[CoffeeScript] Level 2: jQuery to CoffeeScript -- Ex

JS to Coffee I

Convert the commented jQuery code below to CoffeeScript.app

# jQuery(function($) {
#   $('#newCoffee a').click(function() {
#     alert('New coffee added');
#   });
# });

jQuery ($) ->
  $("#newCoffee a").click ->
    alert('New coffee added')


JS to CS - Part II

Convert the commented jQuery code below to CoffeeScript and use CoffeeScript-style string interpolation.ide

# $('#newCoffee a').click(function() {
#   var name = prompt('Name of coffee:');
#   alert("New coffee added: " + name);
# });

$("#newCoffee a").click -> name = prompt('Name of coffee:')
  alert("New coffee added: #{name}")


JS to CS - Part III

Convert the commented jQuery to CoffeeScript and use CoffeeScript-style string interpolation.this

# $('#newCoffee a').click(function() {
#   var coffee, name;
#   name = prompt('Name of coffee:');
#   coffee = $("<li>" + name + "</li>");
#   $('ul.drink').append(coffee);
# });

$("#newCoffee a").click ->
  name = prompt('Name of coffee')
  coffee = $("<li> #{name} </li>")


JS to CS - Part IV

Convert the commented jQuery code below to CoffeeScript. Use @ instead of this.spa

# $('.drink li a').click(function(e) {
#   e.preventDefault();
#   alert($(this).text());
# });

$('.drink li a').click (e) ->


JS to CS - Part V

Convert the commented jQuery code below to CoffeeScriptcode

# $('.drink li').mouseenter(function() {
#   $(this).find('span').show();
# });
# $('.drink li').mouseleave(function() {
#   $(this).find('span').hide();
# });

$('.drink li').mouseenter ->
$('.drink li').mouseleave ->


JS to CS - Part VI

Convert the commented jQuery code below to CoffeeScript.blog

//The hover function takes two functions as its arguments, like so:

# $('.drink li').hover(function() {
#   $(this).find('span').show();
# }, function() {
#   $(this).find('span').hide();
# });

$('.drink li').hover(