



CAS全稱是Compare And Swap,即比較交換,它是在併發執行時的一種無鎖思想,其主要包含三個參數:android


操做過程能夠描述爲:將主內存中的值與當前線程中變量副本值進行比較,若是相等的,說明在這期間沒有線程修改主內存中的變量值,那麼主內存值改成N,可是若是不相等,說明其餘線程已經操做過了,這時須要從新讀取主內存中的值到線程中來置爲預期值,從新進行這個操做 流程圖以下: 數組



UNSAFE_ENTRY(jboolean, Unsafe_CompareAndSwapInt(JNIEnv *env, jobject unsafe, jobject obj, jlong offset, jint e, jint x))
  oop p = JNIHandles::resolve(obj);
  jint* addr = (jint *) index_oop_from_field_offset_long(p, offset);
  return (jint)(Atomic::cmpxchg(x, addr, e)) == e;


inline jint Atomic::cmpxchg (jint exchange_value, volatile jint* dest, jint compare_value) {
  int mp = os::is_MP();
  __asm__ volatile (LOCK_IF_MP(%4) "cmpxchgl %1,(%3)"
                    : "=a" (exchange_value)
                    : "r" (exchange_value), "a" (compare_value), "r" (dest), "r" (mp)
                    : "cc", "memory");
  return exchange_value;




  • 內存管理,Unsafe類中存在直接操做內存的方法
public native long allocateMemory(long bytes);
public native long reallocateMemory(long address, long bytes);
public native void freeMemory(long address);
public native void setMemory(Object o, long offset, long bytes, byte value);
public native void putAddress(long address, long x);
public native long getAddress(long address);
public native void putLong(long address, long x);
public native long getLong(long address);
public native void  putByte(long address, byte x);
public native byte  getByte(long address);
public native int pageSize();
  • 獲取類的對象
public native Object allocateInstance(Class cls) throws InstantiationException;
  • 類和對象以及變量的操做
public native long objectFieldOffset(Field f);
public native long staticFieldOffset(Field f);
public native Object staticFieldBase(Field f);
public native int getInt(Object o, long offset);
public native void putInt(Object o, long offset, int x);
public native Object getObject(Object o, long offset);
public native void putObject(Object o, long offset, Object x);
public native void  putIntVolatile(Object o, long offset, int x);
public native int getIntVolatile(Object o, long offset);

public native void putOrderedInt(Object o,long offset,int x);
  • Unsafe實例的獲取方式:
Field field = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
        Unsafe unsafe = (Unsafe) field.get(null);
    *Unsafe un = Unsafe.getUnsafe();
  • 一個實例:
public class test {

    public  static  void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
        // 經過反射獲得theUnsafe對應的Field對象
        Field field = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
        // 設置該Field爲可訪問
        // 經過Field獲得該Field對應的具體對象,傳入null是由於該Field爲static的
        Unsafe unsafe = (Unsafe) field.get(null);

        User user = (User) unsafe.allocateInstance(User.class);

        Class userClass = user.getClass();
        Field name = userClass.getDeclaredField("name");
        Field age = userClass.getDeclaredField("age");
        Field id = userClass.getDeclaredField("id");

        unsafe.putObject(user,unsafe.objectFieldOffset(name),"android TV");

        // 這裏返回 User.class,
        Object staticBase = unsafe.staticFieldBase(id);

        long staticOffset = unsafe.staticFieldOffset(userClass.getDeclaredField("id"));

        long data = 1000;
        byte size = 1;//單位字節

        long memoryAddress = unsafe.allocateMemory(size);
        unsafe.putAddress(memoryAddress, data);
        long addrData=unsafe.getAddress(memoryAddress);

         * 輸出結果:
         staticBase:class geym.conc.ch4.atomic.User
         輸出USER:User{name='android TV', age=18', id=SSSSSSSS'}


class User{
    public User(){
        System.out.println("user 構造方法被調用");
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private static String id="USER_ID";

    public String toString() {
        return "User{" +
                "name='" + name + '\'' +
                ", age=" + age +'\'' +
                ", id=" + id +'\'' +
  • 數組操做:
public native int arrayBaseOffset(Class arrayClass);
public native int arrayIndexScale(Class arrayClass);
  • CAS操做相關
public final native boolean compareAndSwapObject(Object o, long offset,Object expected, Object x); 
public final native boolean compareAndSwapInt(Object o, long offset,int expected,int x);
public final native boolean compareAndSwapLong(Object o, long offset,long expected,long x);
 public final int getAndAddInt(Object o, long offset, int delta) {
     int v;
     do {
         v = getIntVolatile(o, offset);
     } while (!compareAndSwapInt(o, offset, v, v + delta));
     return v;

 public final long getAndAddLong(Object o, long offset, long delta) {
     long v;
     do {
         v = getLongVolatile(o, offset);
     } while (!compareAndSwapLong(o, offset, v, v + delta));
     return v;

 public final int getAndSetInt(Object o, long offset, int newValue) {
     int v;
     do {
         v = getIntVolatile(o, offset);
     } while (!compareAndSwapInt(o, offset, v, newValue));
     return v;

 public final long getAndSetLong(Object o, long offset, long newValue) {
     long v;
     do {
         v = getLongVolatile(o, offset);
     } while (!compareAndSwapLong(o, offset, v, newValue));
     return v;
 public final Object getAndSetObject(Object o, long offset, Object newValue) {
     Object v;
     do {
         v = getObjectVolatile(o, offset);
     } while (!compareAndSwapObject(o, offset, v, newValue));
     return v;
  • 掛起與恢復
public native void park(boolean isAbsolute, long time);  

public native void unpark(Object thread);
  • 內存屏障
public native void loadFence();
public native void storeFence();
public native void fullFence();




public class AtomicInteger extends Number implements java.io.Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 6214790243416807050L;

    // 獲取Unsafe
    private static final Unsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe();

    private volatile int value;

    private static final long valueOffset;

    static {
        try {
            valueOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset
        } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Error(ex); }
    public AtomicInteger(int initialValue) {
        value = initialValue;
    public AtomicInteger() {
    public final int get() {
        return value;
    public final void set(int newValue) {
        value = newValue;
    public final void lazySet(int newValue) {
        unsafe.putOrderedInt(this, valueOffset, newValue);
    public final int getAndSet(int newValue) {
        return unsafe.getAndSetInt(this, valueOffset, newValue);
    public final boolean compareAndSet(int expect, int update) {
        return unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, valueOffset, expect, update);
    public final int getAndIncrement() {
        return unsafe.getAndAddInt(this, valueOffset, 1);
    public final int getAndDecrement() {
        return unsafe.getAndAddInt(this, valueOffset, -1);
    public final int getAndAdd(int delta) {
        return unsafe.getAndAddInt(this, valueOffset, delta);
    public final int incrementAndGet() {
        return unsafe.getAndAddInt(this, valueOffset, 1) + 1;
    public final int decrementAndGet() {
        return unsafe.getAndAddInt(this, valueOffset, -1) - 1;
    public final int addAndGet(int delta) {
        return unsafe.getAndAddInt(this, valueOffset, delta) + delta;


public class AtomicReference<V> implements java.io.Serializable {
    private static final Unsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe();
    private static final long valueOffset;
    static {
        try {
            valueOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset
        } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Error(ex); }
    private volatile V value;

public final boolean compareAndSet(V expect, V update) {
        return unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(this, valueOffset, expect, update);
public final V getAndSet(V newValue) {
        return (V)unsafe.getAndSetObject(this, valueOffset, newValue);


public class AtomicIntegerArray implements java.io.Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 2862133569453604235L;
    private static final Unsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe();
    private static final int base = unsafe.arrayBaseOffset(int[].class);
    private static final int shift;
    private final int[] array;

    static {
        int scale = unsafe.arrayIndexScale(int[].class);
        if ((scale & (scale - 1)) != 0)
            throw new Error("data type scale not a power of two");
          *例如:在該類中scale=4(由於一個int類型佔據4個字節)那麼結果能夠直觀的表示爲:00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100 爲29,shift=2
        shift = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(scale);
    private long checkedByteOffset(int i) {
        if (i < 0 || i >= array.length) //越界檢查
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index " + i);
        return byteOffset(i);
    private static long byteOffset(int i) {
        return ((long) i << shift) + base;
    public AtomicIntegerArray(int[] array) {
        this.array = array.clone();
    public final int length() {
        return array.length;
    public final int get(int i) {
        return getRaw(checkedByteOffset(i));
    private int getRaw(long offset) {
        return unsafe.getIntVolatile(array, offset);
    public final void set(int i, int newValue) {
        unsafe.putIntVolatile(array, checkedByteOffset(i), newValue);
    public final int getAndSet(int i, int newValue) {
        return unsafe.getAndSetInt(array, checkedByteOffset(i), newValue);
    public final boolean compareAndSet(int i, int expect, int update) {
        return compareAndSetRaw(checkedByteOffset(i), expect, update);
    private boolean compareAndSetRaw(long offset, int expect, int update) {
        return unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(array, offset, expect, update);
    public final int getAndIncrement(int i) {
        return getAndAdd(i, 1);
    public final int getAndDecrement(int i) {
        return getAndAdd(i, -1);

    public final int getAndAdd(int i, int delta) {
        return unsafe.getAndAddInt(array, checkedByteOffset(i), delta);

    public final int incrementAndGet(int i) {
        return getAndAdd(i, 1) + 1;
    public final int decrementAndGet(int i) {
        return getAndAdd(i, -1) - 1;
    public final int addAndGet(int i, int delta) {
        return getAndAdd(i, delta) + delta;


public abstract class AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<T> {
    public static <U> AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<U> newUpdater(Class<U> tclass,
                                                              String fieldName) {
        return new AtomicIntegerFieldUpdaterImpl<U>
            (tclass, fieldName, Reflection.getCallerClass());
    protected AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater() {
    public abstract boolean compareAndSet(T obj, int expect, int update);
    public abstract void set(T obj, int newValue);
    public abstract int get(T obj);
     private static final class AtomicIntegerFieldUpdaterImpl<T>
        extends AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<T> {
        private static final sun.misc.Unsafe U = sun.misc.Unsafe.getUnsafe();
        private final long offset;//記錄Field的偏移量
        private final Class<?> cclass;//classLoader的class對象
        private final Class<T> tclass;//field所屬類的class對象
        AtomicIntegerFieldUpdaterImpl(final Class<T> tclass,
                                      final String fieldName,
                                      final Class<?> caller) {
            final Field field; //要修改字段的Field對象
            final int modifiers;//修飾符
            try {
                field = AccessController.doPrivileged(
                    new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Field>() {
                        public Field run() throws NoSuchFieldException {
                            return tclass.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
                modifiers = field.getModifiers();
                    caller, tclass, null, modifiers);
                ClassLoader cl = tclass.getClassLoader();
                ClassLoader ccl = caller.getClassLoader();
                if ((ccl != null) && (ccl != cl) &&
                    ((cl == null) || !isAncestor(cl, ccl))) {
            } catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
                throw new RuntimeException(pae.getException());
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException(ex);
            if (field.getType() != int.class)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be integer type");
            if (!Modifier.isVolatile(modifiers))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be volatile type");
            this.cclass = (Modifier.isProtected(modifiers) &&
                           tclass.isAssignableFrom(caller) &&
                           !isSamePackage(tclass, caller))
                          ? caller : tclass;
            this.tclass = tclass;//初始化tclass
            this.offset = U.objectFieldOffset(field);//調用Unsafe方法初始化offset
        public final boolean compareAndSet(T obj, int expect, int update) {
            return U.compareAndSwapInt(obj, offset, expect, update);
        public final void set(T obj, int newValue) {
            U.putIntVolatile(obj, offset, newValue);
        public final int get(T obj) {
            return U.getIntVolatile(obj, offset);


ABA用語言描述就是:某個線程當前的指望值(舊值)爲A,它準備執行CAS操做,但在它執行以前,有其它線程成功執行了兩次CAS操做,第一次將主內存值從A->B,第二次將B->A,這時原來那個線程執行CAS操做,併成功,可是中間的修改過程沒法得知。 該過程可用下圖表示; ide




public class AtomicStampedReference<V> {
    private static class Pair<T> {
        final T reference;
        final int stamp;
        private Pair(T reference, int stamp) {
            this.reference = reference;
            this.stamp = stamp;
        static <T> Pair<T> of(T reference, int stamp) {
            return new Pair<T>(reference, stamp);
    private volatile Pair<V> pair;

    public AtomicStampedReference(V initialRef, int initialStamp) {
        pair = Pair.of(initialRef, initialStamp);

    public boolean compareAndSet(V   expectedReference,
                                 V   newReference,
                                 int expectedStamp,
                                 int newStamp) {
        Pair<V> current = pair;
            expectedReference == current.reference &&
            expectedStamp == current.stamp &&
            ((newReference == current.reference &&
              newStamp == current.stamp) ||
             casPair(current, Pair.of(newReference, newStamp)));

    private static final sun.misc.Unsafe UNSAFE = sun.misc.Unsafe.getUnsafe();
    private static final long pairOffset =
        objectFieldOffset(UNSAFE, "pair", AtomicStampedReference.class);

    private boolean casPair(Pair<V> cmp, Pair<V> val) {
        return UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, pairOffset, cmp, val);

    static long objectFieldOffset(sun.misc.Unsafe UNSAFE,
                                  String field, Class<?> klazz) {
        try {
            return UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset(klazz.getDeclaredField(field));
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
            NoSuchFieldError error = new NoSuchFieldError(field);
            throw error;