在React Native中ART是個很是重要的庫,它讓很是酷炫的繪圖及動畫變成了可能。可是多是知道的人真的很少致使文檔及少中文更少。不少都是把英文的參數列表翻譯過來,也沒有案例。因而決定出這樣一份入門文檔及可能遇到的坑,但願可以幫助到你們。本文的示例工程https://github.com/xu-duqing/React-Native-ART-Samplenode
右鍵點擊項目 -> ‘Add Files to ProjectName -> 選擇 node_modules/react-native/React/Libraries/ART/ART.xcodeproj’github
將 libART.a 添加到 Linked Frameworks and Librariesreact-native
Surface - 一個矩形可渲染的區域,是其餘元素的容器!字體
Group - 可容納多個形狀、文本和其餘的分組動畫
Shape - 形狀定義,可填充this
Text - 文本形狀定義翻譯
width : 渲染區域的寬
height : 定義渲染區域的高
d : 定義繪製路徑
stroke : 描邊顏色
strokeWidth : 描邊寬度
strokeDash : 定義虛線
fill : 填充顏色
funt : 字體樣式,定義字體、大小、是否加粗 如: bold 35px Heiti SC
moveTo(x,y) : 移動到座標(x,y)
lineTo(x,y) : 連線到(x,y)
arc() : 繪製弧線
close() : 封閉空間
import React from 'react' import { View, ART } from 'react-native' export default class Line extends React.Component{ render(){ const path = ART.Path(); path.moveTo(1,1); //將起始點移動到(1,1) 默認(0,0) path.lineTo(300,1); //連線到目標點(300,1) return( <View style={this.props.style}> <ART.Surface width={300} height={2}> <ART.Shape d={path} stroke="#000000" strokeWidth={1} /> </ART.Surface> </View> ) } }
[10,5] : 表示繪10像素實線在繪5像素空白,如此循環
[10,5,20,5] : 表示繪10像素實線在繪製5像素空白在繪20像素實線及5像素空白
import React from 'react' import { View, ART } from 'react-native' const {Surface, Shape, Path} = ART; export default class DashLine extends React.Component{ render(){ const path = Path() .moveTo(1,1) .lineTo(300,1); return( <View style={this.props.style}> <Surface width={300} height={2}> <Shape d={path} stroke="#000000" strokeWidth={2} strokeDash={[10,5]}/> </Surface> </View> ) } }
import React from 'react' import { View, ART } from 'react-native' const {Surface, Shape, Path} = ART; export default class Rect extends React.Component{ render(){ const path = new Path() .moveTo(1,1) .lineTo(1,99) .lineTo(99,99) .lineTo(99,1) .close(); return( <View style={this.props.style}> <Surface width={100} height={100}> <Shape d={path} stroke="#000000" fill="#892265" strokeWidth={1} /> </Surface> </View> ) } }
瞭解arc(x,y,radius)的使用, 終點座標距離起點座標的相對距離
import React from 'react' import { View, ART } from 'react-native' const {Surface, Shape, Path} = ART; export default class Circle extends React.Component{ render(){ const path = new Path() .moveTo(50,1) .arc(0,99,25) .arc(0,-99,25) .close(); return( <View style={this.props.style}> <Surface width={100} height={100}> <Shape d={path} stroke="#000000" strokeWidth={1}/> </Surface> </View> ) } }
瞭解funt屬性的使用,規則是「粗細 字號 字體」
注意: 字體應該是支持path屬性的,應該是實現bug並無不生效。 Android經過修改源碼是能夠解決的,IOS沒看源碼。
import React from 'react' import { View, ART } from 'react-native' const {Surface, Text, Path} = ART; export default class ArtText extends React.Component{ render(){ return( <View style={this.props.style}> <Surface width={100} height={100}> <Text strokeWidth={1} stroke="#000" font="bold 35px Heiti SC" path={new Path().moveTo(40,40).lineTo(99,10)} >Swipe</Text> </Surface> </View> ) } }
import React from 'react' import { View, ART } from 'react-native' const {Surface} = ART; import Wedge from './Wedge' export default class Fan extends React.Component{ render(){ return( <View style={this.props.style}> <Surface width={100} height={100}> <Wedge outerRadius={50} startAngle={0} endAngle={60} originX={50} originY={50} fill="blue"/> </Surface> </View> ) } }
"use strict"; import React from 'react' import { View, ART } from 'react-native' const {Surface, Shape,Text, Path,Group} = ART; export default class GroupTest extends React.Component{ render(){ const pathRect = new Path() .moveTo(1,1) .lineTo(1,99) .lineTo(99,99) .lineTo(99,1) .close(); const pathCircle = new Path() .moveTo(50,1) .arc(0,99,25) .arc(0,-99,25) .close(); const pathText = new Path() .moveTo(40,5) .lineTo(40,99); return( <View> <Surface width={100} height={100}> <Group> <Shape d={pathRect} stroke="#000000" fill="#000000" strokeWidth={1}/> <Shape d={pathCircle} stroke="#FFFFFF" fill="#FFFFFF" strokeWidth={1}/> <Text strokeWidth={1} strokeDash={[2,1,2,1]} stroke="#000" font="bold 30px Heiti SC" path={pathText} >Swipe</Text> </Group> </Surface> </View> ) } }