spring.boot.admin: notify: slack: enabled: true ignore-changes: #empty, nothing to ignore webhook-url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxxxxx channel: general username: spring cloud admin message: "*#{application.name}* (#{application.id}) is *#{to.status}*"
@Configuration @EnableScheduling public class NotifierConfiguration { @Autowired private Notifier notifier; @Bean @Primary public RemindingNotifier remindingNotifier() { RemindingNotifier remindingNotifier = new RemindingNotifier(notifier); //時間窗口,每次報警的間隔,即這個時間窗口內不重複報警 remindingNotifier.setReminderPeriod(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10)); return remindingNotifier; } @Scheduled(fixedRate = 5_000L) //每5秒調度一次 public void remind() { System.out.println("remind...."); remindingNotifier().sendReminders(); } }
public void sendReminders() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Reminder reminder : new ArrayList<>(reminders.values())) { if (now - reminder.getLastNotification() > reminderPeriod) { reminder.setLastNotification(now); delegate.notify(reminder.getEvent()); } } }
private String[] reminderStatuses = { "DOWN", "OFFLINE" }; @Override public void doNotify(ClientApplicationEvent event) { delegate.notify(event); if (shouldEndReminder(event)) { reminders.remove(event.getApplication().getId()); } else if (shouldStartReminder(event)) { reminders.putIfAbsent(event.getApplication().getId(), new Reminder(event)); } } public void sendReminders() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Reminder reminder : new ArrayList<>(reminders.values())) { if (now - reminder.getLastNotification() > reminderPeriod) { reminder.setLastNotification(now); delegate.notify(reminder.getEvent()); } } } protected boolean shouldStartReminder(ClientApplicationEvent event) { if (event instanceof ClientApplicationStatusChangedEvent) { return Arrays.binarySearch(reminderStatuses, event.getApplication().getStatusInfo().getStatus()) >= 0; } return false; } protected boolean shouldEndReminder(ClientApplicationEvent event) { if (event instanceof ClientApplicationDeregisteredEvent) { return true; } if (event instanceof ClientApplicationStatusChangedEvent) { return Arrays.binarySearch(reminderStatuses, event.getApplication().getStatusInfo().getStatus()) < 0; } return false; }
狀態在{"DOWN", "OFFLINE"}的,就加入到reminders中,不在的話,從reminders中移除。
public class SlackNotifier extends AbstractStatusChangeNotifier { //... }
public abstract class AbstractStatusChangeNotifier extends AbstractEventNotifier { /** * List of changes to ignore. Must be in Format OLD:NEW, for any status use * as wildcard, e.g. * *:UP or OFFLINE:* */ private String[] ignoreChanges = { "UNKNOWN:UP" }; @Override protected boolean shouldNotify(ClientApplicationEvent event) { if (event instanceof ClientApplicationStatusChangedEvent) { ClientApplicationStatusChangedEvent statusChange = (ClientApplicationStatusChangedEvent) event; String from = statusChange.getFrom().getStatus(); String to = statusChange.getTo().getStatus(); return Arrays.binarySearch(ignoreChanges, from + ":" + to) < 0 && Arrays.binarySearch(ignoreChanges, "*:" + to) < 0 && Arrays.binarySearch(ignoreChanges, from + ":*") < 0; } return false; } public void setIgnoreChanges(String[] ignoreChanges) { String[] copy = Arrays.copyOf(ignoreChanges, ignoreChanges.length); Arrays.sort(copy); this.ignoreChanges = copy; } }
public void notify(ClientApplicationEvent event) { if (enabled && shouldNotify(event)) { try { doNotify(event); } catch (Exception ex) { getLogger().error("Couldn't notify for event {} ", event, ex); } } }
@Override protected void doNotify(ClientApplicationEvent event) throws Exception { restTemplate.postForEntity(webhookUrl, createMessage(event), Void.class); }