Google Books allowing you to try out new features

You can now opt-in to test experimental Google Books features on the web, allowing you to try out new features while they’re still under development and yet to be widely released. You can opt into the new features by going to playgooglecom/books and clicking the settings cog on the top right of the screen. Within the 「Beta features」 menu, you have the option of enabling any features that Google is currently publicly testing. web

At the moment there are three features that you can opt into. 「Custom shelves」 lets you organize your books into shelves with custom labels, while the new 「Ready to read」 shelf option automatically generates a topplay section with any books that you’ve started but haven’t finished. Finally, 「Searching / sorting」 adds a new interface option that lets you either search through your books or sort them by their author, title, price, or when you last read them. You’re free to enable each of these experimental features individually.

Google warns that any of these features may lack polish, and they may change or disappear over time depending on the feedback the team receives from testers. Otherwise, if there’s a feature that you’d like to suggest, then Google says it’s open to hearing about it via the 「Send feedback」
