <div hide show-gt-lg flex>
    Shown on devices larger than 1200px wide only.
隱藏 (display: none) 顯示 (不然隱藏) 激活條件:
hide-xs show-xs width < 600px
hide-gt-xs show-gt-xs width >= 600px
hide-sm show-sm 600px <= width < 960px
hide-gt-sm show-gt-sm width >= 960px
hide-md show-md 960px <= width < 1280px
hide-gt-md show-gt-md width >= 1280px
hide-lg show-lg 1280px <= width < 1920px
hide-gt-lg show-gt-lg width >= 1920px
hide-xl show-xl width >= 1920px