1 索引spring
1.1 單列索引mongodb
@Indexed @Field(value = "delete_flag") private Boolean deleteFlag = false;
1.2 組合索引apache
@Document(collection = "#{T(com.nd.social.common.handler.TenantHandler).getTablePrefix().concat('block_content')}") @CompoundIndexes( @CompoundIndex(name = "idx_bc_t_sc_s", def = "{'tenant':1,'scope.code':1,'sourceId':1}", unique = true) ) @TypeAlias("BlockContent") @CompoundIndexes( @CompoundIndex(name = "_ui_s_df_idx_", def = "{'userId':1, 'status':1, 'deleteFlag':1}", unique = true) )
2 注意數組
若是進行+1操做 儘可能使用inc 避免併發問題併發
3 排序app
private static final Sort SORT_BY_CREATE_TIME_DESC = new Sort(Sort.Direction.DESC, "createAt"); List<Idea> finByUserIdAndDeleteFlagFalse(String userId, Sort sort);
命名查詢:OrderBy...Desc/ASC List<Idea> findByUserIdAndStatusInAndViewAtLessThanAndDeleteFlagFalseOrderByCreateAtDesc(String userId, List<IdeaStatus> status, long viewAt);
4 分頁ide
1 offset/limitui
private Pageable getPageable(SearchVo condition) { int limit = condition.getLimit(); int offset = condition.getOffset(); return new PageRequest(offset / limit, limit, SORT_BY_CREATE_TIME_DESC); }
private int offset = 0; private int limit = 15; public int getOffset() { return offset; } public void setOffset(int offset) { this.offset = offset; } public int getLimit() { return limit <= 0 ? 15 : limit; } public void setLimit(int limit) { this.limit = limit; }
2 page/size
page 頁碼,請求第幾頁數據(默認值:1) 可選 size 每頁數量(默認值:30) 可選 new PageRequest(page - 1, size)
3 計算總頁數
pageVo.setTotalPage(size == 0 ? 1 : (int) Math.ceil((double) total / (double) size));
4 結果集示例
public class PageVo<T> { // 總數 private long totalCount; // 總頁數 private int totalPage; // 頁碼 private int page; // 單頁數量 private int size; // 結果列表 private List<T> items; public List<T> getItems() { return items; } public void setItems(List<T> items) { this.items = items; } public long getTotalCount() { return totalCount; } public void setTotalCount(long totalCount) { this.totalCount = totalCount; } public int getTotalPage() { return totalPage; } public void setTotalPage(int totalPage) { this.totalPage = totalPage; } public int getPage() { return page; } public void setPage(int page) { this.page = page; } public int getSize() { return size; } public void setSize(int size) { this.size = size; } }
public class Items<T> { // 結果列表 能夠是Set/List private Collection<T> items; // 若是不須要 能夠設置爲items的size值 private long totalCount; public static <T> Items<T> of(Collection<T> list) { Items<T> items = new Items<>(); items.setItems(list); items.setTotalCount(list.size()); return items; } public static <T> Items<T> of(Collection<T> list, long totalCount) { Items<T> items = new Items<>(); items.setItems(list); items.setTotalCount(totalCount); return items; } public Collection<T> getItems() { return items; } public void setItems(Collection<T> items) { this.items = items; } public long getTotalCount() { return totalCount; } public void setTotalCount(long totalCount) { this.totalCount = totalCount; } }
5 打印mongo NoSql語句
1 log4j.logger.org.springframework.data.mongodb.core=DEBUG, mongodb 2 3 log4j.appender.mongodb=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender 4 log4j.appender.mongodb.Target=System.out 5 log4j.appender.mongodb.Threshold=DEBUG 6 log4j.appender.mongodb.ImmediateFlush=true 7 log4j.appender.mongodb.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout 8 log4j.appender.mongodb.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %5p %X{RequestId} - %m%n
1 private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoTemplate.class); 2 3 protected void executeQuery(Query query, String collectionName, DocumentCallbackHandler dch, 4 CursorPreparer preparer) { 5 6 Assert.notNull(query); 7 8 DBObject queryObject = queryMapper.getMappedObject(query.getQueryObject(), null); 9 DBObject sortObject = query.getSortObject(); 10 DBObject fieldsObject = query.getFieldsObject(); 11 12 if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { 13 LOGGER.debug("Executing query: {} sort: {} fields: {} in collection: {}", serializeToJsonSafely(queryObject), 14 sortObject, fieldsObject, collectionName); 15 } 16 17 this.executeQueryInternal(new FindCallback(queryObject, fieldsObject), preparer, dch, collectionName); 18 }
6 註解查詢
1 一個方法命名查詢中同一個屬性不能出現2次 可使用@Query註解查詢
2 @Query:
value 查詢語句
count 做爲統計的查詢 返回int值
delete 做爲刪除語句並返回刪除後的文檔集合
fields 限定須要返回哪些字段
@Query(count = true, value = "{'$and':[{'tenant':?3},{'reportStatus':?0}," + " {'dealTime':{'$gte':?1}}, {'dealTime':{'$lte':?2}}]}") int countByStatusAndDealTimeBetween(ReportStatus status, Date begin, Date end, long tenant); @Query("{'$and':[{'userId':?0},{'deleteFlag':false}," + "{'$or':[{'content':{'$regex':?1}},{'location':{'$regex':?1}},{'createAtStr':{'$regex':?1}}]}]}") List<Idea> findByKeyWord(String userId, String key, Pageable pageable);
1 { 2 '$and': [ 3 { 4 'userId': ?0 5 }, 6 { 7 'deleteFlag': false 8 }, 9 { 10 '$or': [ 11 { 12 'content': { 13 '$regex': ?1 14 } 15 }, 16 { 17 'location': { 18 '$regex': ?1 19 } 20 }, 21 { 22 'createAtStr': { 23 '$regex': ?1 24 } 25 } 26 ] 27 } 28 ] 29 }
7 MongoOptions/MongoTemplate
public <T> T findOne(Query query, Class<T> entityClass) public boolean exists(Query query, Class<?> entityClass) public <T> List<T> find(Query query, Class<T> entityClass) public <T> T findById(Object id, Class<T> entityClass) public <T> T findAndModify(Query query, Update update, Class<T> entityClass) public <T> T findAndModify(Query query, Update update, FindAndModifyOptions options, Class<T> entityClass) public class FindAndModifyOptions { boolean returnNew; // 是否返回更新後的值 boolean upsert; // 沒有找到是否插入 boolean remove; // 找到是否刪除 } public <T> T findAndRemove(Query query, Class<T> entityClass) public long count(Query query, Class<?> entityClass) public void insert(Object objectToSave) public void insert(Collection<? extends Object> batchToSave, Class<?> entityClass) public void insertAll(Collection<? extends Object> objectsToSave) public void save(Object objectToSave) 保存/修改 public WriteResult upsert(Query query, Update update, Class<?> entityClass) public WriteResult updateFirst(Query query, Update update, Class<?> entityClass) public WriteResult updateMulti(Query query, Update update, Class<?> entityClass) public WriteResult remove(Object object) public WriteResult remove(Query query, String collectionName) public <T> List<T> findAll(Class<T> entityClass) public <T> List<T> findAllAndRemove(Query query, Class<T> entityClass)
public DB getDb()
DBCollection getCollection(String collectionName); DBCollection 中包含各類CRUD操做以及對集合自己的定義操做(索引、命名)
public String getCollectionName(Class<?> entityClass)
public <T> MapReduceResults<T> mapReduce(String inputCollectionName, String mapFunction, String reduceFunction, Class<T> entityClass) public <T> MapReduceResults<T> mapReduce(String inputCollectionName, String mapFunction, String reduceFunction,MapReduceOptions mapReduceOptions, Class<T> entityClass) public <T> GroupByResults<T> group(String inputCollectionName, GroupBy groupBy, Class<T> entityClass) public <O> AggregationResults<O> aggregate(TypedAggregation<?> aggregation, Class<O> outputType) public <O> AggregationResults<O> aggregate(Aggregation aggregation, Class<?> inputType, Class<O> outputType)
public List<String> distinctUserId() { return mongoTemplate.getCollection("ideas").distinct("user_id"); } public List<String> distinctLocation(String userId) { DBObject query = Query.query(Criteria.where("user_id").is(userId)).getQueryObject(); return mongoTemplate.getCollection("ideas").distinct("location", query); }
private final List<Order> orders; public Sort and(Sort sort) { if (sort == null) { return this; } ArrayList<Order> these = new ArrayList<Order>(this.orders); for (Order order : sort) { these.add(order); } return new Sort(these); }
1 private Sort sort; 2 private int skip; 3 private int limit; 4 5 public Query skip(int skip) { 6 this.skip = skip; 7 return this; 8 } 9 10 public Query limit(int limit) { 11 this.limit = limit; 12 return this; 13 } 14 15 public Query with(Pageable pageable) { 16 17 if (pageable == null) { 18 return this; 19 } 20 21 this.limit = pageable.getPageSize(); 22 this.skip = pageable.getOffset(); 23 24 return with(pageable.getSort()); 25 } 26 27 public Query with(Sort sort) { 28 29 if (sort == null) { 30 return this; 31 } 32 33 for (Order order : sort) { 34 if (order.isIgnoreCase()) { 35 throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Gven sort contained an Order for %s with ignore case! " 36 + "MongoDB does not support sorting ignoreing case currently!", order.getProperty())); 37 } 38 } 39 40 if (this.sort == null) { 41 this.sort = sort; 42 } else { 43 this.sort = this.sort.and(sort); 44 } 45 46 return this; 47 } 48 49 50 51 private final Map<String, CriteriaDefinition> criteria = new LinkedHashMap<String, CriteriaDefinition>(); 52 53 public static Query query(CriteriaDefinition criteriaDefinition) { 54 return new Query(criteriaDefinition); 55 } 56 57 public Query() {} 58 59 60 public Query(CriteriaDefinition criteriaDefinition) { 61 addCriteria(criteriaDefinition); 62 } 63 64 65 public Query addCriteria(CriteriaDefinition criteriaDefinition) { 66 67 CriteriaDefinition existing = this.criteria.get(criteriaDefinition.getKey()); 68 String key = criteriaDefinition.getKey(); 69 70 if (existing == null) { 71 this.criteria.put(key, criteriaDefinition); 72 } else { 73 throw new InvalidMongoDbApiUsageException("Due to limitations of the com.mongodb.BasicDBObject, " 74 + "you can't add a second '" + key + "' criteria. " + "Query already contains '" 75 + existing.getCriteriaObject() + "'."); 76 } 77 78 return this; 79 }
private String key; private List<Criteria> criteriaChain; private LinkedHashMap<String, Object> criteria = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); private Object isValue = NOT_SET; public static Criteria where(String key) { return new Criteria(key); }
public Criteria and(String key) { return new Criteria(this.criteriaChain, key); } is ne lt lte gt gte in/all nin mod size exits type not regex in: 包含其中一個便可 all:所有包含才能夠 查詢時要明確這多個值主鍵的關係是什麼樣的
public Criteria orOperator(Criteria... criteria)
public Criteria andOperator(Criteria... criteria)
public Criteria norOperator(Criteria... criteria)
8 案例
1 按照建立時間查找上一條下一條記錄
public Idea findIdeaNearTo(String userId, long createAt, boolean isNext) { Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("user_id").is(userId).and("delete_flag").is(false); Query query; if (isNext) { query = new Query(criteria).with(new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "create_at")); criteria.and("create_at").gt(createAt); } else { query = new Query(criteria).with(new Sort(Sort.Direction.DESC, "create_at")); criteria.and("create_at").lt(createAt); } return mongoTemplate.findOne(query, Idea.class); }
next: { "user_id" : "2107164232" , "delete_flag" : false , "create_at" : { "$gt" : 1474600921000}} pre: { "user_id" : "2107164232" , "delete_flag" : false , "create_at" : { "$lt" : 1474600921000}}
2 orOperator / andOperator
public List<Idea> find(String userId, IdeaStatus status, OriginalityType type, long createAtFrom, long createAtTo) { Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("user_id").is(userId) .and("delete_flag").is(false) .and("status").in(status); if (type == null) { criteria.orOperator( Criteria.where("originality_type").exists(false), // 字段是否存在 exists Criteria.where("originality_type").size(0)); // 字段是數組,大小 size } else { criteria.and("originality_type").in(type); } criteria.andOperator( Criteria.where("create_at").gte(createAtFrom), Criteria.where("create_at").lt(createAtTo) ); return mongoTemplate.find(new Query(criteria), Idea.class); }
1 { 2 "user_id": "290536", 3 "delete_flag": false, 4 "status": { 5 "$in": [ 6 "originality" 7 ] 8 }, 9 "$or": [ 10 { 11 "originality_type": { 12 "$exists": false 13 } 14 }, 15 { 16 "originality_type": { 17 "$size": 0 18 } 19 } 20 ], 21 "$and": [ 22 { 23 "create_at": { 24 "$gte": 1445788800000 25 } 26 }, 27 { 28 "create_at": { 29 "$lt": 1446393600000 30 } 31 } 32 ] 33 }
1 public Items<Idea> listOriginalities(String userId, SearchVo condition, Pageable pageable) { 2 List<Criteria> orCriteriaList = new ArrayList<>(); 3 if (condition.getStatus() == null || condition.getStatus().size() == 0) { 4 orCriteriaList.add(Criteria.where("status").in(Arrays.asList(IdeaStatus.originality))); 5 } else { 6 for (IdeaStatus status : condition.getStatus()) { 7 orCriteriaList.add(Criteria.where("status").all(Arrays.asList(status, IdeaStatus.originality))); 8 } 9 } 10 Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("userId").is(userId).and("deleteFlag").is(false) 11 .orOperator(orCriteriaList.toArray(new Criteria[0])); 12 13 if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(condition.getTag())) { 14 criteria.and("tags").in(condition.getTag()); 15 } 16 Query query = query(criteria).with(pageable); 17 Query countQuery = query(criteria); 18 return Items.of(mongoTemplate.find(query, Idea.class), mongoTemplate.count(countQuery, Idea.class)); 19 }
{ "user_id": "2107164232", "delete_flag": false, "$or": [ { "status": { "$all": [ "discussing", "originality" ] } }, { "status": { "$all": [ "considering", "originality" ] } } ] }
public Criteria orOperator(Criteria... criteria)
3 更新或保存 更新返回舊值
public BlockContent addIfNotExists(BlockContent blockContent, long tenant) { Query query = Query.query(where("tenant").is(tenant) .and("sourceId").is(blockContent.getSourceId()) .and("scope.code").is(blockContent.getScope().getCode())); Update update = getUpdate(blockContent); return operations.findAndModify( query, update, options().upsert(true).returnNew(false), BlockContent.class ); } 返回null 保存 返回舊值 更新 使用他的id
3 更新語句避免 n+1操做
public void setBlockStatusAndRecoverTime(Set<String> ids, long tenant, Date recoverTime) { Query query = Query.query( where("_id").in(ids) .and("tenant").is(tenant) .and("blockStatus").is(BlockStatus.BLOCKED)); operations.updateMulti( query, Update.update("blockStatus", BlockStatus.RECOVER) .set("recoverTime", recoverTime), BlockContent.class ); }