

paypal支付接口實現由幾種方法,我使用的是REST APIweb






<configSections> <!--IMPORTANT: Make sure you add the configSections node to your config file so that the rest of the config file is picked by the application--> <section name="paypal" type="PayPal.SDKConfigHandler, PayPal" /> <section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net" /> </configSections>
      <!-- Replace the mode to `security-test-sandbox` to test if your server supports TLSv1.2. For more information follow README instructions.-->
      <add name="mode" value="sandbox" />
      <add name="connectionTimeout" value="360000" />
      <add name="requestRetries" value="1" />
      <add name="clientId" value="ATnMWGSD5FAe8_kd5eA83ZN5V5jiRY57CCqYUG6We3uDrIfZNSolS_CZ0DK2I74yf03IEcN8HgMIl3Md" />
      <add name="clientSecret" value="ENW9z0srkaWrowK5BQif52xHJoDoTaqZU38bz-y0mAz37sHDD9okHubjPcr0gmkZtlR9MbVuMshl_hyX" />




using PayPal.Api;

 public ActionResult PaypalPayment(string orderNo)
                var config = ConfigManager.Instance.GetProperties();//讀取配置文件
                var accessToken = new OAuthTokenCredential(config).GetAccessToken();
                var apiContext = new APIContext(accessToken);
                string payerId = Request.Params["PayerID"];//用戶登陸帳號付款後,這個payerid纔有值
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(payerId))//尚未登錄付款
                    PaypalTradeWayPayServer pay = new PaypalTradeWayPayServer();
                    var approvalUrl = pay.payment(orderNo, Request, Session, apiContext);//發送給paypal的參數方法
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(approvalUrl))
                        return Redirect(approvalUrl);
                        return RedirectToAction("Error404", "MPublic", null);
var guid = Request.Params["guid"];//登錄付款後才進入這裏 // Using the information from the redirect, setup the payment to execute. var paymentId = Session[guid] as string; var paymentExecution = new PaymentExecution() { payer_id = payerId }; var payment = new Payment() { id = paymentId }; // Execute the payment. var executedPayment = payment.Execute(apiContext, paymentExecution); ViewBag.result = "success"; } } catch (PayPal.PayPalException ex) { //插入錯誤日誌 } return View("PayResult"); }



/// <summary>
        /// 獲得ItemList
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string payment(string orderNo, HttpRequest Request,HttpSessionStateBase Session, APIContext apiContext)
            // ###Items
            // Items within a transaction.
            var order = Context.Data.Order.Where(x=>x.OrderNo== orderNo && x.Del==false &&x.PayType== Interface.Order.Eum.EumPayType.Paypal).ToEntity();
            var orderDetail = Context.Data.OrderDetail.Where(x => x.OrderNo == orderNo).ToSelectList(x => new { Num = x.Num.ToString(), SkuPrice = x.SkuPrice, SkuName = x.SkuName,UnitName=x.UnitName });
            if (order == null || orderDetail == null)
                return "";
            var items = new List<Item>();
            string myCurrency = ChangeCurrency(order.CurrencyCode.Trim());
            foreach (var detail in orderDetail)
                var item = new Item { name = detail.SkuName, price = detail.SkuPrice.ToString(), quantity = detail.Num, currency=myCurrency,sku= detail.UnitName };
            var itemList = new ItemList() { items = items };
            var payer = new Payer() { payment_method = "paypal" };

            // ###Redirect URLS
            // These URLs will determine how the user is redirected from PayPal once they have either approved or canceled the payment.
            string baseURI = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/WebPay/PaypalPayment?";//支付完成後返回的地址
            var guid = Convert.ToString((new Random()).Next(100000));
            var redirUrls = new RedirectUrls()
                cancel_url = baseURI + "guid=" + guid,
                return_url = baseURI + "guid=" + guid
            // ###Details
            // Let's you specify details of a payment amount.
            var details = new Details()
                tax = "0.00",
                shipping = order.TotalFreight.Value.ToString(),
                subtotal = order.TotalAmount.Value.ToString()

            // ###Amount
            // Let's you specify a payment amount.
            var amount = new Amount()
                currency = myCurrency,
                total = (order.TotalAmount.Value + order.TotalFreight.Value).ToString(), // Total must be equal to sum of shipping, tax and subtotal.
                details = details

            // ###Transaction
            // A transaction defines the contract of a
            // payment - what is the payment for and who
            // is fulfilling it. 
            var transactionList = new List<Transaction>();

            // The Payment creation API requires a list of
            // Transaction; add the created `Transaction`
            // to a List
            string address = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Authority;
            transactionList.Add(new Transaction()
                description = "Transaction description.",
                amount = amount,
                item_list = itemList,
                  notify_url= address+"/WebPay/Receive"//接收Paypal的IPN消息地址,必須須要外網能夠訪問

            // ###Payment
            // A Payment Resource; create one using
            // the above types and intent as `sale` or `authorize`
            var payment = new Payment()
                intent = "sale",
                payer = payer,
                transactions = transactionList,
                redirect_urls = redirUrls               

                // Create a payment using a valid APIContext
                var createdPayment = payment.Create(apiContext);

                // Using the `links` provided by the `createdPayment` object, we can give the user the option to redirect to PayPal to approve the payment.
                var links = createdPayment.links.GetEnumerator();
                string approvalUrl = "";
                while (links.MoveNext())
                    var link = links.Current;
                    if (link.rel.ToLower().Trim().Equals("approval_url"))
                        approvalUrl = link.href;
                Session.Add(guid, createdPayment.id);
                Session.Add("orderNo", orderNo);
                return approvalUrl;
            catch (PayPal.PayPalException ex)

            return "";


 private string myEmail = "953478297@qq.com";
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public HttpStatusCodeResult Receive()
        {//Store the IPN received from PayPal
            //Fire and forget verification task
            Task.Run(() => VerifyTask(Request));

            //Reply back a 200 code
            return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK);
        /// <summary>
        /// 驗證是不是paypal發過來的消息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipnRequest"></param>

        private void VerifyTask(HttpRequest ipnRequest)
            var verificationResponse = string.Empty;try
                System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
                var verificationRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr");

                //Set values for the verification request
                verificationRequest.Method = "POST";
                verificationRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                var param = Request.BinaryRead(ipnRequest.ContentLength);
                var strRequest = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(param);

                //Add cmd=_notify-validate to the payload
                strRequest = "cmd=_notify-validate&" + strRequest;
                verificationRequest.ContentLength = strRequest.Length;

                //Attach payload to the verification request
                var streamOut = new StreamWriter(verificationRequest.GetRequestStream(), Encoding.ASCII);

                //Send the request to PayPal and get the response
                var streamIn = new StreamReader(verificationRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream());
                verificationResponse = streamIn.ReadToEnd();
                ProcessVerificationResponse(verificationResponse, ipnRequest);
            catch (Exception exception)
                ErrorLogPO errorLog = new ErrorLogPO();
                errorLog.KID = Guid.NewGuid();
                errorLog.ErrorMessage = exception.Message;
                errorLog.ErrorState = Interface.Offer.Eum.EumErrorLogType.Paypal;
                errorLog.OperaTime = DateTime.Now;
                errorLog.Del = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// 記錄txn_id和狀態驗證重複
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        private void LogRequest(HttpRequest request)
            string payment_status = request.Form["payment_status"].ToString();//交易號
            string txn_id = request.Form["txn_id"].ToString();

            // Persist the request values into a database or temporary data store
            PaypalTradeWayPayServer pay = new PaypalTradeWayPayServer();
            pay.OneCreate(payment_status, txn_id);
        /// <summary>
        /// 執行業務操做
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verificationResponse"></param>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        private void ProcessVerificationResponse(string verificationResponse, HttpRequest request)
                if (verificationResponse.Equals("VERIFIED"))
                    // check that Payment_status=Completed
                    // check that Txn_id has not been previously processed
                    // check that Receiver_email is your Primary PayPal email
                    // check that Payment_amount/Payment_currency are correct
                    // process payment      
                    //NameValueCollection coll;
                    ////Load Form variables into NameValueCollection variable.
                    //coll = Request.Form;

                    //// Get names of all forms into a string array.
                    //String[] requestItem = coll.AllKeys;

                    //for (var i = 0; i < requestItem.Length; i++)
                    //    WriteError(requestItem[i] + ":" + Request.Form[requestItem[i]]);
                    string receiver_email = request.Form["receiver_email"].ToString();
                    string payment_status = request.Form["payment_status"].ToString();
                    string txn_id = request.Form["txn_id"].ToString();
                    string mc_gross = request.Form["mc_gross"].ToString();//金額
                    string mc_currency = request.Form["mc_currency"].ToString();//貨幣                          
                    // DateTime Payment_date = Convert.ToDateTime(request.Form["payment_date"].ToString());//交易時間
                    DateTime Payment_date = DateTime.Now;
                    string custom = request.Form["custom"].ToString();if (payment_status == "Completed")
                        PaypalWayPayPO model = PayWayServer.PaypalWayPay.Find(x => x.Txn_id == txn_id.Trim());
                        var order = OrderServer.Order.Find(x => x.OrderNo == custom.Trim());
                        PaypalTradeWayPayServer pay = new PaypalTradeWayPayServer();
                        bool verity = model.Payment_status == payment_status && receiver_email == myEmail && (order.TotalAmount.Value + order.TotalFreight.Value).ToString() == mc_gross && pay.ChangeCurrency(order.CurrencyCode.Trim()) == mc_currency;if (verity)
                            pay.UpdatePaypalData(Payment_date, custom, txn_id, payment_status);
                else if (verificationResponse.Equals("INVALID"))
                    string custom1 = request.Form["custom"].ToString();
                    ErrorLogPO model = new ErrorLogPO();
                    model.KID = Guid.NewGuid();
                    model.ErrorState = EumErrorLogType.Paypal;
                    model.ErrorMessage = "Paypal支付訂單號爲:" + custom1 + "狀態無效";
                    model.OperaTime = DateTime.Now;
                    model.Del = false;
                    ErrorLogPO model = new ErrorLogPO();
                    model.KID = Guid.NewGuid();
                    model.ErrorState = EumErrorLogType.Paypal;
                    model.ErrorMessage = "Palpal請求失敗";
                    model.OperaTime = DateTime.Now;
                    model.Del = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorLogPO model = new ErrorLogPO();
                model.KID = Guid.NewGuid();
                model.ErrorState = EumErrorLogType.Paypal;
                model.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
                model.OperaTime = DateTime.Now;
                model.Del = false;