使用 mysql 就不太強,並且寫的複雜SQL可能是 select 查詢語句,最怕複雜的 update 語句了。mysql
有一張訂單明細表,我須要 更新 明細表裏面的 金額和重量, 這個 更新的依據是 根據 訂單明細表裏面的 某些數據的 來進行 算出來 重量或者金額 來進行更新的。函數
固然 這個訂單明細表 須要根據 訂單主表 來進行查詢出來。spa
首先 第一步 我寫出來的SQL ,看起來也不算複雜.net
UPDATE gwqmshop_process_order_item set total_weight=1*count * ( SELECT units.unitWeight from ( SELECT isrc.total_weight/isrc.count as unitWeight from gwqmshop_process_order_item as isrc where src_order_item_id=isrc.id ) as units ), total_amount=total_weight*price where id in ( SELECT item.id from ( SELECT it.id from gwqmshop_process_order_item as it where it.disabled=0 and it.order_id in ( SELECT o.id from gwqmshop_process_order o where o.disabled=0 and o.data_type=3 and o.createtime>'2018-05-26 22:00:00' ) ) item );
更新的時候 where 語句必須 這樣的寫法, 調試
不然 mysql 就會報錯,由於 mysql 是不能 經過 查詢 自身而後來進行 更新的。code
參考地址: https://blog.csdn.net/z_youarethebest/article/details/53785487blog
上面的剛纔我寫的SQL語句, 是沒有報錯, 但是 執行更新以後, 更新的結果都 是 被更新爲 null 了。ci
我這裏是 mysql 5.6 不知道是否是 mysql的bug , 即沒有報錯,又被更新爲 null 了。。。
緣由是 由於 where src_order_item_id=isrc.id 這個語句, 在 mysql 中 是 獲取 不到
訂單明細表 裏面的 src_order_item_id 這個字段內容的。
若是咱們改成 :
where isrc.id=gwqmshop_process_order_item.src_order_item_id
mysql 就會報錯了, 報錯是由於 找不到 gwqmshop_process_order_item 表。
其實無論是 update 語句,仍是 select 語句, 字段 經過 查詢其餘表,可是又須要更加當前查詢的表的內容取管理的話,都是會報錯的。
由於 最外層的表的內容傳不去裏面的 臨時表的。
例子 :
SELECT i.id ,i.src_order_item_id,i.total_amount,i.total_weight,i.count * ( SELECT isrc.total_weight/isrc.count from gwqmshop_process_order_item isrc where isrc.id =i.src_order_item_id ) from gwqmshop_process_order_item i where i.disabled=0 and i.order_id in ( SELECT o.id from gwqmshop_process_order o where o.disabled=0 and o.data_type=3 and o.createtime>'2018-05-26 22:00:00' ) ; 上面的語句確定是沒有問題的,若是改動一下就有問題了 SELECT i.id ,i.src_order_item_id,i.total_amount,i.total_weight,i.count * ( SELECT units.unitWeight from (SELECT isrc.total_weight/isrc.count as unitWeight from gwqmshop_process_order_item isrc where isrc.id =i.src_order_item_id ) as units ) from gwqmshop_process_order_item i where i.disabled=0 and i.order_id in ( SELECT o.id from gwqmshop_process_order o where o.disabled=0 and o.data_type=3 and o.createtime>'2018-05-26 22:00:00' ) ; 而後就會報錯 : Unknown column 'i.src_order_item_id' in 'where clause' 那爲何更新的時候不能使用第一種的方式呢? UPDATE gwqmshop_process_order_item set gwqmshop_process_order_item.total_weight=1*gwqmshop_process_order_item.count * ( SELECT isrc.total_weight/isrc.count as unitWeight from gwqmshop_process_order_item as isrc where isrc.id=gwqmshop_process_order_item.src_order_item_id ), gwqmshop_process_order_item.total_amount=gwqmshop_process_order_item.total_weight*gwqmshop_process_order_item.price where gwqmshop_process_order_item.id in ( SELECT item.id from ( SELECT it.id from gwqmshop_process_order_item as it where it.disabled=0 and it.order_id in ( SELECT o.id from gwqmshop_process_order o where o.disabled=0 and o.data_type=3 and o.createtime>'2018-05-26 22:00:00' ) ) item ); 上面的更新語句就會爆錯,仍是以前的錯誤,不能經過查詢 自身來更新 報錯: You can't specify target table 'gwqmshop_process_order_item' for update in FROM clause
網上亂看,而後 本身亂寫,亂調試:
最終解決update SQL語句:
UPDATE gwqmshop_process_order_item,gwqmshop_process_order_item units set gwqmshop_process_order_item.total_weight=1*gwqmshop_process_order_item.count * (units.total_weight/units.count), gwqmshop_process_order_item.total_amount=gwqmshop_process_order_item.total_weight*gwqmshop_process_order_item.price where gwqmshop_process_order_item.id in ( SELECT item.id from ( SELECT it.id from gwqmshop_process_order_item as it where it.disabled=0 and it.order_id in ( SELECT o.id from gwqmshop_process_order o where o.disabled=0 and o.data_type=3 and o.createtime>'2018-05-26 22:00:00' ) ) item ) and units.id = gwqmshop_process_order_item.src_order_item_id;
原來只須要 update 的是, 再 來一個自身表 便可。
由於以前 沒有這樣想是由於 感受多是 會 報錯,由於查詢了自身表又更新了。。。
- You can't specify target table 'gwqmshop_process_order_item' for update in FROM clause
由於沒有報錯,能夠成功是由於 mysql 的 底層區分開了吧。
gwqmshop_process_order_item,gwqmshop_process_order_item units 可能就是兩個 不會產生關聯的表吧。
2. update 執行,使用SUM() 函數
訂單明細表,已經更新了 重量和金額了,那麼 還須要 更新 訂單主表啊,由於訂單主表也有 總的 重量和金額。。。
## 再更新訂單的 總理論重量和總理論價格 update gwqmshop_process_order set total_weight =( sum( SELECT it1.total_weight from gwqmshop_process_order_item as it1 where it1.order_id=id and it1.disabled=0 ) ), set total_price=( sum( SELECT it2.total_amount from gwqmshop_process_order_item as it2 where it2.order_id=id and it2.disabled=0 ) ) where id in ( SELECT mo.id from ( SELECT o.id as id from gwqmshop_process_order o where o.disabled=0 and o.data_type=3 and o.createtime>'2018-05-26 22:00:00' ) as mo );
可是 執行以後 報錯:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT it1.total_weight from gwqmshop_process_order_item as it1
where it1.ord' at line 4
update gwqmshop_process_order , gwqmshop_process_order_item it1 set gwqmshop_process_order.total_weight =sum(it1.total_weight) where gwqmshop_process_order.id in ( SELECT mo.id from ( SELECT o.id as id from gwqmshop_process_order o where o.disabled=0 and o.data_type=3 and o.createtime>'2018-05-26 22:00:00' ) as mo ) and it1.order_id=gwqmshop_process_order.id and it1.disabled=0 ;
就爆出來 :
Invalid use of group function
看起來 感受是 使用不了 sum 函數啊。。。
想一想也是, sum 函數也算分組函數吧,分組求和的。。。
咱們通常使用 sum 函數都是 在 select 語句中的, 沒有這樣直接使用的。。。
因此要改一下, 隨便試了一下,沒成功, 去百度看看
能夠參考: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/653826/update-with-sum-in-mysql
UPDATE Table_NAme SET PAR= summedValue FROM TAble_NAME t JOIN ( SELECT ID, SUM(S_val) as summedvalue FROM TABLE_NAME GROUP BY ID ) s on t.ID = s.ID
這樣子 感受 好像行的通, 但是怎麼使用MYSQL 寫出來?
試着用join 關聯: update gwqmshop_process_order , inner join ( SELECT gwqmshop_process_order_item.order_id as order_id ,sum(gwqmshop_process_order_item.total_weight) as sumweight from gwqmshop_process_order_item where gwqmshop_process_order_item.disabled=0 ) as itsum on itsum.order_id=gwqmshop_process_order.id set gwqmshop_process_order.total_weight =itsum.sumweight where gwqmshop_process_order.id in ( SELECT mo.id from ( SELECT o.id as id from gwqmshop_process_order o where o.disabled=0 and o.data_type=3 and o.createtime>'2018-05-26 22:00:00' ) as mo ) ; 報錯。。。 check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'inner join ( SELECT gwqmshop_process_order_item.order_id as order_id ,sum(gwq' at line 2 試試下面的: update gwqmshop_process_order , ( SELECT gwqmshop_process_order_item.order_id as order_id ,sum(gwqmshop_process_order_item.total_weight) as sumweight from gwqmshop_process_order_item GROUP BY gwqmshop_process_order_item.order_id ) as itsum left JOIN itsum itsum1 on itsum1.order_id=gwqmshop_process_order.id set gwqmshop_process_order.total_weight =itsum1.sumweight where gwqmshop_process_order.id in ( SELECT mo.id from ( SELECT o.id as id from gwqmshop_process_order o where o.disabled=0 and o.data_type=3 and o.createtime>'2018-05-26 22:00:00' ) as mo ) ; Table 'yxshop.itsum' doesn't exist 報錯,仍是不行。
因而使用下面的: update gwqmshop_process_order , ( SELECT gwqmshop_process_order_item.order_id as order_id ,sum(gwqmshop_process_order_item.total_weight) as sumweight, sum(gwqmshop_process_order_item.total_amount) as sumamount from gwqmshop_process_order_item GROUP BY gwqmshop_process_order_item.order_id ) as itsum set gwqmshop_process_order.total_weight =itsum.sumweight, gwqmshop_process_order.total_price=itsum.sumamount where gwqmshop_process_order.id in ( SELECT mo.id from ( SELECT o.id as id from gwqmshop_process_order o where o.disabled=0 and o.data_type=3 and o.createtime>'2018-05-26 22:00:00' ) as mo ) and itsum.order_id=gwqmshop_process_order.id ;
上面的SQL在 mysql 5.6 下面沒有問題,
可是在 mysql5.7 下面就報錯:
You can't specify target table 'gwqmshop_process_order' for update in FROM clause
也是奇怪,還好生產環境使用 mysql5.6
mysql 5.7 的報錯,不知道是否是BUG,否則爲何mysql5.6 沒事?
update gwqmshop_process_order
set total_price=total_price
id in
SELECT mo.id from (
SELECT o.id as id from gwqmshop_process_order o where o.disabled=0 and o.data_type=3 and o.createtime>'2018-05-26 22:00:00'
) as mo
這樣子在 mysql 5.7 下面行不通,
有最笨的方式就是 拼出來 執行的全部的 update SQL,
先把 全部的訂單ID查詢出來,而後根據訂單id 去更新了,
也就是 不採用批量更新了,採用 單表更新了。