引用Microsoft.Office.Core時須要在com選項中添加Microsoft Office 12.0 Object Library(個人Office版本是2007),若是沒有這個須要修改Office添加開發支持(開始-程序-Office更改)ide
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using POWERPOINT =Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint; using OFFICECORE = Microsoft.Office.Core; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Windows.Forms.ComponentModel; namespace TestPPT { public class clsOPPPT { POWERPOINT.Application objApp = null; POWERPOINT.Presentation objPresSet = null; POWERPOINT.SlideShowWindows objSSWs; POWERPOINT.SlideShowTransition objSST; POWERPOINT.SlideShowSettings objSSS; POWERPOINT.SlideRange objSldRng; bool bOpenState = false; bool bAssistantOn; double pixperPoint = 0; double offsetx = 0; double offsety = 0; public bool BOpenState { set { bOpenState = value;} get { return bOpenState;} } /// <summary> /// 打開PPT文檔並播放顯示。 /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath">PPT文件路徑</param> public void PPTOpen(string filePath) { //防止連續打開多個PPT程序. if (this.objApp != null) { return; } try { objApp = new POWERPOINT.Application(); //以非只讀方式打開,方便操做結束後保存. objPresSet = objApp.Presentations.Open(filePath, OFFICECORE.MsoTriState.msoFalse, OFFICECORE.MsoTriState.msoFalse, OFFICECORE.MsoTriState.msoFalse); bAssistantOn = objApp.Assistant.On;//Prevent Office Assistant from displaying alert messages: objApp.Assistant.On = false; objSSS = this.objPresSet.SlideShowSettings; objSSS.Run(); BOpenState = true; } catch (Exception ex) { this.objApp.Quit(); } } /// <summary> /// 自動播放PPT文檔. /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath">PPTy文件路徑.</param> /// <param name="playTime">翻頁的時間間隔.【以秒爲單位】</param> public void PPTAuto(string filePath, int playTime) { //防止連續打開多個PPT程序. if (this.objApp != null) { return; } objApp = new POWERPOINT.Application(); objPresSet = objApp.Presentations.Open(filePath, OFFICECORE.MsoTriState.msoFalse, OFFICECORE.MsoTriState.msoFalse, OFFICECORE.MsoTriState.msoFalse); // 自動播放的代碼(開始) int Slides = objPresSet.Slides.Count; int[] SlideIdx = new int[Slides]; for (int i = 0; i < Slides; i++) { SlideIdx[i] = i + 1; }; objSldRng = objPresSet.Slides.Range(SlideIdx); objSST = objSldRng.SlideShowTransition; //設置翻頁的時間. objSST.AdvanceOnTime = OFFICECORE.MsoTriState.msoCTrue; objSST.AdvanceTime = playTime; //翻頁時的特效! objSST.EntryEffect = POWERPOINT.PpEntryEffect.ppEffectCircleOut; //Prevent Office Assistant from displaying alert messages: bAssistantOn = objApp.Assistant.On; objApp.Assistant.On = false; //Run the Slide show from slides 1 thru 3. objSSS = objPresSet.SlideShowSettings; objSSS.StartingSlide = 1; objSSS.EndingSlide = Slides; objSSS.Run(); //Wait for the slide show to end. objSSWs = objApp.SlideShowWindows; while (objSSWs.Count >= 1) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(playTime * 100); this.objPresSet.Close(); this.objApp.Quit(); } /// <summary> /// PPT下一頁。 /// </summary> public void NextSlide() { if (this.objApp != null) this.objPresSet.SlideShowWindow.View.Next(); } /// <summary> /// PPT上一頁。 /// </summary> public void PreviousSlide() { if (this.objApp != null) this.objPresSet.SlideShowWindow.View.Previous(); } /// <summary> /// 對當前的PPT頁面進行圖片插入操做。 /// </summary> /// <param name="alImage">圖片對象信息數組</param> /// <param name="offsetx">插入圖片距離左邊長度</param> /// <param name="pixperPoint">距離比例值</param> /// <returns>是否添加成功!</returns> public bool InsertToSlide(List<PPTOBJ> listObj) { bool InsertSlide = false; if (this.objPresSet != null) { this.SlideParams(); //objPresSet.Slides[slipeint].Shapes.Count; objPresSet.SlideShowWindow.View.Last(); int slipeint = objPresSet.SlideShowWindow.View.CurrentShowPosition; Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.CustomLayout pCustomLayout = this.objPresSet.Slides[1].CustomLayout; foreach (PPTOBJ myobj in listObj) { objPresSet.Slides[slipeint].Shapes.AddPicture( myobj.Path, //圖片路徑 OFFICECORE.MsoTriState.msoFalse, OFFICECORE.MsoTriState.msoTrue, (float)((myobj.X - this.offsetx) / this.pixperPoint), //插入圖片距離左邊長度 (float)(myobj.Y / this.pixperPoint), //插入圖片距離頂部高度 (float)(myobj.Width / this.pixperPoint), //插入圖片的寬度 (float)(myobj.Height / this.pixperPoint) //插入圖片的高度 ); objPresSet.Slides.AddSlide(slipeint+1, pCustomLayout); objPresSet.SlideShowWindow.View.Next(); slipeint = objPresSet.SlideShowWindow.View.CurrentShowPosition; } InsertSlide = true; } return InsertSlide; } /// <summary> /// 計算InkCanvas畫板上的偏移參數,與PPT上顯示圖片的參數。 /// 用於PPT加載圖片時使用 /// </summary> private void SlideParams() { double slideWidth = this.objPresSet.PageSetup.SlideWidth; double slideHeight = this.objPresSet.PageSetup.SlideHeight; double inkCanWidth = SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth;//inkCan.ActualWidth; double inkCanHeight = SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight;//inkCan.ActualHeight ; if ((slideWidth / slideHeight) > (inkCanWidth / inkCanHeight)) { this.pixperPoint = inkCanHeight / slideHeight; this.offsetx = 0; this.offsety = (inkCanHeight - slideHeight * this.pixperPoint) / 2; } else { this.pixperPoint = inkCanHeight / slideHeight; this.offsety = 0; this.offsetx = (inkCanWidth - slideWidth * this.pixperPoint) / 2; } } /// <summary> /// 關閉PPT文檔。 /// </summary> public void PPTClose() { //裝備PPT程序。 if (this.objPresSet != null) { //判斷是否退出程序,能夠不使用。 //objSSWs = objApp.SlideShowWindows; //if (objSSWs.Count >= 1) //{ //if (MessageBox.Show("是否保存修改的筆跡!", "提示", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.OK) { this.objPresSet.Save(); } //} //this.objPresSet.Close(); } if (this.objApp != null) this.objApp.Quit(); GC.Collect(); } } public class PPTOBJ { string path = ""; float x; float y; float width; float height; public float X { set { x = value;} get{return x;} } public float Y { set { y = value; } get { return y; } } public float Width { set { width = value; } get { return width; } } public float Height { set { height = value; } get { return height; } } public string Path { set { path = value;} get { return path; } } } }