「Pig Latin」是一個英語兒童文字改寫遊戲,整個遊戲聽從下述規則:python
(1). 元音字母是‘a’、‘e’、‘i’、‘o’、‘u’。字母‘y’在不是第一個字母的狀況下,也被視做元音字母。其餘字母均爲輔音字母。例如,單詞「yearly」有三個元音字母(分別爲‘e’、‘a’和最後一個‘y’)和三個輔音字母(第一個‘y’、‘r’和‘l’)。ssh
(2). 若是英文單詞以元音字母開始,則在單詞末尾加入「hay」後獲得「Pig Latin」對應單詞。例如,「ask」變爲「askhay」,「use」變爲「usehay」。ui
(3). 若是英文單詞以‘q’字母開始,而且後面有個字母‘u’,將「qu」移動到單詞末尾加入「ay」後獲得「Pig Latin」對應單詞。例如,「quiet」變爲「ietquay」,「quay」變爲「ayquay」。code
(4). 若是英文單詞以輔音字母開始,全部連續的輔音字母一塊兒移動到單詞末尾加入「ay」後獲得「Pig Latin」對應單詞。例如,「tomato」變爲「omatotay」, 「school」 變爲「oolschay」,「you」 變爲「ouyay」,「my」 變爲「ymay 」,「ssssh」 變爲「sssshay」。遊戲
(5). 若是英文單詞中有大寫字母,必須全部字母均轉換爲小寫。ci
Welcome to the Python world Are you readyio
elcomeway otay ethay ythonpay orldway arehay ouyay eadyrayexception
請構建一個完整的程序,要求接下列輸入,而後將這段英文轉化爲Pig Latin語言,將輸出填入到空格中。
Python is intended to be a highly readable language It is designed to have an uncluttered visual layout frequently using English keywords where other languages use punctuation Furthermore Python has a smaller number of syntactic exceptions and special cases than C or Pascal
s= 'Python is intended to be a highly readable language It is designed to have an uncluttered visual layout frequently using English keywords where other languages use punctuation Furthermore Python has a smaller number of syntactic exceptions and special cases than C or Pascal' wds=[] wds =s.split() def re_index( my_name ): indx = 0 for i in my_name: if indx == 0 and (i not in 'aeiou'): indx = indx + 1 else: if indx >0 and ( i not in 'aeiouy'): indx = indx + 1 else: break return indx print re_index('Python') new_wds='' final_wds='' for i in wds: i = i.lower() if i[0] in 'aeiou': new_wds = i+'hay' else: if i[0] == 'q' and i[1] == 'u': new_wds = i[2:len(i)]+'qu' +'ay' else: new_wds =i[re_index(i):len(i)]+i[0:re_index(i)]+'ay' final_wds=final_wds+new_wds+ ' ' print final_wds