做者:凱魯嘎吉 - 博客園 http://www.cnblogs.com/kailugaji/html
% 用顏色表示數據密度的散點圖 data_load=dlmread('E:\scanplot\gauss.txt'); X=data_load(:,1:2); scatplot(X(:,1),X(:,2),'circles', sqrt((range(X(:, 1))/30)^2 + (range(X(:,2))/30)^2), 100, 5, 1, 8); print(gcf,'-dpng','散點密度圖.png');
function out = scatplot(x,y,method,radius,N,n,po,ms) % Scatter plot with color indicating data density % https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/8577-scatplot % USAGE: % out = scatplot(x,y,method,radius,N,n,po,ms) % out = scatplot(x,y,dd) % % DESCRIPTION: % Draws a scatter plot with a colorscale % representing the data density computed % using three methods % % INPUT VARIABLES: % x,y - are the data points % method - is the method used to calculate data densities: % 'circles' - uses circles with a determined area % centered at each data point % 'squares' - uses squares with a determined area % centered at each data point % 'voronoi' - uses voronoi cells to determin data densities % default method is 'voronoi' % radius - is the radius used for the circles or squares % used to calculate the data densities if % (Note: only used in methods 'circles' and 'squares' % default radius is sqrt((range(x)/30)^2 + (range(y)/30)^2) % N - is the size of the square mesh (N x N) used to % filter and calculate contours % default is 100 % n - is the number of coeficients used in the 2-D % running mean filter % default is 5 % (Note: if n is length(2), n(2) is tjhe number of % of times the filter is applied) % po - plot options: % 0 - No plot % 1 - plots only colored data points (filtered) % 2 - plots colored data points and contours (filtered) % 3 - plots only colored data points (unfiltered) % 4 - plots colored data points and contours (unfiltered) % default is 1 % ms - uses this marker size for filled circles % default is 4 % % OUTPUT VARIABLE: % out - structure array that contains the following fields: % dd - unfiltered data densities at (x,y) % ddf - filtered data densities at (x,y) % radius - area used in 'circles' and 'squares' % methods to calculate densities % xi - x coordenates for zi matrix % yi - y coordenates for zi matrix % zi - unfiltered data densities at (xi,yi) % zif - filtered data densities at (xi,yi) % [c,h] = contour matrix C as described in % CONTOURC and a handle H to a contourgroup object % hs = scatter points handles % %Copy-Left, Alejandro Sanchez-Barba, 2005 if nargin==0 scatplotdemo return end if nargin<3 | isempty(method) method = 'vo'; end if isnumeric(method) gsp(x,y,method,2) return else method = method(1:2); end if nargin<4 | isempty(n) n = 5; %number of filter coefficients end if nargin<5 | isempty(radius) radius = sqrt((range(x)/30)^2 + (range(y)/30)^2); end if nargin<6 | isempty(po) po = 1; %plot option end if nargin<7 | isempty(ms) ms = 7; %markersize end if nargin<8 | isempty(N) N = 100; %length of grid end %Correct data if necessary x = x(:); y = y(:); %Asuming x and y match idat = isfinite(x); x = x(idat); y = y(idat); holdstate = ishold; if holdstate==0 cla end hold on %--------- Caclulate data density --------- dd = datadensity(x,y,method,radius); %------------- Gridding ------------------- xi = repmat(linspace(min(x),max(x),N),N,1); yi = repmat(linspace(min(y),max(y),N)',1,N); zi = griddata(x,y,dd,xi,yi); %----- Bidimensional running mean filter ----- zi(isnan(zi)) = 0; coef = ones(n(1),1)/n(1); zif = conv2(coef,coef,zi,'same'); if length(n)>1 for k=1:n(2) zif = conv2(coef,coef,zif,'same'); end end %-------- New Filtered data densities -------- ddf = griddata(xi,yi,zif,x,y); %----------- Plotting -------------------- switch po case {1,2} if po==2 [c,h] = contour(xi,yi,zif); out.c = c; out.h = h; end %if hs = gsp(x,y,ddf,ms); out.hs = hs; colorbar case {3,4} if po>3 [c,h] = contour(xi,yi,zi); out.c = c; end %if hs = gsp(x,y,dd,ms); out.hs = hs; colorbar end %switch %------Relocate variables and place NaN's ---------- dd(idat) = dd; dd(~idat) = NaN; ddf(idat) = ddf; ddf(~idat) = NaN; %--------- Collect variables ---------------- out.dd = dd; out.ddf = ddf; out.radius = radius; out.xi = xi; out.yi = yi; out.zi = zi; out.zif = zif; if ~holdstate hold off end return %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function scatplotdemo po = 2; method = 'squares'; radius = []; N = []; n = []; ms = 5; x = randn(1000,1); y = randn(1000,1); out = scatplot(x,y,method,radius,N,n,po,ms) return %~~~~~~~~~~ Data Density ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function dd = datadensity(x,y,method,r) %Computes the data density (points/area) of scattered points %Striped Down version % % USAGE: % dd = datadensity(x,y,method,radius) % % INPUT: % (x,y) - coordinates of points % method - either 'squares','circles', or 'voronoi' % default = 'voronoi' % radius - Equal to the circle radius or half the square width Ld = length(x); dd = zeros(Ld,1); switch method %Calculate Data Density case 'sq' %---- Using squares ---- for k=1:Ld dd(k) = sum( x>(x(k)-r) & x<(x(k)+r) & y>(y(k)-r) & y<(y(k)+r) ); end %for area = (2*r)^2; dd = dd/area; case 'ci' for k=1:Ld dd(k) = sum( sqrt((x-x(k)).^2 + (y-y(k)).^2) < r ); end area = pi*r^2; dd = dd/area; case 'vo' %----- Using voronoi cells ------ [v,c] = voronoin([x,y]); for k=1:length(c) %If at least one of the indices is 1, %then it is an open region, its area %is infinity and the data density is 0 if all(c{k}>1) a = polyarea(v(c{k},1),v(c{k},2)); dd(k) = 1/a; end %if end %for end %switch return %~~~~~~~~~~ Graf Scatter Plot ~~~~~~~~~~~ function varargout = gsp(x,y,c,ms) %Graphs scattered poits map = colormap; ind = fix((c-min(c))/(max(c)-min(c))*(size(map,1)-1))+1; h = []; %much more efficient than matlab's scatter plot for k=1:size(map,1) if any(ind==k) h(end+1) = line('Xdata',x(ind==k),'Ydata',y(ind==k), ... 'LineStyle','none','Color',map(k,:), ... 'Marker','.','MarkerSize',ms); end end if nargout==1 varargout{1} = h; end return