####15年4月 登錄後地址變爲http://weibo.cn/?vt=4 再也不顯示gsid (事實上顯示gsid的網址重定向到weibo.cn/?vt=4,如下截圖中會顯示,直接訪問並不能進入登錄頁面,用UC也不行)
試一下方法2, 邊作邊寫:
1 import urllib2 2 import urllib 3 import cookielib 4 5 import lxml.html as HTML 6 7 class Fetcher(object): 8 def __init__(self, username=None, pwd=None, cookie_filename=None): 9 self.cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar() 10 if cookie_filename is not None: 11 self.cj.load(cookie_filename) 12 self.cookie_processor = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cj) 13 self.opener = urllib2.build_opener(self.cookie_processor, urllib2.HTTPHandler) 14 urllib2.install_opener(self.opener) 15 16 self.username = username 17 self.pwd = pwd 18 self.headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:14.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/14.0.1', 19 'Referer':'','Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} 20 21 def get_rand(self, url): 22 headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows;U;Windows NT 5.1;zh-CN;rv: Firefox/3.6.9', 23 'Referer':''} 24 req = urllib2.Request(url ,urllib.urlencode({}), headers) 25 resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) 26 login_page = resp.read() 27 rand = HTML.fromstring(login_page).xpath("//form/@action")[0] 28 passwd = HTML.fromstring(login_page).xpath("//input[@type='password']/@name")[0] 29 vk = HTML.fromstring(login_page).xpath("//input[@name='vk']/@value")[0] 30 return rand, passwd, vk 31 32 def login(self, username=None, pwd=None, cookie_filename=None): 33 if self.username is None or self.pwd is None: 34 self.username = username 35 self.pwd = pwd 36 assert self.username is not None and self.pwd is not None 37 38 url = 'http://3g.sina.com.cn/prog/wapsite/sso/login.php?ns=1&revalid=2&backURL=http%3A%2F%2Fweibo.cn%2F&backTitle=%D0%C2%C0%CB%CE%A2%B2%A9&vt=' 39 rand, passwd, vk = self.get_rand(url) 40 data = urllib.urlencode({'mobile': self.username, 41 passwd: self.pwd, 42 'remember': 'on', 43 'backURL': 'http://weibo.cn/', 44 'backTitle': '新浪微博', 45 'vk': vk, 46 'submit': '登陸', 47 'encoding': 'utf-8'}) 48 url = 'http://3g.sina.com.cn/prog/wapsite/sso/' + rand 49 req = urllib2.Request(url, data, self.headers) 50 resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) 51 page = resp.read() 52 link = HTML.fromstring(page).xpath("//a/@href")[0] 53 if not link.startswith('http://'): link = 'http://weibo.cn/%s' % link 54 req = urllib2.Request(link, headers=self.headers) 55 urllib2.urlopen(req) 56 if cookie_filename is not None: 57 self.cj.save(filename=cookie_filename) 58 elif self.cj.filename is not None: 59 self.cj.save() 60 print 'login success!' 61 62 def fetch(self, url): 63 print 'fetch url: ', url 64 req = urllib2.Request(url, headers=self.headers) 65 return urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
38 url = 'http://3g.sina.com.cn/prog/wapsite/sso/login.php?ns=1&revalid=2&backURL=http%3A%2F%2Fweibo.cn%2F&backTitle=%D0%C2%C0%CB%CE%A2%B2%A9&vt=' 39 rand, passwd, vk = self.get_rand(url)
*從第7行開始按照代碼,查找頁面元素,可看到rand, passwd, vk這些值在哪裏:
(注意這裏的headers又被定義了一遍,而在_init_()中已經給定了self.headers,暫且註釋掉,而且根據實際所用的firefox版本(以上頁面Request Header中的user-agent項)改掉_init_中的self.headers.)
1 def get_rand(self, url):##############get rand, see html page 2 #headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows;U;Windows NT 5.1;zh-CN;rv: Firefox/3.6.9', 3 # 'Referer':''} #####why different? 4 req = urllib2.Request(url ,urllib.urlencode({}), self.headers) 5 resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) 6 login_page = resp.read() 7 rand = HTML.fromstring(login_page).xpath("//form/@action")[0] 8 passwd = HTML.fromstring(login_page).xpath("//input[@type='password']/@name")[0] 9 vk = HTML.fromstring(login_page).xpath("//input[@name='vk']/@value")[0] 10 return rand, passwd, vk
可看到有4個重定向,和一個200的最終url。 其中第一個重定向是POST方法,其他的都是GET。
40 data = urllib.urlencode({'mobile': self.username, 41 passwd: self.pwd, 42 'remember': 'on', 43 'backURL': 'http://weibo.cn/', 44 'backTitle': '新浪微博', 45 'vk': vk, 46 'submit': '登陸', 47 'encoding': 'utf-8'}) 48 url = 'http://3g.sina.com.cn/prog/wapsite/sso/' + rand 49 req = urllib2.Request(url, data, self.headers)
rand, password, vk字段都是在get_rand()時已經獲得。看一下登錄request中須要的具體數據項data:
1 mobile=******2 password_2854=******* ##這是上一次登錄的password名稱3 remember=on 4 backURL=http%253A%252F%252Fweibo.cn 5 backTitle=%E6%89%8B%E6%9C%BA%E6%96%B0%E6%B5%AA%E7%BD%91 6 tryCount= 7 vk=2854_cfe0_1714426041 8 submit=%E7%99%BB%E5%BD%95
#############update 4.21############
說錯了,這裏不是utf-8編碼,而是HTML轉義序列的unicode解碼, HTML轉義序列參見http://www.zhihu.com/question/21390312的最高票回答;
%8B%E6%9C%BA%E6%96%用unicode編碼以後成爲「&#, &#」格式的HTML轉義序列,character reference, "從 HTML 4 開始,NCR 以 Unicode 爲準,與文檔編碼無關"。
網頁編碼是utf-8而不是報文編碼。 個人火狐瀏覽器設置的編碼也是utf-8,因此解析出來是亂碼
用本地看到的POST data改一下原始代碼中的data部分,一樣也改一下POST請求的url:
1 data = urllib.urlencode({'mobile':self.username, 2 passwd :self.pwd, 3 'remember':'on', 4 'backURL':'http://weibo.cn/', 5 #'backTitle':u''.decode('utf-8').encode('utf-8'), 6 #'backTitle':'新浪微博', 7 'backTitle':'%E6%89%8B%E6%9C%BA%E6%96%B0%E6%B5%AA%E7%BD%91', 8 'tryCount':'', 9 'vk':vk, 10 #'submit':u''.decode('utf-8').encode('utf-8'), 11 #'submit':'登陆', 12 'submit':'%E7%99%BB%E5%BD%95'}) 13 url = 'http://login.weibo.cn/login/?' + rand + '&backURL=http%3A%2F%2Fweibo.cn%2F&backTitle=%E5%BE%AE%E5%8D%9A&vt=4&revalid=2&ns=1'
(3)經過GET獲得gsid,獲得登錄url,重定向到最終url "weibo.cn/&vt=4"
48 url = 'http://login.weibo.cn/' + rand 49 req = urllib2.Request(url, data, self.headers) 50 resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) 51 page = resp.read() 52 link = HTML.fromstring(page).xpath("//a/@href")[0] 53 if not link.startswith('http://'): link = 'http://weibo.cn/%s' % link 54 req = urllib2.Request(link, headers=self.headers)
如上上圖,須要GET weibo.cn/ + gsid,gsid的值在cookie中,如圖:
1 #get an important cookie value gsid from cookiejar 2 try: 3 beginPos = str(self.cookie).index('gsid_CTandWM') 4 endPos = str(self.cookie).index('for', beginPos) 5 except Exception as e: 6 print e 7 if beginPos >= endPos: 8 print "cookie was changed by sina" 9 else: 10 cookie_value = str(self.cookie)[beginPos: endPos] 11 self.headers2 = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0', 12 'cookie': cookie_value} 13 #use gsid to login 14 req = urllib2.Request(url="http://weibo.cn", 15 data=urllib.urlencode({}), 16 headers=self.headers2) 17 urllib2.urlopen(req)
1 # -*- coding : utf-8 -*- 2 import re 3 import urllib2 4 import random 5 import urllib 6 import cookielib 7 import socket 8 9 #import lxml.html as HTML 10 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup 11 12 class Fetcher(object): 13 def __init__(self, iplist=[], username=None, pwd=None, cookie_filename=None): 14 if iplist != []: 15 self.iplist = iplist 16 proxy_ip = random.choice(self.iplist) 17 self.proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': 'http://' + proxy_ip}) 18 else: 19 self.proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler() 20 21 self.cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar() 22 ##cookie jar, use self.cj to restore the cookies generated in the process 23 if cookie_filename is not None: 24 self.cj.load(cookie_filename) 25 self.cookie_processor = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cj) 26 self.opener = urllib2.build_opener(self.cookie_processor, urllib2.HTTPHandler, self.proxy_handler) 27 urllib2.install_opener(self.opener) 28 #urllib2 set environment(?) 29 30 self.username = username # 31 self.pwd = pwd # 32 self.headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0', 33 'Referer':'', 'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} 34 35 def get_rand(self, url):##############get rand, see html page 36 req = urllib2.Request(url ,urllib.urlencode({}), self.headers) 37 resp = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout = 10) 38 login_page = resp.read() 39 soup = BeautifulSoup(login_page) ####need fix? 40 rand = soup.form['action'][6:15] 41 passwd = soup.find_all('input', attrs = {"type":"password"})[0]['name'] 42 vk = soup.find_all('input', attrs = {"name":"vk"})[0]['value'] 43 print rand, passwd, vk 44 return rand, passwd, vk 45 46 def login(self, username=None, pwd=None, cookie_filename=None): 47 if self.username is None or self.pwd is None: 48 self.username = username 49 self.pwd = pwd 50 assert self.username is not None and self.pwd is not None 51 print self.pwd, self.username 52 53 url = 'http://login.weibo.cn/login/?ns=1&revalid=2&backURL=http%3A%2F%2Fweibo.cn%2F&backTitle=%CE%A2%B2%A9&vt=' #use this url to get rand 54 rand, passwd, vk = self.get_rand(url) ###sucess 55 data = urllib.urlencode({'mobile':self.username, 56 passwd :self.pwd, 57 'remember':'on', 58 'backURL':'http://weibo.cn/', 59 'backTitle':'%E6%89%8B%E6%9C%BA%E6%96%B0%E6%B5%AA%E7%BD%91', 60 'tryCount':'', 61 'vk':vk, 62 'submit':'%E7%99%BB%E5%BD%95'}) 63 url = 'http://login.weibo.cn/login/?' + rand + '&backURL=http%3A%2F%2Fweibo.cn%2F&backTitle=%E5%BE%AE%E5%8D%9A&vt=4&revalid=2&ns=1' 64 resp = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout = 10) 65 66 #get gsid from cookie 67 beginPos = str(self.cj).index('gsid_CTandWM') 68 endPos = str(self.cj).index('for', beginPos) 69 if beginPos >= endPos: 70 print "cookie was changed by sina" 71 else: 72 self.cookie_value = str(self.cj)[beginPos: endPos] 73 self.headers2 = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0', 74 'cookie': self.cookie_value} 75 76 req = urllib2.Request(url="http://weibo.cn", 77 data=urllib.urlencode({}), 78 headers=self.headers2) 79 urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout = 10) 80 81 #save cookie 82 if cookie_filename is not None: 83 self.cj.save(filename=cookie_filename) 84 elif self.cj.filename is not None: 85 self.cj.save() 86 print 'login success!' 87 88 def fetch(self, url): 89 print 'fetch url: ', url 90 req = urllib2.Request(url, headers=self.headers) #specify the headers parameter 91 return urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout = 10).read() 92