Dim varReportName ' 測試報告文件名 Const cSheet1Name = "結果概覽" Const cSheet2Name = "詳細結果" '描述:GetIP 捕獲運行腳本的電腦IP Public Function GetInfo ComputerName="." Dim objWMIService,colItems,objItem,objAddress,username,localhostname username = Environment("UserName") localhostname = Environment("LocalHostName") Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & ComputerName & "\root\cimv2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled = True") For Each objItem in colItems For Each objAddress in objItem.IPAddress If objAddress <> "" then GetInfo = "本機IP:"&objAddress &vbcrlf&"用戶名:"&username&vbcrlf&"機器名:"&localhostname Exit Function End If Next Next End Function Sub ExcelReport(ByVal vStatus, ByRef vDetails, ByRef vRemarks) Dim objExcel ' object of Excel Dim objExcelBook ' object of Excel WorkBook Dim vActionName ' QTP Test Name Dim vSummaryRow, vResultRow, vNewAction, vUCaseStatus vActionName = Environment("TestName" )& " - " & Environment("ActionName") ' vActionName = "ExcelReporter - Action " vUCaseStatus = UCase(vStatus) If varReportName = Empty Then varReportName = Environment ("TestDir")& "\" &Replace(Now,":","") & "測試報告" &".xls" 'varReportName = "D:\測試報告" & Date & second(now)&".xls" Call CreateExcelReport(varReportName) End If Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set objExcelBook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(varReportName) ' objExcel.Visible = True 'Debug ' Test Summary Sheet objExcel.Sheets(cSheet1Name).Select With objExcel.Sheets(cSheet1Name) vSummaryRow = .Range("C7").Value + 11 vResultRow = .Range("C8").Value + 2*.Range("C7").Value + 2 vNewAction = False If .Cells(vSummaryRow - 1, 2).Value <> vActionName Then ' 新增Action .Cells(vSummaryRow, 2).Value = vActionName objExcel.ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add .Cells(vSummaryRow, 2), "", cSheet2Name&"!A"&vResultRow+1, vActionName&" Result" .Cells(vSummaryRow, 3).Value = vStatus Select Case vUCaseStatus Case "FAIL" .Range("C" & vSummaryRow).Font.ColorIndex = 3 Case "PASS" .Range("C" & vSummaryRow).Font.ColorIndex = 50 Case "WARNING" .Range("C" & vSummaryRow).Font.ColorIndex = 5 End Select vNewAction = True .Cells(vSummaryRow, 4).Value = 1 .Range("C7").Value = .Range("C7").Value + 1 'Set color and Fonts .Range("B" & vSummaryRow & "" & vSummaryRow).Borders(1).LineStyle = 1 .Range("B" & vSummaryRow & "" & vSummaryRow).Borders(2).LineStyle = 1 .Range("B" & vSummaryRow & "" & vSummaryRow).Borders(3).LineStyle = 1 .Range("B" & vSummaryRow & ":D" & vSummaryRow).Borders(4).LineStyle = 1 .Range("B" & vSummaryRow & ":D" & vSummaryRow).Interior.ColorIndex = 19 .Range("B" & vSummaryRow).Font.ColorIndex = 53 Else .Range("D" & vSummaryRow-1).Value = .Range("D" & vSummaryRow-1).Value + 1 End If If (Not vNewAction) And (vUCaseStatus = "FAIL") Then ' 重複Action Test而且vStatus爲Fail .Cells(vSummaryRow-1, 3).Value = vStatus .Range("C" & vSummaryRow-1).Font.ColorIndex = 3 End If If (Not vNewAction) And (vUCaseStatus = "PASS") Then ' 重複Action Test而且vStatus爲Warning,若是結果爲Warning,也標註爲Pass If UCase(.Cells(vSummaryRow-1, 3).Value) = "PASS" Then .Cells(vSummaryRow-1, 3).Value = vStatus .Range("C" & vSummaryRow-1).Font.ColorIndex = 5 End If End If .Range("C8").Value = .Range("C8").Value + 1 .Range("C5").Value = Time End With ' Test Result Sheet objExcel.Sheets(cSheet2Name).Select With objExcel.Sheets(cSheet2Name) If vNewAction Then .Range("A" & vResultRow & ":D" & vResultRow).Interior.ColorIndex = 15 .Range("A" & vResultRow & ":D" & vResultRow).Merge vResultRow = vResultRow + 1 .Range("A" & vResultRow & ":D" & vResultRow).Merge .Range("A" & vResultRow & ":D" & vResultRow).HorizontalAlignment = 1 .Range("A" & vResultRow).Value = vActionName 'Set color and Fonts .Range("A" & vResultRow & ":D" & vResultRow).Interior.ColorIndex = 19 .Range("A" & vResultRow & ":D" & vResultRow).Font.ColorIndex = 53 .Range("A" & vResultRow & ":D" & vResultRow).Font.Bold = True vResultRow = vResultRow + 1 .Range("A" & vResultRow).Value = "Step "&objExcel.Sheets(cSheet1Name).Range("D" & vSummaryRow).Value Else .Range("A" & vResultRow).Value = "Step "&objExcel.Sheets(cSheet1Name).Range("D" & vSummaryRow-1).Value End If .Range("B" & vResultRow).Value = vStatus .Range("C" & vResultRow).Value = vDetails .Range("D" & vResultRow).Value = vRemarks Select Case vUCaseStatus Case "PASS" .Range("B" & vResultRow).Font.ColorIndex = 50 Case "FAIL" .Range("A" & vResultRow & ":E" & vResultRow).Font.ColorIndex = 3 Case "WARNING" .Range("A" & vResultRow & ":E" & vResultRow).Font.ColorIndex = 5 End Select 'Set the Borders .Range("A" & vResultRow & ":D" & vResultRow).Borders(1).LineStyle = 1 .Range("A" & vResultRow & ":D" & vResultRow).Borders(2).LineStyle = 1 .Range("A" & vResultRow & ":D" & vResultRow).Borders(3).LineStyle = 1 .Range("A" & vResultRow & ":D" & vResultRow).Borders(4).LineStyle = 1 End With objExcel.Sheets(cSheet1Name).Select objExcelBook.Save objExcel.Quit Set objExcelBook = Nothing Set objExcel = Nothing End Sub '================================================== ' Create Excel Report File '================================================== Sub CreateExcelReport(ByRef vFileName) Dim fso ' object of FSO Dim objExcel ' object of Excel Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") If objExcel Is Nothing Then MsgBox "系統未檢測到安裝了EXCEL!" objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False ' objExcel.Visible = True 'Debug ' 生成報告並設置格式 If Not fso.FileExists(varReportName) Then objExcel.Workbooks.Add ' Test Summary Sheet objExcel.Sheets.Item(1).Select With objExcel.Sheets.Item(1) .Name = cSheet1Name ' 設置顯示方式 .Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 10 .Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = 45 .Columns("C:C").ColumnWidth = 25 .Columns("D:D").ColumnWidth = 25 .Columns("A:D").WrapText = False .Columns("C:C").HorizontalAlignment = -4108 ' 4,右對齊;-4108,居中 .Range("C3:C8").HorizontalAlignment = 4 .Range("C9:C9").HorizontalAlignment = 1 .Range("B10:D10").HorizontalAlignment = -4108 .Range("A:D").VerticalAlignment = -4160 .Range("B2:C2").Merge .Range("B1:C1").Interior.ColorIndex = 31 .Range("B2:C2").Interior.ColorIndex = 31 .Range("B10:D10").Interior.ColorIndex = 31 .Range("B3:C9").Interior.ColorIndex = 24 .Range("B2:C2").Font.ColorIndex = 19 .Range("B10:D10").Font.ColorIndex = 19 .Range("B3:C9").Font.ColorIndex = 12 .Range("B2:B9").Borders(1).LineStyle = 1 ' 1,單線;-4115,點線;-4119,雙線 .Range("C2:C9").Borders(2).LineStyle = 1 ' .Range("B2:C2").Borders(3).LineStyle = 1 .Range("B8:C9").Borders(4).LineStyle = 1 .Range("B3:C9").Borders(3).LineStyle = 1 .Range("C3:C9").Borders(1).LineStyle = 1 .Range("B2:B9").Font.Bold = True .Range("B10:D10").Font.Bold = True .Range("A:D").Font.Name = "Arial" .Range("A:D").Font.Size = 10 .Range("B11:B500").Font.Size = 10 .Range("B2").Font.Size = 12 .Range("B10:D10").Font.Size = 12 ' 設置單元格內容 .Range("B2").Value = "結果概覽" .Range("B3").Value = "測試日期:" .Range("B4").Value = "測試開始時間:" .Range("B5").Value = "測試結束時間:" .Range("B6").Value = "測試用時: " .Range("B7").Value = "測試用例數:" .Range("B8").Value = "總運行步驟:" .Range("B9").Value = "測試機器:" .Range("C3").Value = Date&" "&WeekDayName(Weekday(Date)) .Range("C4").Value = Time .Range("C5").Value = Time .Range("C6").Value = "=R[-1]C-R[-2]C" .Range("C6").NumberFormat = "[h]:mm:ss;@" .Range("C7").Value = "0" .Range("C8").Value = "0" .Range("C9").Value =GetInfo() .Range("B10").Value = "用例名稱" .Range("C10").Value = "測試結果" .Range("D10").Value = "測試步驟" ' .Columns("B:D").Autofit .Range("B11").Select objExcel.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True End With ' Test Result Sheet objExcel.Sheets.Item(2).Select With objExcel.Sheets.Item(2) .Name = cSheet2Name 'Set color and Fonts .Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 45 .Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = 45 .Columns("C:D").ColumnWidth = 55 .Columns("C:D").WrapText = True .Columns("A:B").HorizontalAlignment = -4108 ' 4,右對齊;-4108,居中 .Range("A:D").VerticalAlignment = -4160 .Range("A:D").Font.Name = "Arial" .Range("A1:D1").Interior.ColorIndex = 31 .Range("A1:D1").Font.ColorIndex = 19 .Range("A1:D1").Borders(1).LineStyle = 1 .Range("A1:D1").Borders(2).LineStyle = 1 .Range("A1:D1").Borders(3).LineStyle = 1 .Range("A1:D1").Borders(4).LineStyle = 1 .Range("A1:D1").Font.Bold = True ' 設置單元格內容 .Range("A1").Value = "測試用例" .Range("B1").Value = "運行結果" .Range("C1").Value = "結果說明" .Range("D1").Value = "結果備註" .Range("A2").Select objExcel.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True End With objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs vFileName objExcel.Quit End If End Sub