使用EC2 像使用任何Linux主機一樣使用虛擬機。安裝軟件,我們用Yum安裝器來安裝Apache服務器,輸入下面的命令來安裝Apache:php
sudo yum install httpdmysql
sudo yum install phpapache
sudo yum install php-mysql
sudo yum install mysql-serverrest
sudo /etc/init.d/httpd startstring
Programs can be easily installed with the yum command. So lets start by installing Apache with the command line:ast
yum install httpd
And then start apache with command:
service httpd start
Now we’ll install PHP and some needed libraries:
yum install php libmcrypt libmcrypt-devel php-mcrypt php-mbstring
yum install php-mcrypt
yum install php-mbstring
After which we’ll want to restart Apache:
service httpd restart
Install MySQL
yum install mysql
yum install –y mysql-server
Start MySQL Server
service mysqld start
/etc/init.d/mysqld start
Now we can assign a MySQL Server password
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password ‘[PASSWORD]‘