Confluence 6 用戶提交的備份和恢復腳本

下面的代碼是用戶提交的,在使用的時候須要當心,由於 Atlassian 不提供這些代碼的技術支持。若是你在使用或者修改這些代碼的時候有任何問題,請粘貼到 post them to Atlassian Answersjava

刪除老的備份 —— Windows 的 Wscript 腳本


'If you want 3 day old files to be deleted then insert 3 next to Date - "your number here"
'This script will search out and delete files with this string in them ".2005-12-04-" This of course depends on the number you enter.
'You can always do a wscript.echo strYesterday or strFileName to see what the script thinks you are searching for .
dtmYesterday = Date - 3
strYear = Year(dtmYesterday)
strMonth = Month(dtmYesterday)
If Len(strMonth) = 1 Then
     strMonth = "0" & strMonth
End If
strDay = Day(dtmYesterday)
If Len(strDay) = 1 Then
     strDay = "0" & strDay
End If
strYesterday = strYear & "-" & strMonth & "-" & strDay
strFileName = "C:\test*." & strYesterday & "-*"
Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

刪除老的備份 ——  Linux Basic Bash Script

Old 的 XML 備份能夠經過天天晚上或者每週的自動運行腳本進行刪除。你也能夠在 cron 中設置類似的腳本:web

ls -t <path to your backup dir>/* | tail -n + 6 | xargs -i rm {}

或者,使用 tail 命令,若是你的系統不支持標準格式的話:sql

ls -t <path to your backup dir>/* | tail + 6 | xargs -i rm {}

Del 刪除老的備份 —— 高級 Linux  Bash Script

Old 的 XML 備份能夠經過天天晚上或者每週的自動運行腳本進行刪除,針對你的站點設置 BACKUP_DIR 和 DAYS_TO_RETAIN 變量。在運行之間,相對 DAYS_TO_RETAIN 更多文件將會構建。數據庫

# Script to remove the older Confluence backup files.
# Currently we retain at least the last two weeks worth
# of backup files in order to restore if needed.
BACKUP_DIR= "/data/web/confluence/backups"
find $BACKUP_DIR -maxdepth 1 -type f -ctime +$DAYS_TO_RETAIN -delete

手動數據庫和 Home 目錄備份 —— Linux Basic Bash Script

這個將會備份 MySQL 數據庫和 Confluence 的 Home 目錄。bash

CNFL_BACKUP=/backup/cnflBackup/`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`
rm -rf $CNFL/temp/*
mysqldump -uroot -p<password> confluence|gzip > $CNFL_BACKUP/
tar -cjvf $CNFL_BACKUP/data.bzip $CNFL > $CNFL_BACKUP/homedir.status

按照日期備份 —— Postgres

export d=`date +%u`
mkdir -p /home/backup/postgres/$d
sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall | bzip2 > /home/backup/postgres/$d/sql.bz2
